包含标签:Java 的文章
JavaFX: cleaning up tableview instances from memory
How should I clean up the tableview instance from memory, From what I learned, >Delete all listeners attached to th…… -
Java – why can’t my spring oauth2 server use SSL to self sign SSL?
I use OAuth 2.0 on my application I have 2 applications developed using spring boot, and one uses URL https://192.168.…… -
Java – determine the repository URL for Maven deploy file
I'm using Maven to build a specific project, and in POM, I'm using the Maven shade plug-in to build different variants…… -
Java – why don’t these code blocks give the same result?
So I'm a novice to thread. I wrote a simple program to test and avoid competition conditions My first attempt was to u…… -
Java 8 type inference causes generic types to be omitted at call time
After upgrading to Java 1.8, I encountered a problem with generic methods, which is good for Java 1.6 and 1.7 public c…… -
Java – reducer and MapReduce do not display errors, but do not provide the required output
Sales driver class package mr.map; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; imp…… -
Java – how to use “size” as the field name in Hibernate / JPA entities?
I have two JPA entities: virtuallot and virtualfiles Virtualfiles extends virtualinode VirtualFile. java @Entity @Tabl…… -
java – System. out. Print causes delay?
See the English answer > do not use system out. Println in server side code 9 package personal; public class Speed…… -
Java – optional part of jax-ws response message
TL; Dr: how can I have an optional < part > in response to < message > for WSDL service I am: >Locate a…… -
Java – you cannot use XML via maven unmarhsal
I have JUnit test, it is unmarshal, my XML object is good, its work! However, when I run the Maven command MVN surefir…… -
Java – how does limit in MySQL query make it possible to cancel flow
I want to know how the limit in the query prevents the application thread read from the MySQL stream from hanging duri…… -
Java – spring MVC – unable to compile classes for JSP
I'm following the spring MVC course of virtualpairprogrammers. There seems to be some problems with the workspace they…… -
Why is Java’s exchange Slot cache line fill like this?
When I read the 'false sharing' mechanism in Java, I was in Java util. concurrent. Exchanger. The following code is fo…… -
Java – static initializer does not appear to run during JUnit testing
I unit test the method of a static utility class: @Test public void createGenreString() { //Arrange String exp…… -
Java – the word cooccurrence in the sentence
I have a large set of sentences (10000) in a file The file contains one sentence per file In the whole set, I want to …… -
Java – block network calls from SDK Android App
I'm using Google's AdMob SDK, and some kind of initialization occurs during application startup, which basically leads…… -
Java – connect to the network using eclipse
I want to connect my Eclipse Plug-in to the HTTPS URL, but there is a problem because the user needs to accept the cer…… -
Java saves the file using special characters in the file name
I have a problem with java file coding I have a java program that saves the input stream as a file with a given file n…… -
Graphql Java Hello World: failed to add child schema to parent schema
I'm trying to prototype graphql Java( https://github.com/andimarek/graphql-java )And start building it from the Hell…… -
java. Lang.illegalstateexception: cannot read line 0 col 0 from cursorwindow
I need to get all the data from the table. I use the following code to perform the same operation in the SQLite dbhelp…… -
Java – Cross class access H2 connection
I'm trying to avoid static and singleton and integrate the local H2 database into my JavaFX application (java8) The ot…… -
Java – single sign on jetty with multiple webappcontext instances
I have an embedded jetty server that iterates over a list of webapps from many different locations (between different …… -
Java – redeployment on wildfly results in OUTOFMEMORY: Metaspace
I am currently investigating our recent meta - space problems One of the main reasons seems to be that duplicate class…… -
Java – download stream files through resttemplate
I have a large file download, which is provided by the restcontroller on one server. I need to stream it through the r…… -
Java – causality requirements in JMM
I try to understand JMM's causality requirements This part of JMM describes https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/s…… -
Java – parsing tables with jsoup
I'm trying to use jsoup to extract email addresses and phone numbers from the LinkedIn configuration file, each in a t…… -
Java – after GC applications run slowly
I have an application (game) running on the JVM The game's update logic (run 60 times / second) is complete, about 25%…… -
Java – unable to configure “keep alive” in camel HTTP component
I'm having some trouble setting up the HTTP component correctly Currently, microservices extract JSON content from the…… -
Java – Samsung pass SDK to change standby text in fingerprint dialog box
I am using pass SDK v1 2.1. According to the programming guide, there is a method to change the standby text displayed…… -
Java – is it possible to call soap WebService using retrofit?
Retrofit is a type safe HTTP client for Android and Java. My problem is to call Net server Can I use the retrofit inte…… -
Java – what is the best way to create an InputStream from Jackson jsonnode?
I want to find the smartest way to create the Java library Jackson's jsonnode's InputStream So far, I have done: IoUti…… -
Java – test report EclEmma vs sonar
I am running EclEmma and measuring the test coverage in the project Why are the results of the two tools different? So……