Java Swing Games perform poorly when many sprites are on the screen
I'm making a simple tower defense game in swing. When I try to place many elves (more than 20) on the screen, I encounter a performance problem
The whole game takes place on a JPanel with setignorerepair (true) This is the paintcomponent method (con is the controller):
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ super.paintComponent(g); //Draw grid g.drawImage(background,null); if (con != null){ //Draw towers for (Tower t : con.getTowerList()){ t.paintTower(g); } //Draw targets if (con.getTargets().size() != 0){ for (Target t : con.getTargets()){ t.paintTarget(g); } //Draw shots for (Shot s : con.getShots()){ s.paintShot(g); } } } }
The target class simple draws bufferedimage at its current position The getimage method does not create a new bufferedimage, but only returns an instance of the controller class:
public void paintTarget(Graphics g){ g.drawImage(con.getImage("target"),getPosition().x - 20,getPosition().y - 20,null); }
Each target runs a swing timer to calculate its position This is the actionlistener it calls:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!waypointReached()){ x += dx; y += dy; con.repaintArea((int)x - 25,(int)y - 25,50,50); } else{ moving = false; mover.stop(); } } private boolean waypointReached(){ return Math.abs(x - currentWaypoint.x) <= speed && Math.abs(y - currentWaypoint.y) <= speed; }
In addition, repaint() is called only when a new tower is placed
How to improve performance?
This may be your problem – let each target / bullet (I assume?) Being responsible for tracking when to update yourself and drawing yourself sounds like a lot of work A more common method is to cycle along the line
while (gameIsRunning) { int timeElapsed = timeSinceLastUpdate(); for (GameEntity e : entities) { e.update(timeElapsed); } render(); // or simply repaint in your case,I guess Thread.sleep(???); // You don't want to do this on the main Swing (EDT) thread though }
Essentially, an object in the chain is responsible for tracking all entities in the game and telling them to update and render them