java LinkedHashSet
I have been studying for ocjp (former scjp), and I have encountered the following example of using linkedhashset: publ…… -
Java – property file point separated key names
I just noticed that almost all key values in the properties file are dot separated names Solution There's no specific …… -
How to use multi-threaded wait and notify protocols
Specifically, someone can tell me what's wrong with this code It should start the thread, so it should print "input th…… -
Java – why can’t I extend instantiatable classes with new value components while retaining the CompareTo contract?
Each valid Java for Joshua Bloch: Could you please explain the above problems through examples and challenges? Can you…… -
Java – warning: [overloads] method M1 and method M2 have potential uncertainty
import java.util.function.*; import java.util.function.*; class Test { void test(int foo,Consumer<Integer&…… -
Multithreading – why only 32 threads run when calling futures?
When I found the futures business test: user=> (time (doall (map deref (for [i (range 1000)] #_=> (future (…… -
Java – some values are missing when sorting maps by values What causes this strange behavior?
I tried to sort the maps according to word frequency (i.e. based on value) To this end, I have overwritten the compara…… -
Initialization of Java 7 Diamond operators and derived classes
class A {} class A {} class B extends A {} class Holder<T> { T object; Holder(T object) { th…… -
Java – oncheckedchangelistener or onclicklistener with if statement for checkbox? What’s the difference between functions?
Hello, I'm creating an Android application that uses checkboxes. I want to know if onchecked changelister is better us…… -
Java – any way to disable known host checking using jsch?
I tried to ridicule jsch and SSH tire connection to Java local remote (Solaris) host I usually use putty. Every time I…… -
How to simulate soap web services in Java
There are web applications that use soap web services But I want a copy of it I want to perform unit tests on my appli…… -
Compiler error – ‘error: cannot find or load main class com sun. tools. javac. Main’
I just started learning Java. I installed JDK on my computer, but now I'm trying Java's simple instead of compiling I …… -
Java – complexity of two dependent loops of an external loop with log n complexity
problem Calculate the complexity of this algorithm: for(i=n; i>1;i=i/2) for(j=i;j<n;j++){ statement;…… -
Java EE – jee6: what can @ resource inject?
I try to find out what can be injected into a stateless session bean through the @ resource annotation Where can I fin…… -
Strange behavior of println () method in Java
class W { class W { static int count=0; W() { count++; System.out.print("c "); } pub…… -
Run command line operations from Java
I built a very simple program to test the command line operation of running Java That is: later, I hope to modify this…… -
Java – search WindowBuilder documentation / APIs
I'm working on a project using WindowBuilder pro. While trying to catch it, I've been looking for good documents witho…… -
Java – call other methods at any time
Is there any way to make a "super method" called every time a method is called, even if it is an undefined method? Sor…… -
Error: Java Lang. unsupported operationexception: no image data is available when using the blobstore and image APIs of App Engine
I need to use App Engine blobstore to retrieve the height and width of the uploaded image To find me, I use the follow…… -
Java – the best way to use a PostgreSQL database as a simple key value store
I was asked to use the PostgreSQL database, which will replace my current BerkeleyDB Although; I realized that this wa…… -
Java – use Lombok with gradle and spring boot
I'm trying to build a project with Lombok, which is the dependent project I have dependencies { compile("org.spring…… -
Any Oracle TNS inefficient (many round trips, latency) solution from Java applications?
I'm working on a very slow SQL query (from a Java application using hibernate deployed in JBoss 5.1) This particular q…… -
Java – check the time of the existing pendingintent in the AlarmManager
Can I query Android AlarmManager to see the time of the next alert for a given pendingintent? I know I can use it The …… -
Java EE – @ requestscoped CDI injection @ messagedriven bean
If I use JMS to inject request scoped CDI beans into the @ messagedriven EJB, as shown below, can I assume that any gi…… -
Print 1 to 100 using 10 threads in Java
I'm new to multithreading. I got a problem. I used 10 threads in Java to print 1 to 100 below the constraint >Threa…… -
How do I reference Maven dependent unit test classes in my java project?
I need to reference some JUnit tests (SRC / test / Java) in project B in the test package Src / test / Java of project…… -
When and where are strings initialized / stored in Java source code?
This is the source code I have public class Koray { public static void main(String [] args) { System.o…… -
Firebase “mapped during deserialization, but got class java. Util. ArrayList”
I just tried for my project on Android The problem I get is that every time I take a snapshot and "throw"…… -
Java – convert persistenceexception to dataaccessexception in spring
I am trying to handle unique key constraint violations in spring JPA hibernate environment I use persistenceexception …… -
What is the meaning of event consumer in JavaFX?
I tried to understand event handling in JavaFX, where I found this line Can you explain the meaning of event consumpti…… -
Why is java used by most banks?
I noticed that most banks use java to run web applications on the server side Why? What makes Java better than PHP, ru……