Implementation code of jasperreport for dynamic column printing in Java
Implementation code of jasperreport for dynamic column printing in Java The notes in the following code are very clear…… -
[Java IO stream] example explanation of byte stream and character stream
Byte stream and character stream There must be read and write operations for files. Read and write correspond to input…… -
Instance parsing constructor initialization in Java
1. Initialization sequence when Java creates an object, The system first allocates memory for all instance properties …… -
A simple example of implementing skip list in Java
Jump linked list is a randomized data structure. Based on parallel linked list, its efficiency can be compared with bi…… -
Solutions to cross domain problems in spring MVC
preface Cross domain means that the browser cannot execute scripts from other websites. It is caused by the browser's …… -
How to use lambda expressions in java8 learning tutorial
preface In the previous article, we introduced the syntax of lambda expressions, the usage scenarios of lambda express…… -
Detailed introduction to multithreaded producer consumer problems in Java
Multi thread producer consumer problem in Java preface: In general, I like to ask some thread questions in the intervi…… -
Spring boot + mybatis multi data source switching (example explanation)
Since the company's business is divided into multiple databases, colleagues will call multiple databases when developi…… -
Core Java HashSet (recommended)
When the students are looking at this question, I first put forward two questions, and then you will understand this a…… -
How to use function reference in java8 learning tutorial
preface In the last article, we explained how to define and use lambda expressions with examples, and the special spec…… -
Storage structure and code implementation of Java linear table
Java data structure learning notes Chapter 1: There are four basic logical structures for the data after using the pro…… -
Java to check whether the native port is occupied
I remember when I was writing a program, I once needed to check the occupation of the port. Although I wouldn't, someo…… -
Java private constructor usage example
As a special member of Java class, constructor can also set keywords to control its access rights. In most cases, we g…… -
The use of table object based on Java Scipt DOM programming
Ranking exercise: add data to the table. When the number is repeated, give a prompt and cannot be added, and add data …… -
How spring cloud zuul modifies the request URL
preface In daily development, in addition to modifying the request parameters, setting the response header and respons…… -
Simple implementation of Joseph Ring algorithm in Java
This paper describes the simple implementation of Joseph Ring algorithm in Java. Share with you for your reference, as…… -
Java reflection mechanism and method Invoke details
Java reflection mechanism Java reflection mechanism is to know all the properties and methods of any class in the runn…… -
Black heart businessman of Java ordering applet
A long time ago, a woman opened a hotel. Her name was sun erniang. Here's the order applet she asked someone to make. …… -
Spring + mybatis realizes AOP database read-write separation and multi database source configuration
At the database level, read-write separation technology is mostly used, that is, one master database and multiple slav…… -
Obtain the basic information of mobile phone based on Java code (local number, SDK version, system version, mobile phone model)
Old style, no more nonsense, just paste java code for everyone. The code is as follows: Don't forget permissions: The …… -
Detailed explanation of sorting examples of Java map
Detailed explanation of sorting examples of Java map To sort key value pairs in a map, you can use the sort method pro…… -
MD5 encryption Base64 conversion method based on Java language
This paper provides 16 bit and 32-bit encryption methods based on MD5. The specific contents are as follows The above …… -
Thread safety in Java singleton mode
Thread safety in Java singleton mode The access scope of the bean provided by the spring IOC container by default is t…… -
Sample code for sending HTML mail using spring mail
order This article shows you how to use spring mail to send HTML mail. maven Send pictures test Send instance abnormal…… -
Java to get the local sunrise and sunset time code sharing
Get the local sunrise and sunset time according to the longitude, latitude and current date. The powerful Google searc…… -
Examples of two common simple search algorithms implemented in Java [fast search and binary search]
This paper describes two common simple search algorithms implemented in Java. Share with you for your reference, as fo…… -
Analysis of spring circular dependency policy
Cyclic dependence The so-called circular dependency means that the dependency relationship between multiple beans form…… -
On the synthetic keyword in Java programming
Java synthetic keyword. Fields and methods marked with synthetic are used internally by class, and synthetic fields wi…… -
Large file upload instance using memory mapping in Java
When dealing with large files, if you use ordinary FileInputStream, fileoutputstream or RandomAccessFile to read and w…… -
Spring can dynamically modify the time parameters and manually start the shutdown operation
Spring implements timed tasks in three ways: the timer class of Java, spring task and quartz. This article only introd…… -
Java imitation 12306 picture verification code
Due to a new project, I intend to make a simple picture verification code. Let's talk about the idea first: on the ser…… -
Java random password is generated and matched with email and mobile phone number
No more nonsense. I'll post the Java code directly. The code has some comments and is not well written. Please take ca……