Log4j_ Configuration method (comprehensive explanation)
1、 Log4j introduction Log4j has three main components: loggers, Appenders, and layouts. It can be simply understood h…… -
Detailed explanation of high concurrency solution of Java System
For a small website, such as a personal website, the simplest HTML static page can be used to achieve the beautificati…… -
ArrayList uses the remove method to remove elements in the for loop
Sometimes we need to dynamically delete the requirements of elements in an ArrayList for loop. Let's not talk about th…… -
Detailed examples of design patterns (decoration design patterns) in Java
Detailed examples of design patterns (decoration design patterns) in Java Application scenario: Without modifying the …… -
In depth understanding of Java string
In depth understanding of Java string 1、 Java Memory Model According to the official saying: the Java virtual machine…… -
Java Concurrent Programming: detailed examples of countdownlatch, cyclicbarrier and semaphore
Java Concurrent Programming: detailed examples of countdownlatch, cyclicbarrier and semaphore In Java 1.5, some very u…… -
Hiding of Java member variables (example explanation)
1、 If there is a member variable with the same name in the subclass and the parent class, will the member variable of…… -
Detailed explanation of factory pattern example of Java design pattern
This paper illustrates the factory pattern of Java design pattern. Share with you for your reference, as follows: Fact…… -
An example of Java design pattern
An example of Java design pattern Design pattern thought What is design pattern: as a beginner, I officially learned d…… -
Detailed explanation of INI configuration of Shiro
If you have used IOC / di containers such as spring, the INI configuration provided by Shiro is very similar, that is,…… -
Java language unary operator instance parsing
Unary operator, also known as single operator, unary operator, unary operator, English Name: unary operator. Descripti…… -
Significance and configuration of transaction attributes
When using the jpatemplate provided by spring to query, if the amount of data exceeds 100, the query efficiency will b…… -
Understanding of zookeeper watch mechanism
First, let's see why we add a watch. Zookeeper is a service used to coordinate (synchronize) distributed processes. It…… -
On Java annotation and dynamic proxy
This article mainly introduces some knowledge related to annotations and dynamic proxies in Java. Next, let's take a l…… -
Two methods of mybatis batch inserting data into Oracle database (example code)
1、 There are two ways for mybatis to batch insert data into Oracle: First: Second: Note: set usegeneratedkeys to "fal…… -
Building java project for ibatis learning
Introduction to ibatis Ibatis is an open source project of Apache and an ORM solution. The biggest feature of ibatis i…… -
An example of MD5 encryption in Java
An example of MD5 encryption in Java preface: Today, I will learn how to use Java programming to realize encryption th…… -
Examples based on socket class and ServerSocket class
Socket class Socket is the endpoint of network connection. Socket enables applications to read data from and write dat…… -
An example of MD5 encryption in Java
An example of MD5 encryption in Java preface: Today, I will learn how to use Java programming to realize encryption th…… -
Java to get the first letter of Chinese Pinyin
As follows: The above example of Java obtaining the initials of Chinese pinyin is all the content shared by Xiaobian. …… -
Java string interception example details
Java string interception example details subject In Java, the length of the string "ABCD" is the same as that of the s…… -
Java implementation of a simple example of music player
Java implementation of a simple example of music player Implementation effect diagram: The code is as follows If you h…… -
Introduction to JNDI, JTA and JMS
What is JNDI Principle: multiple database connections are established in the datasource in advance and saved in the da…… -
Detailed discussion on transaction management of spring framework
1、 Programming transaction 2、 Declarative transaction 1. XML based transactions 1.1 spring configuration file 1.2 bu…… -
Spring + Shiro + CAS to achieve SSO single sign on example code
sso-shiro-cas Under spring, use Shiro + CAS to configure single sign on. You only need to log in once to access multip…… -
Java programming calls com operation word method instance code
The example code is as follows: //Update directory and save automatically Summary: That's all for the introduction of …… -
Solution of session timeout in Java Web project
In Java Web development, session provides us with a lot of convenience. Session is maintained between browser and serv…… -
Several implementations of spring method level cache
Scheme implementation 1. Spring and ehcache integration It mainly obtains ehcache as the object of ehcache operation. …… -
How FreeMarker generates tree navigation menus (recursion)
Many navigation menus are tree shaped, that is, they are divided from one level to the next. Of course, such a structu…… -
Simple implementation method of greedy Snake game in Java GUI programming [with demo source code download]
This paper describes a simple implementation method of greedy Snake game in Java GUI programming. Share with you for y…… -
10 common tools recommended by Java developers
Here are 10 tools most commonly used by Java programmers in their daily life. If you are using Java, this article will……