Java – grizzly Jersey listens only on localhost
I'm using jersey with an embedded grizzly version. I just want to bind / listen on localhost I am creating a threadsel…… -
Follow the JavaFX MySQL connection example
Anyone can give me an example of a class connecting JavaFX and mysql. I don't want the main class. There is one. I jus…… -
Java – what is the best way to count and sort string arrays?
I try to find out whether there is a good search method (counting the number of occurrences), and then sort a string a…… -
Java scanner entry key
I use Java programming How do I use java to do this I was told that this could be done using a scanner or a buffered i…… -
Java – how do I avoid closing the InputStream passed to my method wrapped in the reader stream?
I'm creating a Java method that accepts a single InputStream as a parameter To facilitate the use of character based s…… -
Java – HQL – paginated row identifier
Does anyone know if HQL has keywords to identify rows such as ROWID or rownum? I want to implement paging with HQL, bu…… -
Java – extended server_ Name (SNI extension) is not jdk1 8.0, but jdk1.0 7.0 sent
I have implemented a jax-ws client using Apache CXF (v3.0.4) and everything works normally, but there is a problem whe…… -
Java – how to get HttpServletRequest in HttpSessionListener?
How do I access request headers from sessionlistener? I need to set a timeout when creating the current session The ti…… -
Java – jvisualvm for Linux console?
I need to be able to do some memory sampling on a VM running on a Linux machine that is not running any x windows I tr…… -
Java – handling exceptions using mockito
I use mockito in unit tests I have a way public Status getResponse(Request requset) throws DataException{ } Dataexcept…… -
Java – the resteasy post process interceptor chain is not traversed when the exception mapper creates a response
I am using resteasy to build my restful web service I have implemented exception mappers to prepare specific exception…… -
Java – how do I use remote files?
I have a server dedicated to static content, so I don't want to use the resource directory to store JavaScript files, …… -
Java – Jersey test framework 2.5 – test post method
I tried to find some manuals on how to use the Jersey framework to test post methods, only get methods Here's an examp…… -
Java – amazing output of try / catch / finally?
See English answers > behavior of return statement in catch and finally 6 public static void main(String[] args) { …… -
java – String. How does Intern () work and how does it affect the string pool?
As we know, string() The intern () method adds a string value to the string pool if it does not already exist If it ex…… -
Java benchmarking tool
I wrote a small java application. I need to get performance indicators, such as memory utilization, running time, etc …… -
Binding – JavaFX passes FX: ID to the controller or parameter in the fxml onAction method
Is there a way to pass parameters to the onAction method in the fxml file? Or can I get the FX: ID of the component th…… -
What is a form loading event handler in Java?
Event handlers in Java (using network beans) are similar to from in c#_ Load? Solution If you are using swing's JFram…… -
Java – how to create a test environment for multithreaded applications
All, Recently I developed a code, which is said to be a thread safe class Now I say 'so-called' because even after usi…… -
Java – JUnit external resource @ rule order
I want to use multiple external resources in my test class, but I have a problem sorting external resources This is a …… -
Java – log4j conversionpattern timestamp in microseconds
I want to add microseconds to the timestamp of each entry in the log file generated by log4j. Is it possible? I search…… -
Parsing data from CSV to array in Java
I'm trying to import CSV files into arrays that can be used in Java programs The CSV file was successfully imported in…… -
Multithreading – traversing graphics in parallel
I'm revising the exam (still) and have a sad problem (as shown below) To sum up, I think the problem is "think that an…… -
Java – GWT clientfactory: isn’t this just a huge blob / monolith?
GWT clientfactory seems to be a new design pattern for GWT applications. Although GWT API has not officially become a …… -
Java array index out of bounds
I just started a unit in arrays, and I gave some sample code to see this very basic array starter Basically, all I hav…… -
java – Dispatch MouseEvent
Is there any way to schedule mouseevent, just like using dispatchkeyevent I know I have two choices 1) Add mouse event…… -
java – file. Lastmodified() has never been set with file setLastModified()
My android 2.3 on Nexus One There is no doubt about setting and reading on 4 This is the code: File fileFolder = new F…… -
Does Java – hibernate have to drive database design?
I spent a lot of time reading various articles / tutorials about hibernate yesterday. Although I was shocked by its po…… -
Read two text files at the same time – Java
I have text files in two different languages, which are aligned line by line That is, the first line in textfile1 shou…… -
Java EE – can I use Java 8 syntax in a Java EE 7 project?
Sorry for this stupid beginner's question, but I can't get a clear answer: Can I use Lambdas, method pointers, streams…… -
A pure Java alternative to Jai imageio for detecting CMYK images
First, I would like to explain the situation / requirements that led to the problem: In our web application, we cannot…… -
HashMap returned by Java What is the collection of values () methods?
Java se 6.0 API util. The values () method in HashMap returns a collection type How does the JVM decide which collecti……