包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – convert ifile to file
I have an ifile object that needs to be used as a Java io. File object I am using the following code for conversion fi…… -
Java: convert InetAddress to string
I searched a lot, but I couldn't find any way to convert InetAddress type to string (maybe my search was not very good…… -
Is there a Java library that generates class files from ast?
This page describes how to generate code using the code generator in javac, because I can build an ast (using a separa…… -
Java – how to programmatically enable POJO mapping in Jersey using grizzly2?
According to the instructions here, I have this Code: private static URI getBaseURI() { return UriBuilder.fromUri(…… -
Java – HTTP status 500 – provider org. Not found glassfish. json. JsonProviderImpl
I use netbeans-8, JDK 7, Tomcat 8.05 I created a webapp in NetBeans and put javax The JSON API was added to my project…… -
Java – run spring batch job programmatically?
I have a spring batch application. I start with commandlinejobrunner But now I have to embed this application into our…… -
Java – long floating point output display letters
I have the following code: String curDir = "."; File fileObject = new File(curDir); File[] fileList = fileObject.listF…… -
How much memory does Java – hashtable use?
In Java, if I create a hashtable < K, V > and put n elements in it, how much memory does it take? If it depends …… -
Java – you can add the available parameters of a request (HttpServletRequest)
I want to intercept a request in a filter / servlet and add some parameters However, the request does not expose an er…… -
Java – Custom encrypted GSM call
Can you capture voice audio streams using Java (JME or Android), customize encryption, and then send them as regular s…… -
Spring data paging JPA (limit and offset)
I want the user to specify the limit (returned size) and offset (the first record / index returned) in the query metho…… -
Managed Javadoc?
I have an open source project, hosted in bitbucket Bitbucket does not provide hosting a large number of small files (i…… -
From mm / DD / yyyy to dd-mmm-yyyy in Java
Is there a method in Java that can convert mm / DD / yyyy to dd-mmm-yyyy? For example: 05 / 01 / 1999 to 01-may-99 tha…… -
Use java to delete XML declarations from the generated XML document
String root = "RdbTunnels"; String root = "RdbTunnels"; DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilde…… -
Java – can I instantiate an anonymous class in the constructor of an external class?
I have the following code: public class Outer { public Interface Anony { public void callback(); } …… -
Java – how do I accept self signed certificates for JNDI / LDAP connections?
I need to connect to LDAP directory through SSL In a non production environment, we use self signed certificates, whic…… -
Symbolic references in Java
I've been playing java reflection and reflection these days Class format I'm learning the LDC command In the JVM speci…… -
Java – is it really unique to use the unique ID generation of UUID?
I want to generate unique IDs, just like automatic increment in Java So I used the current nanosecond before, but I fi…… -
Java CPU utilization should be 100%… But not
I run a java program on my Core i7 laptop with 8 cores (4 physical, 4 HT) The program uses 8 parallel threads, so it s…… -
Java – use gradle to upload the source to the nexus repository
I successfully uploaded my jars to a nexus repository, which uses the Maven plug-in for gradients, but did not upload …… -
Java – how to dynamically set the layout in Android
Then, suppose there is an activity called mainactivity. There are two layouts, layout1 and layout2, with few buttons T…… -
Why package info Java useful?
When I run checkstyle on my java project, it loses package info Java file For some courses, but not all I don't know w…… -
Loading JDBC libraries on arm without executing Java application
OK, we have a Java application "app. Jar" in a UNIX home directory with an external SQLite driver library - myapp/app.…… -
wait. Until (expectedconditions) no longer works in selenium
So far, I have used 2.45 In version 0, all waiting is completed as follows: webdriverwait wait = new webdriverwait(web…… -
Java – multiple choice test
I'm doing single - choice and multiple - choice tests I have several questions and four answers to each question Each …… -
Java is equivalent to Net version class?
. Net system Does the version class have a Java equivalent? What do you say in Java? Version myVersion = new Version(2…… -
How to handle outofmemoryerror in Java?
See English answers > how to deal with "Java. Lang. outofmemoryerror: Java heap space" error (64MB heap size) 17 Ex…… -
Java – convert map to map >
I have the map below Map<String,String> values = new HashMap<String,String>(); values.put("aa","20"); valu…… -
Java – calling static methods on classes?
I have a reference to a class object and sometype has a static method Is there a way to call this method without insta…… -
Java – swing: link toggle buttons and button groups, and corresponding menu items
For a school project, I need to make a simple painting application that can draw lines, ellipses and rectangles Assign…… -
Java – the difference between static and dynamic data structures
What are the main differences, advantages and disadvantages between static and dynamic data structures? In which categ…… -
Java – jtextfields: thread problem in activity drawing on JPanel
Has anyone tried to use swing to build an appropriate multi buffer rendering environment on which swing user interface……