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Java running program at command prompt: main class not found or loaded
I'm trying to learn how to compile and run using only the command line in windows This is the directory tree from the …… -
Java – performance comparison test between threadlocalrandom and shared static random instances
In our project for a task, we use static random instances to generate random numbers After the release of Java 7, a ne…… -
Java – draw a Christmas tree with “X”
I'm trying some online exercises in Java I have done a lot of exercises, but if n = 4, I will stick to an exercise tha…… -
Java – can I use appium – webdriver to run applications from a laptop (MAC) on a real device (iPhone)?
I have implemented appium to run my test cases on the iPhone / iPad simulator Using the simulator: capabilities.setCap…… -
Java – Eclipse: get null display
I tried to pop up a dialog box (i.e. a FileDialog) in the Eclipse Plug-in. In fact, I was running the relevant UI laun…… -
Java – sets a 4-bit nibble in the int type
We need to propose a method to set 4-bit nibbles in int setNibble(0xAAA5,0x1,0); // => 0xAAA1 setNibble(0x56B2,0xF…… -
Java – use Unicode to display the euro symbol and change the characters to uppercase
I have to use java to achieve this goal Part 1: output € 188 using character raw data type Use Unicode as the euro sym…… -
Java – draw five transparent circles on Google Maps V2 with the current position as the center
See English answers > draw five transparent circles on the Google map V2 1 I also need to display a mark in the cen…… -
Java – Android Google Maps error Android view. Inflateexception: binary XML file line #6: bad start class fragment
Therefore, after performing about 15 different stack overflow problems for the same error, I have another problem abou…… -
Java – Apache Cordova in NetBeans 7.4
I just downloaded NetBeans 7.4 and I'm trying to explore Apache Cordova This is the log ant -f /Users/jason/NetBeansPr…… -
What is the difference between stackpane and root in JavaFX?
I'm doing pie charts for JavaFX practice The following is the code for developing pie chart If I use group and stackpa…… -
Using java to read data from MySQL database
First, I'm using jtextfields to read the user's product name and product quantity For this product, I use SQL query to…… -
Java – what is the difference between int and integer in this script?
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class arr…… -
Java – list concurrentmodificationexception
I have the following code public void saveProjects(List<Project> proj) throws DatabaseException { for (Proje…… -
Prevent runtime method overrides in Java
>Class a method X () I want to create a class lib that will extend the activity class and override the methods (and…… -
Java – eclipse – > run as – > run on the server – how do I make it run with JBoss?
I use eclipse Juno, and I have done two projects: >One of them is actually an ear containing EJB projects and a pro…… -
How to resize button text – swing in Java
I'm new here and have taken my first step in Java For learning purposes, I'm trying to create a simple GUI using a gri…… -
Java – simpledateformat cannot resolve date
I have encountered some problems parsing string so far I searched for an idea on stackoverflow, and I got my answer, b…… -
Java – constructor parameter parsing
I recently started working on version 3.2 I try to understand constructor parameter parsing in case dependencies are p…… -
Java – unable to get unique list element
I tried to extract a unique element from the class list with the following format: [EntityClientPlayerMP['Player989'/2…… -
Java – why not use a pseudo-random number generator to generate test data?
Test the correctness from the Book Java concurrency in practice, chapter 12.1, especially 12.1 3 test security (the au…… -
Java – jmh does not pick up classes for benchmarking
There is a mistake, jmh did not promote my class to the benchmark package com.stecurran.jmh.entry; import org.openjdk…… -
Java – Android analog camera
Can I simulate the Android camera class? @Override public void setUp() { _camera = Mockito.mock(Camera.class); } U…… -
Java – exception org. In thread “main” hibernate. Mappingexception: unknown entity:
I am using my eclipse ide log4j:WARN No appenders Could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.Environment). log4j:W…… -
JSF – primefaces cannot be added as a library for ear
I want to use primefaces in my Java EE 6 (JBoss as 7.1.1final) application, which has the following structure: EAR |- …… -
Java:String. How does the contains (string) function work in Java?
I know that the time complexity of brute force method is n * m (M is the length of the first string and N is the lengt…… -
Java – jspg0122e: unable to parse El function in WebSphere 8
I am moving my web application from WebSphere 6.1 to WebSphere 8, and I encountered the following error in one of the …… -
Java opencv Tesseract OCR “code” region
I'm trying to automate someone's manual conversion of code to digital code Then I started reading about OCR So I insta…… -
Java – Solr – fields with default values reset themselves if store = false
When I set a field to stored = false and give it a default value, I encountered a strange problem with Solr (4. X) To …… -
Java – should I use throws when using throw?
My method has a return type that throws a NullPointerException public class Student { public String studentOne() {…… -
Why does Java HashMap get (key) faster than using set’s iterator to read the key when using the same HashMap iterator?
For HashMap < integer, integer >, after inserting 10000000 unique random values I use HashMap's keyset () to exe……