Using other modes except ECB and decrypting with DES will throw “invalidkeyexception: missing parameter”
I basically use The code en…… -
Java – StringBuilder using string instead of StringBuilder
I use StringBuilder instead of string in my code But when I look at its source code, the substring () method abstracts…… -
What caused my program to hang without quitting normally? (pipeline, read system call, while loop)
I have a program. I write to the pipeline from several sub processes, and then try to read all messages written to eac…… -
Java – is there any reason to use constants instead of messages?
I want to internationalize my GWT application After reading the documentation, I can't see why constants are used inst…… -
Java – get null when retrieving int from another class
Basically, I did this program, and the computer generated a random card I created a class called 'rndnumber', which ge…… -
Java – convert sentences to arrays and delete characters and print new sentences
Disclaimer: This is a homework assignment The goal of the program is to propose a sentence and then: – convert upperca…… -
Can I use JavaCard framework 2.2 In version 1, the ‘alg’ in the ‘signature’ class is used_ HMAC_ SHA1 ‘method?
I want to use JavaCard security. ALG in signature class_ HMAC_ SHA1 method But my JavaCard Framework version is 2.2 1.…… -
Java – how do I get the absolute path of a file in a directory?
I have a directory containing files, directories, subdirectories, etc How do I use the Apache Hadoop API to get an abs…… -
Java:String. How does the contains (string) function work in Java?
I know that the time complexity of brute force method is n * m (M is the length of the first string and N is the lengt…… -
What is the difference between stackpane and root in JavaFX?
I'm doing pie charts for JavaFX practice The following is the code for developing pie chart If I use group and stackpa…… -
Java – data is not written to the printwriter
I'm actually trying to create a program: public void setUpNetwork(){ try { Socket sock = new Socket("l…… -
Neo4j Connector for java
Does the neo4j server running on localhost: 7474 have a connector that can be used in Java? I'm looking for 'JDBC' sim…… -
Java – eclipse RCP internationalization independent plug-in
No tutorial provides specific examples of how to create international plug - in fragments I need to translate to plugi…… -
Java – deletes items from the index when looping through the list
public boolean isTwoPair() { public boolean isTwoPair() { boolean isTwoPair = false; Collections.sort(deck); …… -
Java – calendar gettime() returns only est
Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles")); Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(…… -
Java – I get a dead code warning when I try to write an if condition
I received a dead code warning: Topic topic = findTopicByID(point.getIDTopic()); if (topic != null) { ... } else i…… -
Java – how do I traverse an array and check for duplicates?
I'm creating a program that allows you to store 10 items in an array What I can't let the program do is that if one of…… -
Java – writing output data to a text file produces incomplete results in the text file
I have 14 lists, each with numeric or string data The size of each list is 32561 I must output a file in the format: l…… -
Java – trying to prove that the complexity of binary search is O (log (n))
I tried to prove the complexity of binary search Wikipedia says the worst case scenario is log (n) This means: If I ha…… -
Java: how to output dual type numbers to integer format if the decimal number is 0
I have a dual type array {1.0,2.3,3.45,7.8,9.0,5.0} When outputting numbers, I want numbers with a decimal of 0 to be …… -
Java – is there any way to add mywebapp-1.0-snapshot-classes Jar from attachclasses configuration in Maven war plugin to mywebapp-1.0-snapshot jar?
According to Maven war plugin FAQ, <project> ... <artifactId>mywebapp</artifactId> <version…… -
Java – adjust / zoom JComponent to the page to be printed
I'm trying to scale my component so that it can be placed on a single printed page (portrait or landscape)…… -
JSF – primefaces cannot be added as a library for ear
I want to use primefaces in my Java EE 6 (JBoss as 7.1.1final) application, which has the following structure: EAR |- …… -
Java – Apache Cordova in NetBeans 7.4
I just downloaded NetBeans 7.4 and I'm trying to explore Apache Cordova This is the log ant -f /Users/jason/NetBeansPr…… -
Java – instead of rewriting, new files are created
I am trying to write to an existing file As I saw on the forum, this code should rewrite the old file, but not rewrite…… -
Java – how to use two fragments in Android drawerlayout
I tried using Android navigationdraw – &…… -
How do I display images immediately in a java applet?
I created a simple memory game in Java applet There is a problem with the card At first appearance, the image requires…… -
Java – how to detect the actual value of – Xmx param? Runtime. getRuntime(). Maxmemory() is inaccurate
In my case, this value is usually different from the - Xmx. I specified For - xmx810m, it returns 821035008, or 783mb …… -
Java – is there any way to set a “/ / $non-nls” comment for all strings in one line?
Does anyone know if you can set a / / $non-nls annotation tag for all strings in a line in Java... It might be like th…… -
Java – double quotation marks in Python, such as triple double quotation marks in Python
In Python, I can use: test = """My "cute" string""" Where double quotes are escaped Is there a way to simulate this in…… -
Can we add structures in Java?
I was asked this question in an interview and couldn't answer it I hope you can help me The question is: why don't Jav…… -
Java – add a title to an existing PDF file using pdfbox
I'm trying to add headers to an existing PDF file It works, but the headers in the existing PDF are messed up by font ……