Java – running applets in Web Applications
I want to run a simple applet in my web application using the HTML applet tag, but it gives an error java. lang.ClassN…… -
Java – find the location of the search hit from Lucene
Using Lucene, what is the recommended method to find a match in the search results? More specifically, assume that the…… -
Upload Base64 encoded images to Amazon S3 using java
I'm trying to upload files to Amazon S3 storage using Amazon's Java API Code is Byte[] b = data.getBytes(); InputStrea…… -
java LinkedHashSet
I have been studying for ocjp (former scjp), and I have encountered the following example of using linkedhashset: publ…… -
Java – property file point separated key names
I just noticed that almost all key values in the properties file are dot separated names Solution There's no specific …… -
How to use multi-threaded wait and notify protocols
Specifically, someone can tell me what's wrong with this code It should start the thread, so it should print "input th…… -
Java – why can’t I extend instantiatable classes with new value components while retaining the CompareTo contract?
Each valid Java for Joshua Bloch: Could you please explain the above problems through examples and challenges? Can you…… -
Java – warning: [overloads] method M1 and method M2 have potential uncertainty
import java.util.function.*; import java.util.function.*; class Test { void test(int foo,Consumer<Integer&…… -
Multithreading – why only 32 threads run when calling futures?
When I found the futures business test: user=> (time (doall (map deref (for [i (range 1000)] #_=> (future (…… -
Java – some values are missing when sorting maps by values What causes this strange behavior?
I tried to sort the maps according to word frequency (i.e. based on value) To this end, I have overwritten the compara…… -
How to solve module info in jdk9 / java-9 Java compilation error
I tried to run under code using jdk-9, but I encountered a problem compiling with the command command javac -d mods .\…… -
Why doesn’t Java 9 simply convert all jars on the classpath to automatic modules?
To understand our categories: >Platform explicit module > Application explicit module > open module > auto…… -
Round Java float parseFloat
Given the following code, I want it to return "float = 32000.0001" Instead, it returns "float = 32000.0"…… -
How does Java initialize the JAXB / Jax WS / etc implementation?
I just want to know how Java includes standard reference implementations (such as JAXB / jax-ws in jre6) in JRE, while…… -
Java – why is this code applicable to this TopCoder problem?
I've been trying to think about this TopCoder problem from hours, and I can't find a perfect solution, and I find that…… -
Java – is it safe to share exception instances
We are making a system similar to excel When we open the document and find an unsupported function, we throw an except…… -
Java – Maven dependency for project level self placed jars
I created a Java class and converted it into a jar file So I want to use the jar files I put at the project level, suc…… -
Java – passes data to another fragment through the slider view with no buttons
Can I transfer data from clip to clip by sliding? Many articles teach us how to pass data from fragment to fragment, b…… -
Magic digital sonar violation on JPA annotation
We are using sonar to manage our code quality I have problems with the violation of "magic number" in JPA notes, such …… -
Java – insert column labels into PivotTables using Apache POI?
I created a PivotTable using Apache POI 3.11 like this: FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File(path+fname…… -
Java – embedded jetty 9
I don't understand how I can rewrite the code for jetty 6: import org.mortbay.jetty.*; import org.mortbay.jetty.nio.Se…… -
Java – data input stream required
What's the difference? FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream ("file1.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedRe…… -
Java-8 – how to skip from files Lines gets the even number of rows of the stream
In this case, there are only odd rows of meaningful data, and there are no characters that uniquely identify these row…… -
How to implement generic functions in Java?
According to my understanding, the following generic functions in Java: public static <T> T f(T x) { Integer[…… -
Why is there no index in the Java 8 stream?
I want to know about Java 8 streams (stream < E >), which have the following methods: > forEach(Consumer<…… -
Java – NetBeans and external configuration files
I am developing a java desktop application and want to have an external configuration file Solution You can add it to …… -
Java – appengine gzip compression
I'm trying to gzip response from gae server, but I received null in content encoding I have the following code: connec…… -
java – Window,Document vs. $wnd,$doc
I know that the following is some of the same in GWT: Window and $wnd Document and $doc Is there any difference except…… -
Java – how to merge in jgit?
How do I merge in J git? Suppose I want to merge master with foo branch, what should I do? Solution To merge, you can …… -
JUnit ant task – JUnit task not found
I'm trying to build from my ant Run JUnit test from the. XML file I read here, you can use JUnit Jar file instead of u…… -
Java – rock material look and feel Download
Where can I download material L & F for swing? Solution Incredibly malicious Java Net transformation has discarded……