包含标签:Java 的文章
Assigning objects in Java
I have this Code: this.elements = elements; Where the element is list Copy list or just pointer copy, both represent t…… -
Java coding practices, runtime exceptions, and this scenario
In the following scenario, I try to understand how to handle this code and its relationship with runtimexception As I'…… -
What is the priority of static blocks in Java?
public class Static public class Static { static { int x = 5; } static int x,y; public st…… -
Java – how do I find a value between two strings?
How do I "find" and "get" the value between two strings? Namely: < a > 3 < / a > I'm reading a file to fin…… -
Java – problems in instance variable initialization
Here are some sample code, class Base { private int val; Base() { val = lookup(); } public int lookup() { …… -
Java – how to get the availability details of a running instance
I am traversing the list of running instances returned by the describeinstances API I want to know how to retrieve the…… -
How to change the default Java icon in Jfilechooser
I want to change the built - in Java icon from Jfilechooser JFrame class has seticon image() method of set icon But I …… -
Write a Java class and create only five instances of it
I want to write a Java class that can only be instantiated five times, just like a singleton class with only one insta…… -
Java – slidingmenu width incorrect
I use jfeinstein1's slidingmenu library. In my project I want to slide the slide menu out to about 3 / 4 of the screen…… -
Java – why does a function not have a parameterized return type because it has parameterized input?
This always forces us to return one parameter in case I need to return multiple, such as a list and a string There is …… -
Java string to int
I have a string of about 150 numbers, such as string num = "64513246563....."; I'm trying to add every number of this …… -
Java – if (pause = = null) {does not work
When pause is null, I use if (pause = = null) to perform some operations But I made a mistake For parameter type long,…… -
How to use equalsignorecase() for multiple elements in Java
if(string.equalsIgnoreCase("first") || if(string.equalsIgnoreCase("first") || string.equalsIgnoreCase("second") || s…… -
Java – traverses the array in reverse without minus sign
I was asked this question in today's interview I'm sure it's a very simple technique, but I can't think of it How do I…… -
Java – sort a list of non comparable elements
Today, I was asked this interview question: I know I need to make the person class implement comparable and then overr…… -
Are there tools for documenting Java applications?
I wonder if there is a tool for recording Java applications I mean, if I want to specify in my code what each function…… -
How to set the first day of the week in a Java application calendar
We use a Java application that has a date selection field when you click there to open a small calendar The first day …… -
Java – strange null pointer exception: ternary conditional operators do not use string concatenation
StringBuffer sb=null; StringBuffer sb=null; // Some more logic that conditionally assigns value to the StringBuffer …… -
Java recursive insertion sort?
So I tried to turn the following code into a recursive method to insert sorting, but although I tried, I couldn't Who …… -
Java – why doesn’t my JFrame display?
I'm trying to display a solved Sudoku puzzle in a window with 81 boxes I did this: import java.awt.GridLayout; import …… -
Java – create treemap visualization
I want an algorithm for creating treemap visualization Like this: an easy way to make a treemap The problem is that I …… -
Java – reproduce simpledateformat non thread safety in testing
I have an application that has this stack trace in the log from time to time: java.lang.Arrayindexoutofboundsexception…… -
Java – an alternative method to compare three ints for equality
int a = 10; int a = 10; int b = 10; int c = 10; I tried to find out if there was an alternative way to compare three i…… -
java – fragment_ display_ Message: My First Android application error
This is my first time developing mobile applications Environment: Eclipse Kepler, Java 1.7 backend: I follow these ste…… -
Java – cannot convert generic set?
I have an interesting problem today Consider the following code public static class Parent {} public static class Chil…… -
Java – good UI Design: how to handle empty listview?
My application connects to the network and populates listview Sometimes nothing is returned What is the best way to no…… -
Java – learn about ArrayList indexoutofboundsexception in Android
I get a lot of indexoutofboundseception from any ArrayList I use Most of the time it works, but sometimes I encounter …… -
Java – can any unused object escape from the garbage collector?
Are there any objects that may not be referenced anywhere and still exist on the heap I mean, an unused object may esc…… -
Java – JSTL and time zone
I have some questions about the time zone We store all dates in UTC time, but we need to display some of them both in …… -
Java code optimization, it will optimize this
For newer compilers, I find myself trying to write more readable code, but if the optimization I want to do under the …… -
Java – Android: how do I get two digits after a decimal value? Do not want to truncate the value
How to get a double precision value with only two digits after the decimal point For example, if a = 190253 8084615384……