In depth understanding of Java string
In depth understanding of Java string 1、 Java Memory Model According to the official saying: the Java virtual machine…… -
Java Concurrent Programming: detailed examples of countdownlatch, cyclicbarrier and semaphore
Java Concurrent Programming: detailed examples of countdownlatch, cyclicbarrier and semaphore In Java 1.5, some very u…… -
Hiding of Java member variables (example explanation)
1、 If there is a member variable with the same name in the subclass and the parent class, will the member variable of…… -
Analysis of basic concepts of java thread safety
A preliminary understanding of java thread safety. Generally speaking, java thread safety refers to a feature of Java …… -
Deep understanding of Java interfaces and abstract classes
Deep understanding of Java interfaces and abstract classes Abstract is one of the characteristics of object-oriented p…… -
Detailed examples of deadlock in Java
Detailed examples of deadlock in Java First look at the code to explain The above is the code part. If there is no dea…… -
Detailed explanation of abstract factory pattern example of Java design pattern
This paper describes the abstract factory pattern of Java design pattern. Share with you for your reference, as follow…… -
Hadoop 1.0 under VMware virtual machine Installation method of X
This is the first record of Hadoop learning. In this article, I will introduce how to install Hadoop 1. 0 under Linux …… -
Detailed examples of Java multithreading usage
Detailed examples of Java multithreading usage preface: The most comprehensive Java multithreading usage analysis. If …… -
Implementation of queue source code based on zookeeper
Implementation principle The first in first out queue is the most commonly used queue. Using zookeeper to implement th…… -
Explain Shiro caching mechanism in detail
Shiro provides a cache abstraction similar to spring, that is, Shiro does not implement cache itself, but abstracts th…… -
Examples of Java programming thought object
Java provides a variety of ways to accommodate objects (or object handles). Let's take a look at these ways. There are…… -
Default methods instance resolution
This is how the Oracle official website introduces the default method. Using the default method can add new functions …… -
Solution to the problem of inserting data into MySQL by Java
How to solve the problem of Java inserting data into MySQL? The default code of MySQL is Latin1 Create a data table an…… -
Code analysis of RTTI and reflection mechanism in Java
RTTI, namely run time type identification. Runtime type recognition is a very useful mechanism in Java. In Java runtim…… -
Complete instance of date processing class implemented in Java
This article describes the date processing class implemented in Java. Share with you for your reference, as follows: D…… -
Detailed example of synchronize function in Java
Detailed example of synchronize function in Java If the member function of a class in Java is decorated with synchroni…… -
Detailed examples of Java internal classes
Detailed examples of Java internal classes You can put the definition of one class inside the definition of another cl…… -
User login registration instance based on Io Version (Java)
What I learned today is the user login and registration function. 4 packages: itcast. cn. User package user Java user …… -
On the mutual transformation between object and map
There are many ways to convert JavaBeans to maps, such as: 1. Through objectmapper, first convert beans to JSON, and t…… -
Detailed explanation of the maximum matching word segmentation algorithm implemented in Java
This paper describes the maximum matching word segmentation algorithm implemented in Java. Share with you for your ref…… -
Detailed explanation and simple example of Jax WS handler
Detailed explanation and simple example of Jax WS handler AOP technology is generally used for logging and authenticat…… -
Implementation method of how to dynamically create interface in Java
There are many application scenarios that use dynamic interface implementation. Here are some typical applications: 1.…… -
Analysis on the execution of static code blocks in Java
preface Generally, if some code must be executed when the project is started, static code blocks need to be used, and …… -
On the static and dynamic problems of Java
Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field Non static member variables and methods cannot be referenced in…… -
Java random number algorithm principle and implementation method example explanation
This article describes the java random number algorithm. Share with you for your reference, as follows: The algorithms…… -
What is IOC in spring
IOC - inversion of control In java development, IOC means that your designed class is controlled by the system, not wi…… -
Java simple method example of reading properties configuration file
This article describes the method of simply reading the properties configuration file in Java. Share with you for your…… -
How to use this and super keywords in Java
How to use this and super keywords in Java I've seen that this and super are used in class inheritance these days. Her…… -
Detailed explanation of Java synchronized nested usage code
When synchronized is used too much, it may cause deadlock. What's the matter with deadlock. First look at the followin…… -
Detailed explanation of Lombok installation and use in spring boot
preface As we all know, spring boot is a very efficient development framework. Lombok is a set of code template soluti…… -
A brief talk on methods and method overloading in Java
Today, let's talk about methods and method overloading in Java and some points that need attention; method: The method……