Java – pass by value and polymorphism
See English answers > why Java polymers not work in my example public class Animals { int location = 200; //lin…… -
Java invariance, using the “=” operator
The questions about string invariance in java have plenty, in which the author of the problem actually reassigns refer…… -
Any Java way to generate recognition strings similar to Youtube Video strings?
Each video on YouTube has a unique identification string, such as 1cru2fzulec Is there any Java method that can genera…… -
How to accurately calculate the age of Java on the date of birth
I tried to calculate the age of several months considered in Java, so I can't subtract a few years I also want to tell…… -
Java – switch the action bar tab programmatically – how to attach parameters?
I am switching my Android (Sherlock) action bar tab, as described in this question: programmatically switch tabs in An…… -
GUI Java program requiring action event button
I am making a simple java program representing the Microsoft Word menu bar. I add an exit button in the file menu... I…… -
Java – when executing HTML Change the HTML link style in textviews after fromhtml
I'm developing an Android application I retrieve some data that looks like this: <a href="" title…… -
Java – why a loop with a char because its index is infinite?
This cycle will continue indefinitely: char a = 100; for(a=100; a>=0;--a) System.out.println(a); Does this happ…… -
Java – how to use math Random() gets the random number in the range
See English answer > math random,only generating a 0? 5 public class Tester{ public static void main(String arg…… -
What is the difference between controller and handler in Java – spring MVC?
Spring MVC documentation sometimes says "handler" or "request handler" For example,…… -
java – Integer. parseInt(“9999999990”);
See English answers > unexpected numberformatexception while parsing a hex string to an int value 5 String str="999…… -
Comparison of strings in different ways in Java
I have two strings, I think I mean according to my eyes, they are exactly the same But their comparison gave me the wr…… -
Why does Java allow private string [] [] var []
private String[][] var[] private String[][] var[] This code is compiled But shouldn't they create arrays on types or v…… -
The work of garbage collector in Java
Calling system What objects are available for garbage collection when gc()? Why? public class GCTest { static clas…… -
Java – the fastest byte array connection method
I get a mapping containing the N part of the message as a byte array After the last article enters the map, you must c…… -
Java assignment static variable
When I assign the value of a static int to another int, it performs the assignment in an order that does not seem to f…… -
Java – why count less or even use the synchronized keyword?
I began to learn some Java concurrency concepts public class Count { private int count = 0; public synchroni…… -
Use Apache POI in Java to read integers from numeric units
I have an application that uses Apache POI to read the XLS table When a cell has a value, I use row getCell(i). Getnum…… -
Java – how to use twitter4j to retrieve images in tweets?
I want to issue a query for a keyword or topic tag and retrieve all images from all tweets containing that keyword I c…… -
Java – sharing constants in multiple classes (Android Minesweeper)
I'm using the extended button to create an instance of a class and access integer variables directly for better perfor…… -
Mapping – dozer, instantiationexception on custom converter
I wrote my own customer converter: public class MyFancyCustomConverter extends DozerConverter<Integer,AnObject> …… -
java – System. Does the out object belong to system class or printstream class?
I'm a novice in programming and just started learning Java I'm curious, object system Does out belong to system class …… -
Java – use play 2.0 X for permanent redirection
I want to know how to play in the framework 2.0 X to permanently redirect the subdomain 301 Solution Global object wil…… -
Java – how do I know if my phone is charging
I need to know (through my app) whether the Android device is charging Any ideas? thank you Solution One thing I found…… -
Throw exceptions only in debug mode in Java
Even if there are problems, I want to avoid collapse That's why I don't want to throw exceptions that I know won't be …… -
Java – how do I change the value of jtextfield?
I'm trying to build a Java application using JFrame and swing. I have five jtextfield instances One of them is sum I n…… -
Is the trimtosize() method of the Java array list redundant?
I don't think the trimtosize () method in Java's ArrayList is necessary My understanding is: Let's look at an integer …… -
Java – program execution and GUI
OK, so I'm designing a GUI Usually I have finished the GUI, which accepts a set of initial inputs and then triggers th…… -
java. Lang. IllegalStateException: stream when writing Excel files using jetty and struts as responses
I have a code to create Excel files using struts and jetty In my declared struts In the XML file: <action name="ful…… -
Java: how to deal with generic heterogeneous containers?
What (and why) is a better way to deal with heterogeneous containers (i.e. database cursors with strings, integers, et…… -
java order arraylist string [] by number
I have a list of arrays of type string [] I want to command it with string [0] as int I have this: Collections.sort(li…… -
Java – Android studio Dalvik VM cannot find class
I'm trying to figure out how to fix the errors in the legacy Android projects I've migrated to Android studio I hope t……