Java – how to interpret the analysis results?
I used NetBeans and visualvm to run the memory profiler and received the results, but there was no clue how to analyze…… -
Java for loop assessment
I want to know if the conditional evaluation is performed in the for and while loops in Java at the end of each cycle …… -
Java – JPA encountered null or zero primary key in unit of work cloning
I understand JPA and have the task of creating a database and inserting some values for it I want to know how to find …… -
How to programmatically simulate arrow key pressing in Java FX
I want my JFX application to simulate arrow key presses (when they are registered in textfield), but I can't figure ou…… -
Java – learn about memory leaks in Android Applications
I found the article "avoiding memory leaks", which says the following code: private static Drawable sBackground; @Ove…… -
Java – unable to convert project… File error in IntelliJ ide ended prematurely
I use IntelliJ idea as the IDE for running Java programs Power fluctuations cost the computer to restart Now when I re…… -
Java Jagged Array
Our job assignment requires us to use zigzag arrays to store the values of two-dimensional Boolean matrices Is there a…… -
Java – how to read streams one by one?
Java Stream. The foreach function has a serious limitation that its consumer cannot throw a checked exception Therefor…… -
Java – why do we need to avoid mutations in coding? What is mutation?
Why is the second code (code with flow) better than the first code? First: public static void main(String [] args) { …… -
Java – byte array buffer image conversion speed is slow
I have a simple server-side code that receives a byte array representing a JPEG image and returns the size of the imag…… -
Java – spring batch and integration
I'm a beginner in spring. I have to do a project for the school What kind of projects can I use spring batch and integ…… -
Java – setter method in constructor
Get a problem I have public class Student{ private String studentNumber; private String studentName; pr…… -
How to evaluate the next statement when null is returned in Java?
How do I execute the following JavaScript code in Java? var result = getA() || getB() || getC() || 'all of them were u…… -
Java noclassdeffound error
I'm trying to run a basic hibernate program I try Google 'ing it and include the following jar files in my classpath: …… -
Text navigation in Java – JDB does not work in bash
When I run JDB in Bash, the arrow keys generate strange garbage: up: ^[[A down: ^[[B left: ^[[D right: ^[[C So I can't…… -
Java – how do I use prepackaged and swing HTML text?
How do I use CSS white space properties Solution You can try to support CSS 2.1…… -
Java – get the previous value of the object field hibernate JPA
Let's assume I have this course: @EntityListeners({MyListener.class}) class MyClass { String name; String surname;…… -
Java – how to detect that a new value has been added to the enumeration and is not processed in the switch
From time to time, I want to add a new value to the enumeration type of the project public enum Day { SUNDAY,MONDAY,…… -
Java – enumeration with getter
Can enumerations use vendors to store references to getter methods? Use this: String value = myEnum.getValue(object) I…… -
Enhanced for loop cannot assign values to arrays (Java)
See the English answer > why Java foreach doesn't change element value? 7 int[] array = new int[5]; for(int i =…… -
Java – how to escape a string to be passed to decimalformat
Can I know how to escape a string to decimal format? // currencySymbolPrefix can be any string. NumberFormat numberFor…… -
Java – why do we call acceptor Accept() instead of visitor Visit() to start visitor?
In Wikipedia sample and GOF books, the use of visitor mode is initiated by calling the accept method on a recipient Bu…… -
How do I reference a class type whose interface is implemented in Java?
I encountered an interface problem in a program I want to create an interface that has a method that receives / return…… -
Java – allows users to enter only positive integers (no decimals or strings)?
I know how to ask users to enter positive integers, but I don't know how to handle code to avoid input errors, such as…… -
Java – why can’t static and default interface methods be synchronized but can be strictfp?
See English answers > what is the reason why "synchronized" is not allowed in Java 8 interface methods? 1 People sa…… -
Advanced array sorting / rearranging in Java
So I have an array with the following theoretical values: int[] elements = {A1,A2,B1,B2,A3,A4,B3,B4,C1,C2,D1,D2,C3,C4,…… -
Java – some absolute methods on ByteBuffer are missing
Maybe I will solve this problem in the wrong way, but I lack some absolute put methods on ByteBuffer If you look at By…… -
The PowerShell process hangs when invoked from a Java application
I'm trying to write a simple application that accepts command line arguments (which will be a power shell PS1 file) an…… -
Rest – authentication / authorization in jax-rs using interceptors and injection
I am using wildfly 8 to develop a new application in Java EE 7 I am using Jax - rs to provide a restful service interf…… -
Javadoc for private methods (BlueJ)
I'm using BlueJ and I want to generate Javadoc for the whole project Solution This link indicates that BlueJ will only…… -
Java – you cannot publish anything on LinkedIn using linkedin-j
First of all, my problem is that I can't post any web updates, share or ID invitations I always get the following exce…… -
Java – is there a lightweight markup language library for Android?
Suppose I want to render / render text transmitted in some lightweight markup language Are there any existing Android ……