Java security class cast exception
Hi, I'm a beginner of Java security. I encountered the following problems when calling:
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
I received an error:
java. lang.ClassCastException:com. sun. crypto. provider. Rsacipher cannot be cast to javax crypto. CipherSpi
There are also five jar files for payment gateway encryption in my war file:
> cryptix-jce-api. jar > cryptix-jce-provider. jar > cryptix-message-api. jar > cryptix-openpgp-provider. jar > cryptix-pki-api. jar
If you don't have these five jar files, cipher GetInstance () works, but it's impossible because I need jars to encrypt payment information
Can anyone there tell me how to overcome this problem?
Powermockito cannot enhance javax Crypto class, so you can add the following comments at the class level:
@Powermockignore ("javax. Crypto. *") or @ powermockignore ({"javax. Crypto"})