包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – jdbcbatchitemwriter – syntax error near keyword “on”
I am running the following query to insert records from my spring application into my SQL Server database using the jd…… -
Java – why does eclipse use older versions of code when exporting runnable jars?
I have a project that works perfectly when I run in eclipse However, when I exported it as a running jar, it gave me a…… -
Java – postreceive on channel ‘outputchannel’, message is null
I have a spring integration application that uses the httprequesthandling messaging gateway to accept JSON requests, s…… -
Java – how to exclude packages from context using @ webmvctest
I want to test application slices, but there is a package I want to exclude because it has nothing to do with those te…… -
Layout – JavaFX – vertically center text in textflow
I am currently using JavaFX's text and textflow layouts. I need to figure out how to place the text node in the center…… -
Java – spring boot oauth2 with custom security filters
I have a spring boot setup with oauth2 authorization and resource server The user can obtain the token by sending a po…… -
Java – can I select a file name in the Jfilechooser window?
I can set the default file name in the Jfilechooser window using the following command: fileChooser.setSelectedFile();…… -
Java – where to restore the user’s purchase within the application?
I've been following the junk Google tutorial, but it doesn't mention where to put code to restore user purchases In th…… -
Multithreading – if there were more threads, would my program get more CPU time?
If the current kernel is scheduling 60 threads, they belong to 3 processes: They are all doing calculations (no disk I…… -
Java – Android: how to build dates from server dates
I have the following code to convert the date string returned by the server into a self - string /** * Change date for…… -
Java – Android: targetapi is not recognized in the manifest
My list has the following lines: <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true"> But I got a lint warning: Attribute …… -
The correct format between two times in Java
I tried to calculate the number of hours between two in Java I'm using joda time library to format it The program can …… -
Java – job scheduling setrequiresdeviceidle (true) and setperiodic () do not work
I'm developing an application to execute the background task and check whether the device is idle in 10 seconds, but s…… -
How to use sonarqube5 3 analyze java code
The following error was given when analyzing the code Retrieve remote issues of project newsonarproject... Project not…… -
Java – navigation drawer and Android data binding
Sorry, my English is not good I need to use the Android data binding processing button to click I'm in content_ main. …… -
How to set up a custom DNS server using java 8 and open JDK?
How to use Java 8 and open JDK to set up a custom DNS server to resolve host names? I tried the following from other s…… -
After upgrading to Java 8 and build tool version 25, the Android test case failed
I have a bunch of normal test cases However, once my project is updated to build tool version 25 and Java has been upd…… -
Java – the content of the element type “property” must match
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-…… -
Restrict JavaFX filechooser to initial folder
I want to limit the JavaFX file selector to its initial directory Is there any way to achieve this goal? Solution This…… -
Java – filter ArrayList after converting long (from constructor) to string
I store this long value in the database as datetime. I have a question about how to filter these records according to …… -
Java – user registration page not verified
<?PHP <?PHP $name = $_POST["name"]; $age = $_POST["age"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; …… -
Java – hibernate does not automatically update the @ elementcollection
According to the book, I update a list of elementcollection, I don't do transition Begin, hibernate will submit automa…… -
Java – why is ActiveMQ 20% faster using the memorypersistencedadapter?
I am using active MQ with 99% non persistent themes For some tests where I only use non persistent messages, I have tr…… -
JavaFX: cleaning up tableview instances from memory
How should I clean up the tableview instance from memory, From what I learned, >Delete all listeners attached to th…… -
Java – why can’t my spring oauth2 server use SSL to self sign SSL?
I use OAuth 2.0 on my application I have 2 applications developed using spring boot, and one uses URL https://192.168.…… -
Java – determine the repository URL for Maven deploy file
I'm using Maven to build a specific project, and in POM, I'm using the Maven shade plug-in to build different variants…… -
Java – why don’t these code blocks give the same result?
So I'm a novice to thread. I wrote a simple program to test and avoid competition conditions My first attempt was to u…… -
Java 8 type inference causes generic types to be omitted at call time
After upgrading to Java 1.8, I encountered a problem with generic methods, which is good for Java 1.6 and 1.7 public c…… -
Java – reducer and MapReduce do not display errors, but do not provide the required output
Sales driver class package mr.map; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; imp…… -
Java – how to use “size” as the field name in Hibernate / JPA entities?
I have two JPA entities: virtuallot and virtualfiles Virtualfiles extends virtualinode VirtualFile. java @Entity @Tabl…… -
java – System. out. Print causes delay?
See the English answer > do not use system out. Println in server side code 9 package personal; public class Speed……