I want to use string in Java Replaceall (regex, regex) instead of (regex, string)
Example: input = "10N10N"; input = input.replaceAll("1|N","N|1"); // Syntax not correct Expected output: n01n01 What I…… -
What is the purpose behind the static final field in the Java – collections class?
The collections class has three static final fields named empty_ LIST,EMPTY_ Map and empty_ SET. They are all interfac…… -
Java – Tomcat – learn about credentialhandler
I recently need to use containers to manage security and authentication >First, what about the credentialhandler de…… -
The value passed by Java is explicit
See English answer > is java "pass by reference" or "pass by value"? 78 Cell boardGame[][] = new Cell[8][8]; I need…… -
java – ClassCastException:org. springframework. orm. jpa. Entitymanagerholder cannot be cast to org springframework. orm. hibernate5. SessionHolder
I tried to create a simple user login and registration page But I can't create users using the service method @Service…… -
Java – how to simulate an actor based on actorselection?
I have searched a lot about this, but there is no answer I have an actor "a" (user / a). When I receive the message "m…… -
Java-8 – Java prevents a lot of if and replaces it with design patterns
I use this code in my application and I find it very ugly for (final ApplicationCategories applicationCategorie : appl…… -
Java – spring resttemplate send list get list
I want to use spring's resttemplate to provide services. In terms of my services, the code is as follows: @PostMapping…… -
Java – eclipse cannot start the tomcat-7 server in debug mode
I'm trying to debug my code. Eclipse doesn't explain it in debug mode, but it works well when it starts normally Here …… -
Reentrant locks – Java concurrency in practice
Here are some sample code for reentry locking for "Java concurrency in practice": class Widget { public synchronized v…… -
Java – how to use the “dynamic optimization import” option to prevent Android studio from deleting wildcard imports
If you use editor > How do I prevent Android studio from using wildcards to delete imports? General > auto impor…… -
Java – Tomcat 7 and spring start the war
When I deployed the war to Tomcat 7, I received the following message: nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundEr…… -
Java – Dropbox V2 uploadbuilder: “string ‘path’ does not match pattern”
I'm trying to use Drop@R_817_2419 @The V2 API uploads my application data files (SQLite and preferences) from my Andro…… -
Java – accepts only a few characters of EditText
I need to implement EditText on Android, which only accepts a specific range of characters, namely: "s, a, Q, W, R, B,…… -
Java – how to sort an array composed of “null” and a string?
I have an array of 20: private Karte[] deckArr; deckArr = new Karte[20]; Now I want to sort the array by name every ti…… -
Java – Google Analytics – networkonmainthreadexception sent in asynctask
I have to implement Google Analytics in the application I'm working on I'm using Android studio I'm not sure if I shou…… -
Java, item store discount math error
This program is designed to act as a store where numbers are entered for the corresponding items and quantities The pr…… -
Convert foreach to a Java 8 filter stream
I have the following code Map<String,List<String>> map= new HashMap<>(); map.put("a",Arrays.asList("…… -
Java – s.equals (“”) and “” What’s the difference between equals (s)
First: s.equals ("") and "" What's the difference between equals (s)? Second: what if I want to perform one of these f…… -
Laravel 5.3 – ClassLoader. Errorexception in PHP line 414
I'm using laravel 5.3 I just installed the intervention / image package in my project Everything is normal, but I enco…… -
Java – Test and launch the spring boot application
I have a JUnit test. After the test, start a spring boot application (in my example, the main class is springtestdemoa…… -
Java – no math High power modulus of BigInteger
I have to turn this formula into Java code: If I can use something like math A library like BigInteger would be easier…… -
Java enum is initialized with conditions
In some cases, I want to initialize my enumeration foo with the following values private enum Foo { BAR1("1"),BAR2("…… -
Java sound generation generates noise
I'm using javax Sound to make sound, but when you play, they will make some noise in the background. If you play sever…… -
Java – how does Android add icons to each listview list item and change the text color and background color
I have a navigation drawer with some list items How to add icons to each list item and change the text color and backg…… -
Java – number of clicks to hear the activity button from within the clip
I just started learning fragments. I have an activity, that is, 1000 lines of code, which I have converted into fragme…… -
Java – create arrays using a for loop
Whether it is possible to create arrays in a similar style in Java, I have been searching and can't find anything int[…… -
Java – the default icon I can use in Android?
I want a list. I want a small icon for success / failure in each project Solution Ok... You can get a set of material …… -
Java – cannot serialize a class that has already been serialized?
See the clip below USPresident usPresident = new USPresident(56); try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputSt…… -
Java – how do I replace multiple strings in one line?
I want to insert "ob" before each vowel I tried the following code: String out=txt.toUpperCase(); out=out.replaceAll(…… -
Use Java 8 stream to parse CSV file
I have one CSV file, which contains the data of more than 500 companies Each line in the file refers to a specific com……