包含标签:Java 的文章
How to ensure that a code block cannot be interrupted by any other thread in Java
For example: new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { while(condition) { *code that must not be in…… -
Java – add the classpath to the terminal running in the Maven integration test
I'm setting up integration testing for a maven project that generates war files (as shown here) http://docs.codehaus.o…… -
JAVA memory usage increases when app is used, but will not decrease when it is not used
I have a Java application that uses a lot of memory, but memory usage does not decline when the program is not used Is…… -
Java – using cookies in struts 2 and struts
I have the following (shortened) struts 2 actions: public class MyAction extends BaseAction implements CookiesAware { …… -
Design Java programmatically library. path
I can set up Java programmatically from the Java code itself library. Path? Not below System.setProperty("java.library…… -
Java – find the last row in an Excel spreadsheet
I'm using Apache's Java POI to find the index of the last row in an Excel spreadsheet I think it should be possible to…… -
Does rest (resttemplate) in Java – spring library support HTTPS protocol?
I tried to connect to the web server through HTTPS protocol, but the response Getbody () returns null and must return …… -
Java – image size supported by webcam
I am trying to retrieve the available picture size resolution supported by my webcam; Use opencv library I have tried …… -
Is this a new sort algorithm? [implemented in Java and pseudocode]
I know this may be a stupid question, perhaps the stupidest question today, but I have to ask: did I invent this sort …… -
Java – create a class whose objects cannot be created
I was studying for my BS, and my professor gave me a task. He said: create a class without using any access modifiers …… -
Java equivalent of numpy multidimensional object
After using it for some time, I really like numpy's multidimensional array It is very useful to write algorithms using…… -
Java – get Boolean values from the properties file
I have a property file with some Boolean values AFAIK,java. util. Properties has nothing like getboolean Is there any …… -
Java – read IOException from InputStream
When reading from InputStream on Android platform, I encountered a strange problem I don't know if this is an Android …… -
Equality – equals() and deepequals() in Java 7
The method statement states: Which (for me) suggests that if they maintain references to each object, using the equals…… -
When annotation is used as the super interface, the value of Java – @ suppresswarnings
I have an enumeration that implements annotations, and I get a warning: Does @ suppresswarnings that handle this warni…… -
Java – number of bundles in Android
Pass data from one activity to another through the following code: @Override public void execute(List<Report>…… -
If there are multiple spaces in a string in Java, how do you group them into a single space between words?
If a string has multiple spaces between words: The cat sat on the mat. How d…… -
Java comparison array
I have two arrays of unknown types... One way to check elements is the same: public static boolean equals(Object a,Obj…… -
Java – JUnit tests JNDI initialcontext outside the application server
Context context = new InitialContext(); Context context = new InitialContext(); dataSource = (DataSource) context.look…… -
java – org. hibernate. hql. ast. Querysyntaxexception: table name is not mapped
I have two models, item and shopsection They have a many - to - many relationship @Entity(name = "item") public class …… -
Java – how to add selendroid to the web crawl of Android studio?
I'm trying to use selenium to set up dynamic web scraping, but I can't seem to find the necessary graduation dependenc…… -
Java – HSQLDB sqlexception: establish database connection in memory
We have a desktop application with a local HSQLDB database Some customers report that their applications stop working …… -
Java – how to deserialize an object’s database when an object has different serialversionuids
My client has an Oracle database and an object through objutstream Writeobject is persisted as a BLOB field. The objec…… -
Java – convert ifile to file
I have an ifile object that needs to be used as a Java io. File object I am using the following code for conversion fi…… -
Java: convert InetAddress to string
I searched a lot, but I couldn't find any way to convert InetAddress type to string (maybe my search was not very good…… -
Is there a Java library that generates class files from ast?
This page describes how to generate code using the code generator in javac, because I can build an ast (using a separa…… -
Java – how to programmatically enable POJO mapping in Jersey using grizzly2?
According to the instructions here, I have this Code: private static URI getBaseURI() { return UriBuilder.fromUri(…… -
Java – HTTP status 500 – provider org. Not found glassfish. json. JsonProviderImpl
I use netbeans-8, JDK 7, Tomcat 8.05 I created a webapp in NetBeans and put javax The JSON API was added to my project…… -
Java – run spring batch job programmatically?
I have a spring batch application. I start with commandlinejobrunner But now I have to embed this application into our…… -
Java – long floating point output display letters
I have the following code: String curDir = "."; File fileObject = new File(curDir); File[] fileList = fileObject.listF…… -
How much memory does Java – hashtable use?
In Java, if I create a hashtable < K, V > and put n elements in it, how much memory does it take? If it depends …… -
Java – you can add the available parameters of a request (HttpServletRequest)
I want to intercept a request in a filter / servlet and add some parameters However, the request does not expose an er……