包含标签:Android 的文章
[Android] displays the intention to activate another activity
You can use the jump method similar to Java Web to realize the interface transformation The display intention is to sp…… -
[Android] mobile guard gesture sliding switch screen
Define gesture recognizer Get the gesturedetector object of gesture recognizer through new gesturedetector (context, l…… -
[Android] interface Division
1. Unified interface management 1.1 use an activity to manage all the interfaces of the application 1.1.1 understand t…… -
[Android] content watcher
Intercept short messages. For example, when sending short messages, read them out. When the system's short messages ch…… -
[Android] mobile guard custom combination control
set focus New settingactivity Set click events for GridView entries Call setonitemclicklistener() method of GridView o…… -
[Android] Android project architecture
Preparation steps: 1. Create project (set compatible version, minimum compatible version) 2. Import common jar package…… -
[Android] container linkage through comparison
When the intermediate container changes, the title bar should also change Design comparison basis: Abstract methods ar…… -
Lifecycle of [Android] activity
Override the following methods in mainactivity: Print the log in these methods. In order to facilitate viewing, add a …… -
[Android] mobile guards save security numbers
Call setonitemclicklistener() method of listview object to set click event of item. Parameter: onitemclicklistener obj…… -
[Android] mobile guard blacklist function (SMS interception)
We have stored and displayed all the mobile phone numbers that need to be intercepted. Next, we use the broadcast rece…… -
[Android] implementation of return key operation
Record the operation history clicked by the user, use the stack data structure, frequently operate the top of the stac…… -
[Android] upload files to the server
Asynchronous HTTP framework post submits data to the server Previously, we used the common method of post submission o…… -
[Android] the principle of mobile location of mobile guards
There are three ways of mobile phone positioning: network positioning, base station positioning and GPS positioning Fo…… -
[Android] Youku ring menu – relative layout exercise
Youku ring menu The layout file uses the < relativelayout / > control as the first level menu. Relative to the l…… -
[Android] get the contact information of the system
Content provision is essentially an interface and a back door. It provides data to others. The system contact is a mor…… -
[Android] WebView interacts with JS
Get WebView object Call the getsettings () method of the WebView object to get the websettings object Call setjavascri…… -
[Android] mobile guard blacklist function (listview optimization)
The previous article recorded that 100 pieces of data were displayed using listview. When dragging slowly, there will …… -
[Android] exercise style theme custom activity switching animation
Mainly practiced customizing styles and themes, inheriting and modifying the default style of Android system, and prac…… -
Startup mode of [Android] activity
Create two activities and two layout files. There are two buttons in the layout to open the first and the second When …… -
[Android] mobile guard input box jitter and mobile phone vibration
Check apidemos, find view / animation / shake, find the corresponding animation code, and copy it directly When import…… -
[Android] mobile guard blacklist function (listview combined with SQLite)
Modify the interface, add an add button on the top bar, click to open a custom dialog box, enter the phone number and …… -
[Android] mobile guard interface switching animation
Create the file tran in / RES / anim /_ out.xml Add < translate > node Set X-axis source coordinates Android: fr…… -
[Android] mobile guard mobile phone realizes SMS command to obtain location
Get location Create a new service package Create a new gpsservice class to inherit the service class of the system Reg…… -
[Android] network link types and channels
1. Implementation mode 1.1 using httpurlconnection 1.2 using httpclient 1.3 use sockets, such as pea pods and chat too…… -
[Android] Android custom styles and themes
Simply practice customizing styles and themes. Styles are added to view and themes are added to application or activit…… -
[Android] mobile guard setup wizard page
Set the wizard page, judge whether it has been set through shared preferences, and jump to different pages custom styl…… -
[Android] frame animation and gap animation
Display a picture frame by frame and connect it into animation Create a xxx.xml file in the RES / drawable / directory…… -
[Android] title section management
1.1 general title 1.1.1 Title Content Management 1.1.2 help and return buttons 1.2 unlisted title 1.3 title in login 1……