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Java – data structure with key value mapping and sorting
I need a data structure that provides key value mapping, such as map, but this also allows me to obtain keys based on …… -
Java – how to call arrayadapter constructor from fragment in Android
I'm trying to add a two - column listview to my android app When I create a project, I choose the fragment option, whi…… -
Java: why can’t my variables be passed to the constructors available to my methods?
So I declared some variables in main and created a new object; Pass a variable as a parameter to the constructor Now, …… -
Java – object instantiation using factory methods
I am currently taking CS2 course (data structure), in which Java is the language used. I am interested in comparing an…… -
Java: understanding the execution of static methods
There are printa in class A and printb in class B. There are two methods Printa is a static method and printb is a non…… -
Java – create 2D hash set function
I'm trying to make a 2D hash set I have a loop through integer pairs: ResultSet getAssociations; Statement get…… -
How to use JNI in a multithreaded environment_ CreateJavaVm(C)
I am working in JNI using C as my mother tongue I can create (c) shared libraries, and I can call Java functions with …… -
Java – how to avoid ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in this case?
See English answers > what causes a Java lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and how do I prevent it? 23 package co…… -
How to delete automatically generated code from NetBeans
Whenever I create a new jpanelform, NetBeans creates some automatically generated code in the initcomponents () method…… -
Java: how to output dual type numbers to integer format if the decimal number is 0
I have a dual type array {1.0,2.3,3.45,7.8,9.0,5.0} When outputting numbers, I want numbers with a decimal of 0 to be …… -
Java – convert sentences to arrays and delete characters and print new sentences
Disclaimer: This is a homework assignment The goal of the program is to propose a sentence and then: – convert upperca…… -
Java – get ecpoint / ecpublickeyparameters from byte [] of bouncy castle
So far, I have managed to generate ecdhe pairs in the lightweight API of inflatable castle However, I encountered a pr…… -
Java – regular expressions are slow. How to check whether a string is only word characters fast?
I have a function to check that a string (most strings have only one CJK character) has only word characters. It will …… -
Java – unable to find or load the main class file
See English answers > could not find or load main class 16 I received this error message My VM parameters: looks li…… -
Java – cannot cast to application using getapplication method
I have a class app that contains the context of my application App app = (App) getApplication(); import…… -
Java – I can’t create a default constructor from a class that extends dialogfragment, and I’ve created my own custom constructor
I'm confused about the error message about the default constructor I have two classes mainactivity and resultdialog So…… -
Java – binary search is not applicable to doubles
This program applies to integers, but not doubles There was no error, but the program returned - 1 Sorry, if this is a…… -
java. lang.ClassLoader. Error in loadclass (unknown source)
For my paper, I try to deal with some things with pictures. One step to complete it is to find the corners in the pict…… -
Java – does not work in Tomcat 7
I see the answer to this and suggest adding < absolute ordering > I'm using Tomcat 7.0 29 and some filters are d…… -
Java compilation error: open enumeration
I encountered a very strange mistake and I couldn't figure out how to solve it Projects compiled well on Windows canno…… -
How to delete the question mark in joptionpane?
How do I get rid of any markers in the upper left corner of joptionpane? int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(nu…… -
Java – SWT – modify window close button (red x)
When the user closes any application window using the window close button (red x) It will cause the widget is disposed…… -
Interface in Java
Code 1: public class User1 implements MyInterface { @Override public void doCalculation() { } } public class …… -
Java – use hibernate tools to generate a single table from the database HBM file
I want to create a hibernate mapping file for several (not all) tables from my database How can I do this? When I trie…… -
Build Maven jars from classes without Java sources
I want to build a maven jar artifact from the class I have no source files These classes were originally installed loc…… -
Java – trying to prove that the complexity of binary search is O (log (n))
I tried to prove the complexity of binary search Wikipedia says the worst case scenario is log (n) This means: If I ha…… -
Java – get null when retrieving int from another class
Basically, I did this program, and the computer generated a random card I created a class called 'rndnumber', which ge…… -
Java – how to find the mysterious information being printed?
OK, so I have a very large java project. I have worked for many years (games, if you have to know) Unfortunately, a my…… -
Java – internal classes in the interface
We can have a class inside the interface, which has different interface implementation methods I have a question here,…… -
Can a single core CPU achieve real concurrency?
"If you can feel the computer switching dozens of tasks every few milliseconds, you will certainly agree that the comp…… -
Java – JPA: even if the getter method is used, it will not load or delay loading I hope so?
Can you briefly explain what the following phrase means: My question is: >Does this mean that lazy may not be loade…… -
Java – ws4j returns infinity for the similarity measure that should return 1
I have a very simple code from this example. I use Lin, path and Wu Palmer similarity measures to calculate the simila……