Java – MySQL does not reconnect with JNDI Tomcat 6
I am using JNDI and Tomcat6 to manage my MySQL connection, my Catalina / domain com / ROOT. XML includes: <Resource…… -
Java – how do I find out if an object is an integer or isa string or isa Boolean?
I have an object that I want to detect, so I can call if (obj isa Integer) put(key,integerval); if (obj isa String…… -
Java – a view in runonuithread
I'm making a custom ImageView One way is to load images from URLs And I want to retrieve the bitmap in a thread and lo…… -
Automated unit testing for maintaining object method contracts in Java?
When developing Java applications, I often rewrite object methods (usually equals and hashcode) I want some ways to sy…… -
Warning: [unchecked] unchecked call put (k, V) as a member of the original type Java util. Hashtable localParams. put(name,values);
I have two warnings: HELPDESKGESTION2\src\java\glpi\filter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call t…… -
R: Use the position information of the element when looping the vector
Can I use the index of the element and the element when looping through a vector? a. Vector < - C ("a", "B", "C", "…… -
Java – prevent duplicate activities
So I'm both a novice in Java and creating Android applications, but not a novice in programming I've read most of deve…… -
Java – can I use spring’s @ component on enumerations?
I use spring 3.0 X and follow the enumeration singleton pattern of one of my implementations public enum Person implem…… -
What does the Java – loadload barrier really do?
In Java, when two threads share the following variables: int a; volatile int b; If thread 1 executes: a = 5; b = 6; Th…… -
Error classes in Java
I try to understand the error class in Java I have a good understanding of the exception class, but I can't find the c…… -
Java – eclipse – declare variables based on return or get (shortcut)
I don't know how to use this phrase in search, but if there is a shortcut in eclipse that allows us to declare a varia…… -
java. io. IOException: invalid keystore format
Who knows how to solve this problem? When I click on more details, I get this: at…… -
Update existing Excel files in Java Apache poi
I'm trying to write a java program that runs every day (using the task scheduler) and attaches a column to the Excel s…… -
Java – cannot prevent ant from generating compiler sun proprietary API warnings
I call javac from this ant script: <javac srcdir="src" destdir="build/classes" source="1.6" target="1.6" de…… -
Java – what is runtime binding?
I was browsing the Android development training document and came across: "Intent is an object that provides runtime b…… -
Java – missing soapaction header when using CXF
I have a WSDL file from an external WS and I am connecting to it I'm trying to use CXF (with Jax - WS) But I got error…… -
Ignore SSL authentication in Java
I must use an invalid SSL certificate to call the HTTP service hosted on the web server In dev, I use keytool to impor…… -
Java – jdesktoppane resizing
We have one application with two jframes and two jdesktopanes The problem we encounter is that after moving the intern…… -
Java – Jax WS changes the content type to content type because the server is super sensitive
I have to connect to a poorly executed server that can only understand content type (capital-t), not content type How …… -
Java – find whether the certificate is self signed or Ca signed
I have a web application that allows users to upload pkcs12 I store pkcs12 in the database as a binary file Is there a…… -
Java – unable to convert db ‘/ data / data / my easymedi. controller/databases/EasyMediInfo. The locale of db ‘is changed to “en_us”
There is a predefined database in my Android application, which is located in the assets folder I created a table of A…… -
Multithreading – golang blocking and non blocking
I'm a little confused about how to handle non - blocking io Will go use to block IO when reading a file from a file or…… -
Java – set the default heap size in windows
See the English answer > how to increase Java heap memory permanently? three Solution Java_ Opts is set to a system…… -
Java – meaning and solution of spring 3 error message “getresponsebodyasstream is recommended”
I am using spring 3. Every time I submit an HTML form to the spring control, I receive this message. I don't understan…… -
Get the nth element from the list using the Java stream
I have a list of strings, such as "/ 100" "/ 100 / 200" As we all know, the length n of each internal list is the larg…… -
Java – Google Guice: provider with parameters
I have a constructor that depends on classes a and B I define it as follows: @Inject TestClass(A a,B b) Is there any w…… -
Java – synchronization – reordering obstacles in two directions with the edegs Compiler?
I have a question about the JAVA memory model The following examples are given: action 1 action 2 synchronized(monitor…… -
Adjust the brightness and contrast of bufferedimage in Java
I'm using some frameworks to process a bunch of images. All I have is a bunch of buffered image objects Unfortunately,…… -
Java – SVG / vector graphics object Boolean operation (Union, intersection, subtraction)
I have two-dimensional closed vector paths, which are specified in SVG paths like syntax, that is, these paths include…… -
Deserialization of embedded Java objects
I have to deserialize the following JSON to use the Jackson library to enter the client class { "code":"C001","city…… -
Why is the JavaMail connection timeout too long
In my application, I connect to the server to authenticate users This is the code: try { Properties prop = new…… -
Use prepared statements and variable bindings to use JDBC drivers in Java
I'm using it >JDBC template enables JDBC to connect to a MySQL Database > prepared statements to protect itself ……