包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – why would anyone construct a while loop like this?
I'm reading a book about Java. We're reading a ByteBuffer from a channel I found the author's way to construct an odd …… -
Java – load using applet DLL and use it on the client
I can load from the server to the client in the applet, and then call the load on the client DLL (using JNI)? Solution…… -
Java monitoring: JMX and servlets
In the past few years, I have learned a lot about JMX and built some very beautiful MBeans for my web applications But…… -
Java – is there any way to know the type of object?
The scheme is that I pass an object as a parameter in the method, and I want to perform the operation according to the…… -
java – Math. Invalid cos
This point of my program should use the cosine rule to calculate bottomangle public double bottomAngle() { to…… -
Java displacement causes a negative number
I try to use displacement to convert bytes to hexadecimal (as char) equivalent However, I encountered some unexpected …… -
Java – format text fields with jcombobox
I have a GUI window asking for break time The result I want is, for example, 1:15 – int hours = 1 and int mins = 15 – …… -
Java – can I add or modify elements at the head of a link blocking queue?
Or perhaps it's better to use other classes to access data synchronously? Solution If you want to manipulate both ends…… -
Java – how to convert static variables in a class to JSON
Hello, I have a class constant that only contains static variables Public class constant public class Constant { p…… -
Java – when a statement is considered a single entry / single exit, when it is not?
I'm not sure if I can use it well. For example, if statements in Java are called single entry / single exit statements…… -
Java – Android: read the HTML of the web page into a string
I'm new to Android development. I'm trying to read the HTML of the web page, store it in the following string ("myhtml…… -
Inheritance in T and Java
I have a class a static field F: class A { public static String F = null; } Class B: class B extends A { public…… -
Java – too many garbage collection threads
I'm using java to develop software that creates a thread when receiving events (from sensors) The lifetime of these th…… -
Java – internal static class field visibility
I have two classes, as follows public class A{ private static class B{ private static int s1; private static …… -
Java – test greenmail without installing an SMTP server
I'm trying to use greenmail to test the email function on my localhost The problem is that I don't have an SMTP server…… -
Java regular expressions remove SQL comments from strings
I hope someone can help me solve this problem! I have an SQL file that looks like this: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS use…… -
The try catch block cannot suppress Java lang.NullPointerException
I got Java Lang.nullpointerexception, I don't know why I tried to use the try catch block, but it didn't work Can anyo…… -
Java – the code is compiled in eclipse, but not from the command prompt
The following code has no problem compiling in eclipse using JDK7 (I use update 10, but it should be used with any ver…… -
Java – find the nth prime
I wrote the following code to find the nth prime Can this improve time complexity? Description: ArrayList arr stores c…… -
java. Lang.illegalstateexception: unable to retrieve entitymanagerfactory of unitname crudpu
I need to test for my new job, but it seems that I'm in a coma JDBC / crudds has been configured on the server, Ping s…… -
Java – disable the open button in Jfilechooser?
I extended a Jfilechooser and overridden the approveselection method so that when the user selects an invalid director…… -
macos – 10.8. Java Web Start and native (Apple) Java 1.6 in 2 cannot find JRE
I'm trying to run some on the latest OS - X JNLP application (game) When doing so, Java Web start App suggests that I …… -
Java cannot reference non final variables
Continue to give me the following code: package com.gwt.churchweb.churchweblogin.client; import com.google.gwt.user.c…… -
Java – generics – cannot be added to a list with unbounded wildcards
I instantiate the following list: // I am just revising generics again and the following is just cursory code! List<…… -
Java – NetBeans do not recognize arrayutil
I am using the following statement int[] numList = ArrayUtil.randomIntArray(100,100); I have imported it import java.u…… -
Simplify this generic method to join Java arrays
My goal is to implement a method that connects any number of arrays to a single array of their common supertypes and r…… -
Java – reasoning of object-oriented access specifiers
I have a general question about the reasons for object - oriented access specifiers I never fully understand why they …… -
java – Camera. Parameters device specific crash (Samsung S3 mini)
The following code is using Galaxy nexus, Samsung S3 and HTC one X, but it crashes on Samsung S3 Mini @Override public…… -
Java – retrieve words from strings
I have this line: (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = XXX)(HOST = YYY)(PORT = ZZZ)) I need to retrieve the host name, in this case …… -
Java – Convert byte array to double array
I encountered some problems with WAV files in Java WAV format: PCM_ Signed 44100.0 Hz, 24 bit, stereo, 6 bytes / frame…… -
How to compare two string arrays without Java utils
Check whether array Arr1 contains the same elements as arr2 in the same order in Java For example: isTheSame({"1","2",…… -
How to select random numbers in a range, but weight them to a part of the range? (in Java)
I want to choose a random number from a series of numbers, but I want to weight part of the range For example: >Sel……