Java – the difference between the final variable and the static final variable
I'm just studying the final data members. What's the difference between the final variable and the static final variab…… -
Java – why mine Jar files run slower than programs in eclipse?
I have a java program that reads a large amount of input data from the database, operates on it, and then writes the d…… -
Java mimetypes filetypemap always returns the application / octet stream on the Android simulator
I'm trying to determine the mime / media type stored on the Android device (actually a virtual device used with the em…… -
Java generics: wildcards
So I'm reading generics to get familiar with these concepts again, especially when it comes to wildcards, because I ha…… -
Java – JUnit testcase object instantiation
Is a new (or different) instance of the testcase object used to run each test method in a JUnit test case? Or is an in…… -
Java – use Hadoop to process a large number of small files
I am using the Hadoop sample program wordcount to handle a large number of small files / Web pages (CCA. 2-3 KB) Since…… -
Java – I was studying robolectric, but something went wrong
I'm learning robolectric My project directory is, My unit test code mainactivitytest is as follows, package com.exampl…… -
Java – why do we have to use an intermediate variable (“unchecked”) for @ suppresswarnings?
Good afternoon, everyone, I wonder why public class test<T> { T[] backing_array; public void a(int init…… -
Java lambda expressions and logging
I'm reading the new features of log4j2, and there is a feature that can be enabled "Java 8 lambda supports lazy loggin…… -
Which Java RMI / RPC / IPC technology should I use?
I am developing a Java application that contains a server and a client (there may be multiple clients in the future) t…… -
. Net – using dapper ORM to improve the performance of SQLite batch insert
I'm using a desktop application that uses SQLite to batch insert tens of thousands of rows into the SQLite database I …… -
Java – what is the optimal initial capacity of a StringBuffer for input with a very variable length?
Good afternoon, everyone. I use Java Lang. StringBuilder to store some roles I don't know how many roles I want to sto…… -
The mockbean annotation in the Java – spring boot test results in a nonuniquebeandefinitionexception
I have a problem using @ mockbean annotation The document says that mockbean can replace beans in the context, but I g…… -
“Error: java_home is not defined correctly.” Building jikes RVM
When I built jikes RVM on Ubuntu, I received this error Any ideas? bin/buildit localhost production ---> Config: pr…… -
How to kill these code blocks in Java?
caller: switch (type){ case "creature": Creature returnActor2 = getNextCreature(); …… -
Java – with mockito Strange generic edge cases inferred by when () and generic types
I'm writing a Java. Net using mockito beans. For the test case of propertydescriptor, I want to laugh at the behavior …… -
Java – jax-ws client: maintaining sessions / cookies in multiple services
I use NetBeans to automatically create web service clients from WSDL files This is good, except that the web services …… -
Java – the queue is completely wrong. Cooperate with multiple consumers and producers
I want to simulate the following scenario: multiple users and producer threads are modifying some data establish Block…… -
Java – where are the private instance variables of the abstract class created in the heap?
abstract class A { abstract class A { private int a; public A(int x) { a = x; } public int get…… -
Java – liquibase hibernate plug-in does not work
As stated herein( )I encountered a problem making the liq…… -
Java – Preparedstatement cache – what does it mean (how does it work)
I'm using, for example, c3p0 and some defined "maxstatements" for preparestatement caching Now I send a prepared decla…… -
JPA cascading persistent error
I have a one - to - many relationship: product category can contain many products This is the code: @Entity public cla…… -
Java – unable to import org.xml junit. Assert. AssertThat;
I can't import org. In my program junit. Assert. AssertThat. I use Ganymede and JUnit 4.8 one Solution Static import I…… -
Java byte array conversion problem
I have a string that contains a series of bits (such as "01100011") and some integers in the while loop For example: w…… -
Java – how do I add interceptors to all API requests except one or two?
I know that an interceptor can be added to all requests through okhttpclient, but I want to know whether headers can b…… -
Java – Dynamic parsing logic operation – and, or, loop condition
I have an incoming record filter stored with logical clauses, as shown below Acct1 = 'Y' AND Acct2 = 'N' AND Acct3 = '…… -
Java Optimization: (hotspot / Dalvik) optimize the return constant of the final method?
Anyone can tell me whether hotspot or Dalvik is smart enough to inline call the final method that returns the constant…… -
Java – a method that uses private members or public accessors
I realize that this may not be answered, but I'm looking for some guidance on whether to directly use public accessors…… -
Java: how to ensure that interface methods don’t take more time than x?
I have an interface method Boolean right (). If it does not answer within one second, it should return false Solution …… -
Java – why can’t I extend instantiatable classes with new value components while retaining the CompareTo contract?
Each valid Java for Joshua Bloch: Could you please explain the above problems through examples and challenges? Can you…… -
Java – multithreaded access and variable caching for threads
If I read a complete chapter / book on multithreading, I can find the answer, but I want a faster answer (I know this …… -
Do we really need to create a stub in Java RMI?
I'm reading some RMI documents. All the books say that we need to create a stub for the client to communicate with the……