包含标签:Java 的文章
Is it faster (or better) to declare array inlining in Java?
Consider the following two almost equal method calls Notice how byte arrays are declared and allocated on both void Me…… -
Java – NullPointerException when the viewpager is displayed for the second time
The viewpager clip I use has two clips for children This is great, but when I replace the viewpager fragment with anot…… -
Use Boolean The valueof () method vs (or Java 1.5 autoboxing) creates a Boolean object
Boolean. Valueof() and Java 1.5 auto@R_750_2419 @A better approach between ing is to create Boolean values from Boolea…… -
Java – define encryption suite for TLS in JCA
I want to use JCA to support the following cipher Suites in TLS: > TLS_ PSK_ WITH_ 3DES_ EDE_ CBC_ SHA > TLS_ PS…… -
Java – why does the interface extend object according to the class file format?
Why does the JVM specification declare that the interface must have a super of Java / Lang / object_ Class, even if th…… -
Mongo Isodate query in Java
I have a Mongo query executed: query = { "dateField" : { "$gte" : ISODate('2011-11-10T07:45:32.962Z') } } When I exec…… -
Java – optical character recognition Android and opencv
At present, I am carrying out a project involving optical character recognition in Android. I really need the pointers…… -
How to convert ArrayList to JSON in Java
I have an ArrayList, which has a bunch of domain objects As follows: Domain [domainId=19,name=a,dnsName=a.com,type=0,f…… -
Java – how to always display decimal parts when using decimal format?
Float sum = new Float(300); // always somehow calculated Float sum = new Float(300); // always somehow calculated Deci…… -
Java – adjusts the selected file to filefilter in Jfilechooser
I write a graph editor in Java This application can choose to export to various standard image formats, such as jpg,. …… -
How to process different versions of XSD files in a Java application?
fact In my java application, I have to process XML files of different schema versions (XSD files) at the same time The…… -
How to debug Java Swing layout
There is a way to print layout information for specific components I know one way is there, but I forgot the name When…… -
javax. inject. Singleton and javax ejb. Differences between singletons
I'm confused javax inject. Singleton and javax ejb. What's the difference between singletons? Solution Adam bien gives…… -
Java – Android – disable the mylocation button on Google Maps
See the English answer > disable center button in mylocation at Google map API V23 I want to delete the mylocation …… -
Double precision of “= =” operator in Java
This method returns' true ' Why? public static boolean f() { double val = Double.MAX_VALUE/10; double save = val…… -
Java – Create directory recursively
Does anyone know how to use java to create subdirectories based on N-level depth letters (A-Z)? /a /a /a …… -
Java – jax-ws and saaj style, which one is used
What is the difference, philosophical or otherwise, between using the service and dispatch class and the soapconnectio…… -
Java – how to start the server Daemon in spring
I want to start the daemon mail service thread when the Tomcat server starts So I annotated a method with @ async anno…… -
Java – use ebean to map a collection of strings and enumerations (play 2.0)
There was a problem mapping strings and enum collections in my entity I followed different advice, but it didn't seem …… -
Java – how do I find file sizes in scala?
I'm writing a Scala script and need to know the size of a file How to execute correctly? os.stat('somefile.txt').st_si…… -
Java – how to add references in eclipse
I developed some software in access / VBA It handles lotus notes, so in the visual basic editor, I just went to the to…… -
Java – Scala point syntax (or missing)
When I came across a piece of code that meant nothing to me, I was experiencing this wonderful book Programming in sca…… -
Does Java support Julian calendar?
Oracle docs http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/intl/calendar.doc.html It claims that Java supports …… -
Java – for a class that uses Jackson to execute collection, deserialization fails
I have the following JSON: { "item": [ { "foo": 1 },{ "foo": 2 } ] } This is basically an object that contains…… -
Java – generate fractal rotation
I need to use the algorithm iterated function system to draw fractal vortices This fractal has coefficients: 0.745455 …… -
Java – spring securely switches to LDAP authentication and database permissions
I implemented database authentication for my web pages and web services @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity @EnableGloba…… -
Java – a description of how the classloader loads static variables
Well, this is a novice question about Java, but I don't seem to be sure I have the following code in my course private…… -
Java – what is mongodb’s jdbc driver class name?
In the case of MySQL, like com mysql. jdbc. Like driver, what is the jdbc driver class of mongodb? In Java code, you c…… -
How to generate RTF from Java?
I work on a web - based tool that provides customized printing At present, we use java to build an XML structure, prov…… -
Java – connection pool for dynamic database connections
The problem setting is based on a web service (spring / Java, tomcat7 and MySQL). Each user obtains its own database, …… -
Java – hibernate SQL query result mapping / conversion to object / class / bean
1 2: Select (table. * *) / (all columns) ok String sql = "select t_student.* from t_student"; //String sql = "select t…… -
Java – which runs faster, ArrayList or LinkedList?
There is already an answer to this question: > when to use LinkedList over ArrayList? 30 List li = new LinkedList()……