Java – eclipse RCP – add a listener immediately after creating the view
Greetings to stackovlowians, I am developing an eclipse RCP application and must add the selectionlistener to the Proj…… -
Java spring MVC: no mapping found for HTTP request with http
I had a problem setting up spring MVC... I have this project structure -SpringTest<br /> -Java Resources …… -
Java – Solr – fields with default values reset themselves if store = false
When I set a field to stored = false and give it a default value, I encountered a strange problem with Solr (4. X) To …… -
Java – list concurrentmodificationexception
I have the following code public void saveProjects(List<Project> proj) throws DatabaseException { for (Proje…… -
Java: get sample request XML from WSDL
Is there a way to get the sample request XML using WSDL (URL) alone? The following is WSDL: http://www.webservicemart.…… -
Java – which is better to assign attribute values in constructors or classes?
Are there any differences between instantiations of the following types? If not, what are the best practices? "In clas…… -
How do I use wildcards when searching for resources in a Java based spring configuration?
I'm converting XML to a Java based spring 3 configuration, and I can't find a way to "translate" beans that use wildca…… -
Javafx-2 – is there any way to hide the stage after a certain time?
Is there any way to hide a stage a few seconds or minutes after the specified time? Solution Solutions using timeline:…… -
Java – swing JTable sorted by date
I want to sort jtables by date in a column, but only display dates in DD mm yyyy format So all entries are the same, b…… -
Prestodb – Presto API options other than JDBC
In addition to JDBC, there are all other options for getting data from hive to the user interface through the Presto q…… -
Running continuous commands linux using java runtime Exec
I need to run two linux commands using java code, as follows: Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process…… -
JSF – deploying the primefaces application to glassfish4 will result in Java lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org / apache / commons / fileupload / FileItem
I want to use < p: calendar > in the JSF application I developed in NetBeans, so I added the primefaces library …… -
Java – internal classes in the interface
We can have a class inside the interface, which has different interface implementation methods I have a question here,…… -
Java – regular expressions are slow. How to check whether a string is only word characters fast?
I have a function to check that a string (most strings have only one CJK character) has only word characters. It will …… -
Java – JUnit: use parameterized types – arrays to assert the equality of collections
I try to assert the equality of the following sets: String[] arr1= new String[] { "1","2","3" }; Collection<String[…… -
java – Linux x86_ Cassandra startup error 1.2 on 64 six
Try from the latest stable version – 7000 – 1.2 6 installing Cassandra on Linux I have modified cassndra Yaml points t…… -
Java opencv Tesseract OCR “code” region
I'm trying to automate someone's manual conversion of code to digital code Then I started reading about OCR So I insta…… -
Java – what is the difference between int and integer in this script?
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class arr…… -
heroku – system. Properties and Java version
I wanted to deploy my java 7 application to heroku, but I encountered some problems with the Java version I added syst…… -
Java – place the application icon in the Android project
This is a stupid question, so I'm sorry. If I was asked before but I can't find the answer, I'm not even sure whether …… -
Java – get arrayindexoutofbound: 1 exception
I try to parse a string and store it in a string array When I try to parse the string "Log1", I can parse it Run the f…… -
Javafx-2 – what is this public API in JavaFX that needs to be clarified?
I am very concerned about the term public API in JavaFX speakers >What is a public API? What should it mean? > I…… -
Java – how to delete all child rows when deleting a parent using Hibernate?
I have two tables // Accounts @OneToMany(mappedBy="accounts",cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @Cascade(org.hibernate.annotatio…… -
How do I add subcomponents and new properties to a custom JavaFX control?
I want to create a new JavaFX component and use it in fxml How do I define the usage possibilities and subtypes of thi…… -
Java – wicket dropdownchoice cannot use propertymodels normally
I've been trying to debug why my dropdownchoice is just a simple form. Only dropdown and a submit button don't work pr…… -
Java – JDK environment variable with Tomcat (Ubuntu 12.04)
In Ubuntu, I set up the JDK environment (java_home, jre_home), and Java version can be used >No Java defined_ Home …… -
Java – how to find the mysterious information being printed?
OK, so I have a very large java project. I have worked for many years (games, if you have to know) Unfortunately, a my…… -
Java – get ecpoint / ecpublickeyparameters from byte [] of bouncy castle
So far, I have managed to generate ecdhe pairs in the lightweight API of inflatable castle However, I encountered a pr…… -
Java – httpclient: determines the empty entity in the response
I want to know how to determine an empty HTTP response For example, I perform HTTP post on the web server, but the web…… -
Java – real time game development
I want to use libgdx to develop a real-time game for Android I need to update some variables even the dough game is no…… -
Java – jspg0122e: unable to parse El function in WebSphere 8
I am moving my web application from WebSphere 6.1 to WebSphere 8, and I encountered the following error in one of the …… -
Using java to read data from MySQL database
First, I'm using jtextfields to read the user's product name and product quantity For this product, I use SQL query to……