Life cycle and communication of [Android] fragment
Rewrite the lifecycle method
All fragments are attached to an activity. Fragments can be created only when the activity is displayed
Onattach, when attached to an activity
Oncreate, when the interface is created
Oncreateview. Return the view object after creation. It is important
Onactivitycreate, when the activity is created
OnStart, when the interface becomes visible to the user
Onresume, when the focus is obtained
Onpause, when you lose focus
Onstop, when the interface is not visible
Ondestroy, when the interface is destroyed
Ondestroyview, view object destruction, important
Ondestroy, fragment destruction
Ondetach, unmount
Communication between fragments
There are two fragments in the layout interface. Modify the contents of another fragment in one fragment
One fragment 1 has a button and the other fragment 2 has a textview. Click the button to modify the text
Override the oncreateview() method of fragment1,
Call the inflate () method of the layouteinflator object to convert the layout file into a view object
Call the findviewid() method of the view object to get the button object
Call the setonclicklistener() method of the button object, set the click event, and implement the onclick() method internally
In the onclick () method
Call getactivity () method to get the container activity object, and call getfragmentmanager () method to get the fragmentmanager object,
Call findfragmentbyid() of the fragmentmanager object to obtain the fragment2 object. Parameter: the control ID of another fragment2
In the fragment2 class, you need to expose a method to modify your internal control content
Call the exposed method in the fragment object obtained in the previous step
Use the activity container in the middle to achieve the purpose of communication between two fragments