包含标签:Java 的文章
String initialization and connection in Java
Everything is fine in my application, but I want to improve performance and optimize my code Which of the two is bette…… -
Connecting with Oracle in Java application
I have downloaded Oracle express 11g and installed it Now I want to connect it from a Java application This is my conn…… -
Java – getting fragmenttransaction from activity when using compatibility
So I'm developing a project that I want to run on traditional Android devices, so I use the compatibility library I us…… -
Java – common objects in Apache thrift
I wonder if I can use IDL language to define "general object" in Apache thrift, similar to the "object" class in Java …… -
Java – abstract methods have no body?
I'm a novice in Java (I've been studying for 4 months now) So my question may seem too simple My understanding is that…… -
Java – underlying datastructure of HashSet
For ArrayList, the basic datastructure is array. For LinkedList, it is a link object. For HashMap or hashtable, it can…… -
Java – written in ColdFusion Properties file
Has anyone done this? Solution You can easily do this using the underlying Java properties class: <cfscript> fos…… -
Java – rules that implement comparison methods
Like CompareTo, it must be "reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive". Are there any rules to implement the comparison …… -
Why does my really simple java program sometimes work and sometimes it doesn’t work?
I've just started using Java and only used PHP before - it's hard to find object - oriented things I am using the ecli…… -
Java: large integer error
I want to use the following mathematical formula in Java: (44334*(220*220))+ (81744*220) + 39416) When I enter the sam…… -
Java – JNI local reference table summary (512 entries)
I have more than 10000 city names that I want to display in listview I store these names as cities in the RES / values…… -
How to execute “javac and Java commands” from a java program?
Is there any way to execute "javac and Java commands" from Java programs? If so, please help me Solution Like runtime …… -
Java – how do I find a value from the HashMap closest to a specific number?
Hi, I have a HashMap < < string, double >, and a function that returns a double value called the answer I wan…… -
Java static synchronization method
What happens when two threads call static synchronization methods with different instances at the same time? Is it pos…… -
JPA – sun. After adding entitylisteners reflect. annotation. Typenotpresentexceptionproxy exception
The following crash occurred when adding entitylisteners to the application using @ entitylisteners (value = {myeventl…… -
Java – error: unable to find or load the main class test
I'm currently teaching myself ANTLR. When I finished the book "the defined ANTLR reference", I encountered a problem I…… -
Handling runtime exceptions in Java
I have the following code try{//do something } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e,e); if (e inst…… -
Java – SVN deletes files. How can I recover them?
I use eclipse and subversion in Ubuntu Linux Today, I created some new Java class files and edited the old files (thes…… -
Graphic implementation in Java
I'm trying to create a graph class that uses another class. The vertex class represents all the vertices of the graph …… -
Java – returns two different values from the method
I have a method to parse the string record list into an object and return the object list So my method signature is li…… -
Concurrency – redundancy without central control points?
If you can provide services to multiple clients, if the server providing this service fails, another server will occup…… -
Java – insert jlabel into jcombobox
http://prntscr.com/1gpdqe Sorry, this is my first time to attend this forum Can someone help me? I've been trying to J…… -
Java – why would anyone construct a while loop like this?
I'm reading a book about Java. We're reading a ByteBuffer from a channel I found the author's way to construct an odd …… -
Java – load using applet DLL and use it on the client
I can load from the server to the client in the applet, and then call the load on the client DLL (using JNI)? Solution…… -
Java monitoring: JMX and servlets
In the past few years, I have learned a lot about JMX and built some very beautiful MBeans for my web applications But…… -
Java – is there any way to know the type of object?
The scheme is that I pass an object as a parameter in the method, and I want to perform the operation according to the…… -
java – Math. Invalid cos
This point of my program should use the cosine rule to calculate bottomangle public double bottomAngle() { to…… -
Java displacement causes a negative number
I try to use displacement to convert bytes to hexadecimal (as char) equivalent However, I encountered some unexpected …… -
Java – format text fields with jcombobox
I have a GUI window asking for break time The result I want is, for example, 1:15 – int hours = 1 and int mins = 15 – …… -
Java – can I add or modify elements at the head of a link blocking queue?
Or perhaps it's better to use other classes to access data synchronously? Solution If you want to manipulate both ends…… -
Java – how to convert static variables in a class to JSON
Hello, I have a class constant that only contains static variables Public class constant public class Constant { p…… -
Java – when a statement is considered a single entry / single exit, when it is not?
I'm not sure if I can use it well. For example, if statements in Java are called single entry / single exit statements……