Java – is logback mature enough to replace log4j?
I have read similar questions, such as this and this But they're about four years old! In addition, I also read the lo…… -
Servlets – infinite loop when forwarding requests in Java servlets
I hope you can help me solve the problem I face: I created a simple web application using NetBeans Up to now, this is …… -
How to find the date of an object in Java
Suppose I have a class named "test" and I create an instance of this class. Can I know the creation date of this insta…… -
How to replace the missing project . settings . Import the Java project of the classpath file into eclipse
I got a java source code from the opensource project The source code does not have eclipse project specific files, suc…… -
java – org. apache. batik. dom. svg. Where’s svgdomimplementation?
In documentation for batik, it shows how to get the apache. batik. dom. svg. Svgdomimplementation gets an instance of …… -
Database application of Java, JDBC and JPA
I would like to introduce that I am looking for a novice for advice because I am trying to establish good habits The a…… -
Java – can I statically import private subclasses?
I have a private enumeration. Don't expose it outside class Anyway, can I statically import this type so that I don't …… -
Java Apache spark: long conversion chain leads to secondary time
I have a java program that uses Apache spark The most interesting parts of the program are as follows: long seed = Sys…… -
Java – find JDBC datasource in WebSphere 8.5
I want to use JDBC connection in my webapp, which is configured in WebSphere (like here: how to use JDBC in JavaEE?) I…… -
Java byte data type
In the sun tutorial, it says a byte: How does it save memory? What is 2's praise? Solution It saves memory by consumin…… -
Java – HTTP header is used to “accept” httpurlconnection get request
I have read some related questions, but unfortunately they didn't answer my questions because I had specific requireme…… -
Java – is there any way to make SharedPreferences global in my entire Android application?
Is there any way to make SharedPreferences global in my entire application? Now I use these lines in many parts of the…… -
Java – change the shape of the scatter point
I have thousands of points on JfreeChart's scatter chart //* I'm using shapeutilities, but when I use xyitemrenderer /…… -
Java – fileoutputstream: does the “close” method also call “flush”?
I really care about the flush and close methods In my code, I always close my fileoutputstream object But I want to kn…… -
Java – hibernate – forces container resource cleanup when a transaction completes
After several queries are executed, I get the following message from Hibernate: HHH000106: Forcing container resource …… -
Java – use Apache POI to thicken the entire line
I'm using Apache POI's HSSF workbook to write data into an Excel spreadsheet I want a whole line bold Can anyone sugge…… -
Download and write files using retrofit and rxjava
I'm downloading a modified PDF file. The way I download it is block I use the content range header to get a byte range…… -
Java array list problem
I have the following java code, int a[] = new int[] {20,30} ; List lis = Arrays.asList(a) ; System.out.print(lis.conta…… -
Java – what causes “symbol not found” and how to fix it?
I've been trying to solve this problem. I've run it in different programs, so it must be in the code It may also be si…… -
java – String … whats do String … mean
I want to figure out some java code private static object [] methodName(NodeList nodes,String... Names) What is an ope…… -
Java – HTML 4 in JSF 2.1
I want to use the command: JSF < H: CommandButton > generate < input... > But I hope instead of generating…… -
Java – represents overloaded methods in UML
I tried to create a UML diagram representing some java code In class, I have an overloaded method As far as I know, th…… -
Java – Android Camera2 is too slow to capture bursts
I'm trying to modify the Android - Camera 2 basic code to capture a series of pictures However, running l 5.0 on my ne…… -
Java – JAXB converts @ xmlelementrefs and @ xmlelements to XS: choice
I have four classes The person class, and the phone and address classes are used to extend its abstract contactinforma…… -
Java – how do I close a socket in the right way?
This is a simple TCP server How to close the socket when the program terminates? Anyone can figure out how to close a …… -
Java case insensitive regular expression matching does not match the letter Ñ
Consider this procedure: import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class xx { /* * Ñ * LATIN CAPITAL LET…… -
Async await – Babel eslint: typeerror: cannot read null property ‘range’
I use Babel eslint to decorate / fix my code It worked well until I wanted to use some es2017 async waiting to find ov…… -
How to use java to get user input in array?
How to get user input in array using Java? Solution This is a simple code to read strings from stdin, add them to list…… -
Java – detects the shift modifier on mouseevent, which is generated by clicking from swing
I am using java swing to process some mouseevents in GUI applications From now on, I analyze mouse events in the mouse…… -
Why is the result type of short integer division in Java not a simple integer?
Consider this Code: public class ShortDivision { public static void main(String[] args) { short i = 2; …… -
Java – unable to start active resource $notfoundexception
I have published and run an application on Google play for several months Today, I received an error from a user whose…… -
Java – find a combination of alphabetical and natural order (also known as user rational sorting)
I think it's easy to find premade, but it seems that any solution I find online can only solve part of the problem I w……