Reading JSON two-dimensional array in Java
Each news item has three contents: title, content and date To retrieve entries from the database, I want to use jsonob…… -
Java library for creating straight skeletons?
I have a 2D polygon with holes as input. I need to find its straight skeleton, as shown in the figure: http://www.cgal…… -
Is there any unordered and repeatable collection class in Java?
See English answers > does Java has multiset data structure like the one in C + + STL? 6 It seems that pool is a su…… -
Java – get the location of the swing component
I put some jpanels into another JPanel, and its layout is @ R_ 987_ 2419 @ layout and y-axis That's what I did, JPanel…… -
Java – is logback mature enough to replace log4j?
I have read similar questions, such as this and this But they're about four years old! In addition, I also read the lo…… -
Servlets – infinite loop when forwarding requests in Java servlets
I hope you can help me solve the problem I face: I created a simple web application using NetBeans Up to now, this is …… -
How to find the date of an object in Java
Suppose I have a class named "test" and I create an instance of this class. Can I know the creation date of this insta…… -
How to replace the missing project . settings . Import the Java project of the classpath file into eclipse
I got a java source code from the opensource project The source code does not have eclipse project specific files, suc…… -
java – org. apache. batik. dom. svg. Where’s svgdomimplementation?
In documentation for batik, it shows how to get the apache. batik. dom. svg. Svgdomimplementation gets an instance of …… -
Database application of Java, JDBC and JPA
I would like to introduce that I am looking for a novice for advice because I am trying to establish good habits The a…… -
Java – can I statically import private subclasses?
I have a private enumeration. Don't expose it outside class Anyway, can I statically import this type so that I don't …… -
Java Apache spark: long conversion chain leads to secondary time
I have a java program that uses Apache spark The most interesting parts of the program are as follows: long seed = Sys…… -
Java – find JDBC datasource in WebSphere 8.5
I want to use JDBC connection in my webapp, which is configured in WebSphere (like here: how to use JDBC in JavaEE?) I…… -
Java byte data type
In the sun tutorial, it says a byte: How does it save memory? What is 2's praise? Solution It saves memory by consumin…… -
Java – HTTP header is used to “accept” httpurlconnection get request
I have read some related questions, but unfortunately they didn't answer my questions because I had specific requireme…… -
Java – is there any way to make SharedPreferences global in my entire Android application?
Is there any way to make SharedPreferences global in my entire application? Now I use these lines in many parts of the…… -
Java – change the shape of the scatter point
I have thousands of points on JfreeChart's scatter chart //* I'm using shapeutilities, but when I use xyitemrenderer /…… -
Java – fileoutputstream: does the “close” method also call “flush”?
I really care about the flush and close methods In my code, I always close my fileoutputstream object But I want to kn…… -
Java – hibernate – forces container resource cleanup when a transaction completes
After several queries are executed, I get the following message from Hibernate: HHH000106: Forcing container resource …… -
Java – use Apache POI to thicken the entire line
I'm using Apache POI's HSSF workbook to write data into an Excel spreadsheet I want a whole line bold Can anyone sugge…… -
Download and write files using retrofit and rxjava
I'm downloading a modified PDF file. The way I download it is block I use the content range header to get a byte range…… -
Java array list problem
I have the following java code, int a[] = new int[] {20,30} ; List lis = Arrays.asList(a) ; System.out.print(lis.conta…… -
Java – how to disable echo when sending terminal commands using Apache commons net telnetclient
So, I have this class using org apache. commons. net. telnet. Telnetclient class It attempts to send a command and rea…… -
Java – what is dot casting?
In this Code: c = (char)(c - 'A' + 'a'); Why do we need a char? Is that foundry right? Suppose that C on the right sid…… -
Java – is it effective to handle runtimeexceptions in some cases?
As I have understood from several tutorials, runtimeexceptions should not actually be caught because they should revea…… -
Java – Android canvas does not draw path. When the point of path is not present
I encountered some problems with Android canvas when drawing the path canvas.drawPath(polyPath,borderPaint); I also ha…… -
Java – struts 2 “%” and “#” login to ognl
Can someone tell me how to use the "%" and "#" numbers in Struts2 ognl? I'm around Google, but I can't find any valuab…… -
Java – Android: the sampling microphone does not record to obtain real-time amplitude / level?
I'm trying to get the microphone amplitude level on Android: MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder();…… -
GUI architecture and design in Java (swing)
I spent the last few hours searching the Internet for examples and ideas on how to write medium-sized GUIs in Java I k…… -
Differences between Java and Hibernate types: Boolean, yes_ no,true_ false
When to use? What do they map in the database? Solution From Hibernate: -
Java – reflections illegalargumentexception reason
Update – make the problem clearer ClassCastException exception may be caused when calling a method through reflection?…… -
Java – how to check whether a key in a map starts with a given string value
I am looking for a way, such as: myMap.containsKeyStartingWith("abc"); // returns true if there's a key starting with ……