Java – spring data rest: the repositoryeventhandler method was not called
I tried to add a repository EventHandler to the rest repository as follows: @RepositoryRestResource(collectionResource…… -
Java – the opposite of “isassignablefrom” for class objects?
Given a class object, how to check whether one of the "ancestors" belongs to a class? Solution Given a Class C1, do yo…… -
Java – the easiest way to check whether a string consists of unique characters?
If a word consists of unique letters (case insensitive), I need to check Java Because the direct solution is boring, I…… -
Multithreading – are semaphore P and V operations atomic?
Are the P () and V () operations that can be performed on semaphores atomic? Can semaphores prevent two processes from…… -
These java files are in scala What is the purpose in runtime?
In scala In the runtime directory, there are some * in the scala source tree Java file Those files seem simple, G. dou…… -
Java keylistener stutters
I make a very simple table tennis game in Java. I'm using keylistener to do this I want it, so when the user presses t…… -
Java – shift bit operator, shift by negative number
I encountered an interesting situation when using the bitwise shift operator If the second operand is negative, how do…… -
Java – onpagefinished cannot be triggered correctly when rendering web pages
For some reason, onpagefinished is triggering before WebView loading is complete - I can't figure out why public class…… -
Java – how to disable automatic updates in Hibernate / JPA
Can I stop hibernate from automatically updating persistent objects? @Transactional public ResultTO updateRecord(R…… -
Java – JBoss as 7 cannot inject resource using @ persistencecontext_ Local container managed entitymanagers
I am using JBoss as 7.1 1, and you can configure a new JTA data source and connect it to my EJB @PersistenceContext(un…… -
Why doesn’t Java allow static methods to be hidden through instance methods?
As As shown in, Java allows >Override instance meth…… -
Java – things to consider when building a framework
We are planning to build a framework: a cost estimation framework that will be used in all areas of our organization T…… -
Java – proper use of bonecp
I just started using bonecp and extracted JDBC code from the author's website I have a function called getconnection (…… -
Java – identify future time zone transitions
I need to predict that the next transition of at least 2 time zones will be a specific time zone Java 8 provides a new…… -
Why doesn’t Java convert int [] to integer []
When I do the following things, >Arraylist1 – contains an element that is an int []. > Arraylist2 – not compilin…… -
Java – a good way to filter lists sorted by attribute and by date
I have very simple things to do. I have such a list of personnel: [{ name: John,date: 01-01-2018,attend: true },{ …… -
Implementing label bar in JavaFX
Demonstration answer: (3:10 a.m. on May 29) **10 / 7 / 2016 * * you can find the code in GitHub Answer to practical qu…… -
Java – performance overhead of AOP
I wonder if there are any major performance problems if AspectJ is used to intercept every (or most) method in the app…… -
Java – can I force the elimination of what rhinoceros calls overloading?
Perform the following tests: public static class Scripted { public void setThing(List<?> list) { Sys…… -
Java – why does “MVN assembly: single” use only assemblies to create a fat jar instead of my code?
I have a maven project created with spring roo When I run MVN assembly: single, I get a fat jar containing all the dep…… -
Does it make sense to use a simple framework for Java Web applications?
I have done a lot of Java Web development using JSPS and servlets, and I find this method direct and flexible Some of …… -
Java – should the main method copy input parameters?
One can imagine this Code: public static void main(final String[] args) { // do something } It should be public sta…… -
Was the formatting syntax of simpledateformat invented by Java?
Is the syntax of the date time format string defined by the simpledateformat class of Java (such as "EEE, mmm D", "YY"…… -
Java – can I get the SQL alias of the connection table of Hibernate sqlrestriction?
I have a person class that has an alias for a collection of strings that represent additional names that people may go…… -
How to handle exceptions in map() in observable in rxjava
I want to do this: Observable.just(bitmap) .map(new Func1<Bitmap,File>() { @Override…… -
Java – prints elements from the array, commas between elements except the last word
I output elements from the array list. I want to add a comma between every word except the last word Now I do this: fo…… -
Java – MySQL does not reconnect with JNDI Tomcat 6
I am using JNDI and Tomcat6 to manage my MySQL connection, my Catalina / domain com / ROOT. XML includes: <Resource…… -
Java – how do I find out if an object is an integer or isa string or isa Boolean?
I have an object that I want to detect, so I can call if (obj isa Integer) put(key,integerval); if (obj isa String…… -
Java – a view in runonuithread
I'm making a custom ImageView One way is to load images from URLs And I want to retrieve the bitmap in a thread and lo…… -
Automated unit testing for maintaining object method contracts in Java?
When developing Java applications, I often rewrite object methods (usually equals and hashcode) I want some ways to sy…… -
Warning: [unchecked] unchecked call put (k, V) as a member of the original type Java util. Hashtable localParams. put(name,values);
I have two warnings: HELPDESKGESTION2\src\java\glpi\filter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call t…… -
R: Use the position information of the element when looping the vector
Can I use the index of the element and the element when looping through a vector? a. Vector < - C ("a", "B", "C", "……