How to declare a class containing generic type fields in kotlin?
I have a data class in kotlin data class APIResponse<out T>(val status: String,val code: Int,val message: String…… -
Go – concurrent file system scanning
I want to get the file information of the files in the directory (file name and size, in bytes) But there are many sub…… -
How to use libgdx to obtain mobile phone language?
I am setting the default language of my game. I hope it is the language of my mobile phone. The question is: how can I…… -
Java – how to create a listview with multiple views
My question is – how to create a custom list view instead of just repeating a custom view, but like in instagram or ot…… -
Neo4j – Java heap space Wrong query or setting?
I have neo4j a problem introduce I have to build an application that stores bus / train routes This is my architecture…… -
Java – specifies the specific enumeration passed to the method in the mockito doreturn method
I have a JUnit test. I have an object simulated in a class Let's call the mocker class with @ mock of mymanager named …… -
Java – how do I update the sample to use the latest versions of Jetty (9.1.0. RC2) and Jersey (2.7)?
I've been trying to follow this example, but I'm not lucky At the suggestion of the following reviewers, I decided to …… -
Java – spring boot gradle – where to place the environment configuration?
I am using a simple application in spring boot It is developed locally (and effective): >Gradle, > H2 database, …… -
Java – split image into parts
I know there are many topics about this, but none really suits me The image should be saveable I tried bufferedimage, …… -
Java – libgdx – the best way to adjust the flame rate in the cycle
I'm making 2D platform games / shooting games with libgdx I'm doing this cycle. Pressing and holding the fire button w…… -
Java – create multiple jlabels and jtextfields in a less redundant way?
Anyone familiar with the Java GUI – swing package... And knows how to create multiple swing objects in a loop, such as…… -
Avoid NoSuchElementException in Java 8 streams
This problem is a follow-up to the earlier problem: adding up bigdecisions using streams The problem is related to add…… -
Java moves left and fills zeros
I want to move left, but fill in zero, just like int number = 20 >>> 10 = ( 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000…… -
Java – unable to parse the import org. Org springframework. test. context. junit4. SpringRunner
I'm trying to solve this problem from now on But I still haven't solved it I just got out of spring IO downloads a spr…… -
Unit test – unit test vertx – Java util. concurrent. TimeoutException
I'm trying to test HTTP calls from the vertx webclient unit using the rxified version of vertxunitrunner and vertx The…… -
Java – the difference between string, string builders, character arrays and ArrayList
Strings are immutable String builders are not, so you can add characters at the end String is a character array. If I'…… -
Java – adds multiple bigdecimals to a map
I tried to aggregate multiple bigdecimals from the list At present, I am using two streams, but if possible, I want on…… -
Java – insert spaces after commas, periods, and other punctuation marks
In Java, the best way to fix missing spaces after some punctuation is: ,. ; : ? ! For example: String example = "This …… -
Java – after successful matching, continue to match the scala switch of the next case
How to execute another case block after executing one case block in a Scala switch statement (in Java: no interruption…… -
Find the maximum product of negative numbers in Java
I'm taking a semi - advanced course in Java I taught myself JavaScript as a hobby, so I'm not a real beginner, but I'm…… -
Java – unexpected tags in kotlin (use; separate expressions on the same line)
I use kotlin in my android project, which is developed on Java. I use kotlin data classes in the service layer Now I w…… -
Java-8 – sum and max values in a single iteration
I have a list of custom callrecord objects public class CallRecord { private String callId; private String aN…… -
Java – how to calculate the length of multiple strings
I have a string like this: Hey, my name is $name $; I'm over $years old. I like playing $sport $. I live in $country $…… -
Java 8: merge 2 string lists into the map
See English answers > clearest way to combine two lists into a map (Java)? 15 List<String> keys List<Strin…… -
Java – mulestudio Studio: Studio target failed to execute
I copied / pasted a work project in the mule studio workspace (from mule studio) to create a new project After that, I…… -
Java – regular expressions that begin with an underscore but do not contain any underscores
I try to get the name of the file from the last underscore until the end For example, ABC_ AA. XML should be ABC and A…… -
Java – Maven: exclude the “meta-inf / Maven” folder from the jar
I use Maven to build jars When I checked the jar, I saw a maven folder in the meta - inf folder I want it to be exclud…… -
How to wrap Java util. Iterator to change the type of the object being iterated
I'm providing some appearance classes for third-party APIs. I need to wrap an iterator so that I can replace things it…… -
Java – method of overriding with different parameters
Suppose I have a parent class: class Parent{ public void aMethod() { //Some stuff } } It is a children…… -
Java – does the HTTP protocol version “http / 1.1” contain HTTPS?
I don't actually see this problem, perhaps because it is so basic I am using java Apache httpcomponent and check the r…… -
Understanding Java executorservice
I'm trying to learn how to use Java's executorservice, I am reading the following discussion java thread simple queue …… -
Haskell pattern matching vector
I'm following an online tutorial on Haskell We define a function to add a two-dimensional vector, represented by tuple……