包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – learn about ArrayList indexoutofboundsexception in Android
I get a lot of indexoutofboundseception from any ArrayList I use Most of the time it works, but sometimes I encounter …… -
Java – can any unused object escape from the garbage collector?
Are there any objects that may not be referenced anywhere and still exist on the heap I mean, an unused object may esc…… -
Java – JSTL and time zone
I have some questions about the time zone We store all dates in UTC time, but we need to display some of them both in …… -
Java code optimization, it will optimize this
For newer compilers, I find myself trying to write more readable code, but if the optimization I want to do under the …… -
Java – Android: how do I get two digits after a decimal value? Do not want to truncate the value
How to get a double precision value with only two digits after the decimal point For example, if a = 190253 8084615384…… -
Java exception handling?
The following code calculates the average of the numbers stored in the text file Solution If necessary, you can use Ja…… -
Java – how to operate on large numbers that cannot be stored in a variable
In Java, I want to be able to operate on very large integers (which cannot be stored for a long time). What should I d…… -
Java – use check boxes to wrap text in a text area
I created a dialog box for editing data in swing It contains a jtextarea, two JButton instances (OK & cancel) and …… -
java. lang.OutOfMemoryError:
I'm trying to create a video file from the bytes retrieved from the database The plan worked well a few hours ago Afte…… -
Java – intelligent garbage collection?
You simply call system GC () can do garbage collection in Java, but sometimes this "delays" the application Collecting…… -
Java – can each thread have a unique static variable?
I have a static variable and I want each thread to be unique Is this the case with all static variables? Or there is n…… -
Java – enabling websecurityconfigurer via @ profile does not work
I think I have a very simple and basic setup for running spring boot webapp with some authentication locally I hope th…… -
What is the best way to use hibernate’s detachedcriteria to limit results in Java?
I use hibernate 3.5.0 in Java 6-Final. Because I can't access hibernate session, I use detachedcriteria So, I want to …… -
Get the certificate and add it to the Java trust store, only HTTPS URL?
I'm trying to send push notifications to Android devices through Google cloud messaging server The URL we use is: http…… -
java – Arrays. asList(). Contains() gives the wrong result
code: private static final int[] GOOGLE_DIRECTION_ID_FOR_MATCH = { 11,12,13,14,15 }; Log.e(TAG,"index : " …… -
Java – Python unit tests almost never check types
I'm using JUnit to do some tests written in Java, but I can't notice the focus of checking object "types" This is some…… -
What is double in Java Objective-C equivalent of Nan?
What is Java's double Objective-C equivalent of Nan? I have a function that returns double, but it can return double i…… -
The Java shutdown hook is not running
I'm new to Java / threads, and I inherit code similar to the following It is a command line program. Main() only start…… -
Java – how do you view the “anti if” movement and its goals?
I have a developer who has been using if else or if else statements for the last three years, which is a lot in my pro…… -
Java – string as key in HashMap
I have seen that only string is used as a key in HashMap Although the put () method takes object as an argument What i…… -
Java – return interface list
I have this problem. I want to return a list of interfaces and implementation classes only after the if block public i…… -
Java – there are only five instances of classes
I want only five instances of classes throughout the application lifecycle How can I do this? If possible, please prov…… -
Java string to int
I have a string of about 150 numbers, such as string num = "64513246563....."; I'm trying to add every number of this …… -
Java swing – JPanel and GridLayout margins / padding
I'm trying to build a chess game in Java. I'm having some trouble getting the GUI exactly the way I want using swing I…… -
Java – format date on jspinner
I have a jspinner in the format yyyy MM DD HH: mm: SS The problem is that the spinner 'HH' can only reach the value of…… -
Java – system. Java used by threads Setproperty affects other threads that communicate with external network elements How?
In my application, I have two threads Each thread communicates with a different external entity Let's say T1 – > N1…… -
Java – why can’t we overload a method based on the throws exception?
Why can't we overload methods that have the same return type, name, and parameters but have some exceptions thrown? As…… -
Java – check whether the condition is’ null ‘
I have questions about checking null conditions For example: if(some conditon) value1= value; //value1 is string type…… -
java – System. out. Println () is a field method?
If out is a field of the system class How can you use the println () method in a field? Where does this println () met…… -
Where can I download the source code of Java se (Java. Lang, Java. Util, & C.)?
See English answers > Where can I see the source code of the sun JDK? 10 Solution The source code comes with the Ja…… -
Java – how to create email links in POI word format
How do I create external links or e-mail links in xwpfdocument? There is a description about excel (HSSF xssf), but I …… -
Java – how to create a very large BigInteger
I need to add two very large integers 46376937677490009712648124896970078050417018260538 + 371072875339021027987979982……