Java – the portlet URL opens another portlet in a pop-up window
I have a create_ account. JSP hook The question is: how do I provide a portlet URL? How do I access it? In this portle…… -
Java – defines a global uncaughtexceptionhandler for all threads of the application
I want to define an application level uncaughtexceptionhandler in my java application. If an uncaught exception is thr…… -
Extract from strings in Java
I have a string; String value = "(5+5) + ((5+8 + (85*4))+524)"; How to split / extract the logical value from this str…… -
Java – reads and stores the contents of the file as a double array
I need to write a program to read and store input files with double arrays in Java The number of values in the file is…… -
Java – jetty: stopping programmatically causes “1 thread cannot be stopped”
I have an embedded jetty 6.1 26 examples @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res…… -
Java – JPA: @ embeddable object how to get a reference to its owner?
I have a user class, @ embedded a profile class How to give an instance of a profile a user class reference to its own…… -
Java – hibernate exception: unknown name value of enumeration class
When I try to retrieve a record from the DB, I get the unknown name value of the enumeration class Using JSF 2.0, JPA …… -
Java mapping concurrent update
I'm trying to create a map with int value and increase them through multiple threads Two or more threads may add the s…… -
How to use Java 6 to build a java project for the Java 1.4 library?
I have a project originally written for Java 1.4, but I only have Java 6 on my Mac, and I can't install Java 1.4 Usual…… -
What is the object field initialization and constructor order in Java
I ended the following scenario in the code earlier today (I admit it's a little strange, I've refactored it) When I ru…… -
Java – shutdown hook and finalizer methods
I just don't understand why I have to use runtime addShutdownHook. If you want to do some cleanup when the JVM exits, …… -
Java – spring boot – environment @ Autowired throws NullPointerException
I have one that uses spring boot 0.5 0.m5 project settings In one of my profiles, I tried to @ autowire environment, b…… -
Java – send and receive serialized objects over UDP
I tried to send a serialized object from the server process to the client process in Java using UDP The problem is tha…… -
Java – guava: why method create () instead of constructor?
Excuse me, can you explain why guava creators like to define constructors as private and define static methods create …… -
Java – ant buildfile cannot put the jar file into the classpath when running other jar files
I'm new to ant build files. I've managed to build my build files to create my build directory structure, compile all m…… -
Open source JavaFX 2.0 component library [closed]
Do JavaFX 2.0 have any good component libraries / repositories? In particular, I am looking for open source projects t…… -
Java – how to create a copy of the same object using different references?
Friends, I'm facing a problem. I have a phonecontacts list, which contains names and phone numbers I want to copy it i…… -
Java – how to open a Lucene 4.3 index?
I'm new to Lucene. I'm trying to open a Lucene 4.3 index using Luke (I created it with my simple Lucene 4.3.1 applicat…… -
Java annotation processing: how do I know that a round is the last?
When abstractprocessor is extended, it is possible to override init (...), but there is no "opposite" method, which wi…… -
List and list Extending InterfaceI > in Java
ArrayList of list < InterfaceI > and list both have class objects that implement InterfaceI When should I use i…… -
Java – Jackson: multiple back reference attributes named ‘defaultreference’
I tried to map a JSON (string format) to an object, and I got the following error This is a JSON string {"pledge":"74"…… -
Java – how to run common code for most requests in spring MVC web app?
Namely I mapped various URLs using spring MVC requestmapping @RequestMapping(value = "/mystuff",method = RequestMethod…… -
Java – how do I format an integer as a string of four zeros?
I try to do something similar in Java (eclipse indigo): input - 16 (integer); Output - "0016" ; input - 201 (integer)…… -
How to convert a dataframe to a dataset in Apache spark in Java?
I can easily convert a dataframe to a Scala dataset: case class Person(name:String,age:Long) val df ="/…… -
java – Eclipse 3.5. 1 compiler error: due to error on required Library/ The outputformat type cannot be accessed due to the restriction of rt.jar
The mistake is so strange that I can't understand it I have installed eclipse RCP 3.5 1, import…… -
Java – how to get form data in play framework
Before asking this question, I found this neat post (but it can't solve my problem): I'm trying to use the play framew…… -
Java – Android eclipse all spinner fonts turn white
In my project, all spinner fonts suddenly turn white, which is why I can't find it They were all black before For exam…… -
Java – keep the dead line alive
In an interview with me, I raised the following questions (a few years ago) I have argued that there is no way But he …… -
Java – how to verify a secure password Regular expression on char []?
This question is a follow-up to this question: Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords? This is a good quest…… -
Java – how to disable speed logging
I've been trying to disable the velocity log, and the only way I've found so far is to set the positive result: runtim…… -
Java – an efficient data structure to check whether a string exists
I'm writing a program that will add more and more numbers or unique strings to the data structure Once I'm done, I nee…… -
Java – how do I find the JPA version?
How do I understand the JPA version I use in EJBs? to greet Solution Using the Java EE 5 container, you will get JPA 1……