[Android] mobile guard custom toast
Continue to add the member method mytoast() in the addressservice, which was used to listen for incoming calls
Get the textview object, new, and construct the parameter: context object
Call the settext() method of the textview object to set the text
Call settextsize() method of textview object to set the size. Parameter: int
Call the settextcolor() method of the textview object to set the color
Get WindowManager object, call getsystemservice() method, parameter: Windows_ SERVICE
Call the addview() method of the WindowManager object and add it to the view. Parameters: view object, windowmanager.layoutparams object
The setting of layoutparams object refers to the show() method of toast class
At this time, the view will be displayed for making and receiving calls, but it cannot be eliminated
In the previous method of judging incoming calls, monitor the idle state of the phone and remove this view
Add telephonymanager.call to switch judgment_ STATE_ IDLE
Judge whether the textview object is empty
Call the removeview() method of WindowManager object. Parameters: view object (textview added above)
Using layout files
Create a new layout file address_ toast.xml
Linear layout, horizontal arrangement, one ImageView, one textview, textview definition ID
In the method of customizing toast
Call the view. Inflate() method to obtain the view object. Parameters: context, resource file, null
Just add this view