Java – what is the difference between int and integer in this script?
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class arraysAsList { public static void main(String[] args) { String [] arrayA = {"@R_471_2419@","Sun","Clock","Phone"}; Integer [] arrayB = {21,27,24,7}; List listStructureA = new ArrayList(); List listStructureB = new ArrayList(); listStructureA = Arrays.asList(arrayA); listStructureB = Arrays.asList(arrayB); System.out.println("My first list : " + listStructureA); System.out.println("Sun = " + listStructureA.get(1)); System.out.println("My second list : " + listStructureB); System.out.println("24 = " + listStructureB.get(2)); } }
I know that int is a primitive type and integer is a class But in this script, when I try to use int instead of integer, I get the error 'index out of bounds exception' I used int to create arrays before. What is the difference between int arrays and integer arrays? Thank you in advance
Arrays. asList(T...) Varargs. Is required When you pass integer [], type T is inferred as integer, and each element of integer [] is decompressed into different parameters of varargs
However, when you pass int [], because int is not an object, t is inferred as int [] Therefore, the method is passed a single element array with the value int [] Therefore, the number of varargs is different in both cases Therefore, accessing index 1 will give an error
Therefore, in one line - integer [] is a reference array of objects, and int [] itself is an object
You can use this method for simple tests:
public static <T> void test(T... args) { System.out.println(args.length); }
This method is then called:
int[] arr = {1,2,3}; Integer[] arr2 = {1,3}; test(arr); // passing `int[]`. length is 1 test(arr2); // passing `Integer[]`. length is 3