包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – recover the asynch threadpooltaskexecutor after a server crash / shutdown
I have a spring rest controller that uses spring's @ async method to call asynchronous methods and immediately returns…… -
Java – the previously created encoding file cannot be read correctly
I have a problem reading the encoded file. I have written my own code before Display the original string correctly (in…… -
Java – how to use Facebook to log in and get user information to send my remote database from Android Applications
Hi, I'm a new Android Developer. I need to save user information on my remote database I'm going to use Facebook and G…… -
Java – the interest calculator does not display results
I try to finish this at the last minute of my java class. When I run the program and ask whether the user information …… -
Java – unable to resolve host ”; There is no address associated with the host name
Reading RSS links in my android app, I received this error: In my simulator, I can connect to Google. Com through a br…… -
Java – unable to start Android studio
I installed Android studio a month ago and it ran successfully. I used Windows 7 (64 bit). Then I set up a new windows…… -
java. Lang. unsatisfiedlinkerror: no implementation was found because the library was not loaded
When it says jnilibs and other libraries When the so file could not be loaded, I was trying to integrate a shared libr…… -
Java – Android data binding test failed in module NoClassDefFoundError
I cannot run local unit tests in a module that uses the Android data binding library First, let me talk about how to c…… -
Java – Lombok builder containing existing data value classes
One library provides classes, such as org springframework. security. oauth2. provider. client. Baseclient details, whi…… -
Java – retrieves an array containing name value pairs from an Ajax request in spring MVC
I cannot retrieve the value in spring controller Who can explain what I did wrong? Ajax request fields[fieldID] = { 'n…… -
Java – ThreadPoolExecutor: get the specific runnable being executed
I am using ThreadPoolExecutor to execute multiple long-running tasks in the background. The pool size of ThreadPoolExe…… -
Java – dagger 2 has no initialization variables
Now I'm trying to implement dagger in my project. I have a problem Variables initialized in application components are…… -
Java – Tomcat multithreading deployment using managerservlet
I have 30 wars in tomcat, and there are dependencies between them So we have a servlet to deploy them sequentially Now…… -
Clojure – leiningen: about classnotfoundexception of classes appearing in “lein run” / “lein uberjar” project
I am trying to implement the java interface required by the legacy runtime I am using and instantiate an instance of t…… -
Reading scattered data from multiple files in Java
I am studying the reader / writer of DNG / TIFF files Since there are some options to process files (FileInputStream, …… -
Java – insertionsort using multidimensional arrays
In my code, I receive the values n and D on the first line. N will be the number of values I want to write, and D is t…… -
Java – how to build a jar for a specific operating system using Maven?
I am using Maven for eclipse to build a jar that can run on a remote server My system is running OS X and the server i…… -
Java – spring starts security, and oauth2 logs off to invalidate the session, so as to complete the authentication and approval cycle in the authorization server
I've been following Dave syer tutorial, SSO and oauth2, Part 5 https://github.com/spring-guides/tut-spring-security-an…… -
Java – JWT login process and token validation on the server
What is the correct way to verify tokens on the server? I use the JWT token mechanism in my application, which is how …… -
The Java spring rest API CORS is not applicable to delete requests through jQuery and chrome
I am creating a web front end written in jQuery, which uses the spring framework to send rest requests to rest Web Ser…… -
Java – Jackson @ jsonproperty is invalid if the property name is not equal to the field name
I have the following JSON { "kNown-name": "Zevs","approximate-age": 320 } And binding classes public class GodBindin…… -
How to close well when using the in-process Java RMI registry
case I use the in - process * Java RMI registry in the server process I bind an object in the registry My client proce…… -
Java – how to update the app engine application name when using Google account userservice
I have an existing App Engine (Java) application. We use userservice to authenticate our users' Google account When us…… -
Java – re: YouTube video rating API (V3) works in the simulator, but 403 errors occur in real devices
The client ID and password are correct I rechecked them Google login work, I also get access token, but when I try to …… -
How does elliptic curve Diffie Hellman use JavaCard with Java?
I'm trying to use elliptic curve Diffie Hellman to handle JavaCard (version 2.2.1) On JavaCard, I now have the followi…… -
java – Android:Generating Elliptic Curve KeypPair
I am trying to realize key generation based on elitic curves Diffie Hellman Now I want to specify my Eliptic curve mys…… -
How to change the line spacing of textarea in JavaFX
I want to change the linespacing (line height) of textarea. How is it possible? CSS is not helpful. I tried the follow…… -
Java – spring mongorepository save throws duplicate key exception
I'm using Java and spring As a test, I query the object by ID and try to save the same object without updating anythin…… -
Java – how to force the Android camera to display in portrait mode or let me rotate
I'm a new post, so please! I saw almost all the other questions related to this and tried the most, but I was complete…… -
Java – try the method again for some exceptions
I have the following methods to retrieve information from the server using a proxy Sometimes due to proxy errors, I ge…… -
Java – the host who insists on using a dagger in the activity
When you inject a presenter into an active range rotation, how do you keep the presenter active? My understanding is t…… -
Java – format spring error message parameters
I have a spring boot web application, and I reject the value in the controller, as follows: @RequestMapping(value = "/……