Sonarqube and Java plug-ins are installed, and there are no rules under the quality configuration file
I have installed sonarqube 3.7.0 for it 3 and all related Java plug-ins Under the quality profile tab, I can't find an…… -
jpa – java. Lang. illegalargumentexception: you tried to set a parameter value with a string name that does not exist in the query string
I have the following named query: @ h_ 502_ 7@ @NamedQuery( name = "Userdetails.findByUsername",query = "SELECT u …… -
Java – the Eclipse Plug-in cannot find a class from the class folder
I am developing an eclipse plug-in and want to use some pre compiled classes. I have put these classes in the Lib / fo…… -
Java – does not work in Tomcat 7
I see the answer to this and suggest adding < absolute ordering > I'm using Tomcat 7.0 29 and some filters are d…… -
Java: why can’t my variables be passed to the constructors available to my methods?
So I declared some variables in main and created a new object; Pass a variable as a parameter to the constructor Now, …… -
Java – inversion of return value
I have a flag that I want to pass to a function that returns true or false according to the value in the map: // userL…… -
Java prints a string containing multiple integers
Just started learning Java, it seems that I can't figure this out I'm learning learnjaonline Org, which teaches you so…… -
Java – constructor parameter parsing
I recently started working on version 3.2 I try to understand constructor parameter parsing in case dependencies are p…… -
Java – draw a Christmas tree with “X”
I'm trying some online exercises in Java I have done a lot of exercises, but if n = 4, I will stick to an exercise tha…… -
CouchDB last SEQ change feed
I think I made a mistake here. Maybe someone can clarify I have an application that polls CouchDB for a long time (thr…… -
How to create restful web services for JSON data in Java, Tomcat and eclipse
I have a JSON data like this I want to create a restful web service that generates a JSON output, just like the link a…… -
java – Android – Webview Progressbar
I added a progress bar to WebView I want to have progress bar coverage on WebView. I want to display the percentage of…… -
Java – use variables / expressions in comments (in the thymeleaf template)
I need to add some information about the generation to the page </html> <!-- page [[${pageCode}]] was generat…… -
Failed to delete duplicates in array using ArrayList
I want to remove duplicates from the array by using the array list The code seems to work in all cases unless the stri…… -
Java – how to add a map entry to the ArrayList?
I'm creating an ArrayList of map entry key value pairs In this way, I can store a large number of individual words (as…… -
JavaFX style sheets in OSGi packages
I've put "styles. CSS" in the root directory of my package, and now I'm trying to figure out how to link it in the cod…… -
Java – delete method binary search tree
I'm trying to implement a remove method for the BST structure I've been studying The following code contains the find,…… -
java. lang.ClassLoader. Error in loadclass (unknown source)
For my paper, I try to deal with some things with pictures. One step to complete it is to find the corners in the pict…… -
Java – how to call arrayadapter constructor from fragment in Android
I'm trying to add a two - column listview to my android app When I create a project, I choose the fragment option, whi…… -
Java – tomcat, which uses the user session storage of JDBC store, and immediately timeout the session
I tried to store user session data in a database I've followed some articles and Tomcat documentation on how to do thi…… -
How do I replace a specific element in the linkedhashset?
Using ArrayList, I will do similar things myList.set(myList.indexOf(oldItemNumber),newItemNumber); Is there a simple w…… -
Java – simpledateformat cannot resolve date
I have encountered some problems parsing string so far I searched for an idea on stackoverflow, and I got my answer, b…… -
Java – performance comparison test between threadlocalrandom and shared static random instances
In our project for a task, we use static random instances to generate random numbers After the release of Java 7, a ne…… -
Java – when to use uppercase and lowercase names
I'm a novice in Java. I just started learning this language, but I encountered some obstacles along the way. I hope yo…… -
Java – mybatis custom typehandler is not executed when tags are placed
I have a < resultmap > that uses a custom typehandler as one of the result properties: <resultMap id="foo" ty…… -
Java – how to pass multiple parameters to a restful web service using HTTP post
I have two array parameters and an object array, and I want to pass them @POST @Path("Test3") @Produces("text/plain"…… -
Java – running functions on JButton
I'm trying to create a program in Java that uses a robot to press a specific key every few seconds It has a GUI with s…… -
Java – is it correct to use ArrayList or LinkedList instead of list when declaring variables / parameters?
See English answers > type list vs type ArrayList in Java 15 public class foo { private List<String> fooT…… -
Multithreading – passing qlist * to signals from qthread
In my QT application, I have a class called from an object running in a thread In my worker class, I created qlist, ju…… -
Java – object initialization using interfacetype
I've just come into contact with the Java programming language I have been programming in c# for two years When I brow…… -
Java – JScrollPane ‘lazy’ scrolling, containing many components
I have a 3045 form! Components (1015 labels, 1015 text fields, 1015 combo boxes) All of these are in JPanel and JPanel…… -
Java – binary search is not applicable to doubles
This program applies to integers, but not doubles There was no error, but the program returned - 1 Sorry, if this is a……