Java – Android studio does not parse classes written in kotlin (. KT) in the IDE, but compiles well
I started working on an existing project that uses standard Java and some classes of kotlin Question: These projects c…… -
Java 8 optional how to handle too many orelses
Let's look at an example without Lambdas: @H_ 502_ 8@ @H_ 502_ 8@ Credentials credentials = CredentialService.get(id);…… -
Java – Click to confirm the modal dialog with selenium webdriver
I have a modal dialog like this: I want to click OK to save this text So I use switchto switch to this dialog box: web…… -
Java – render Android support. design. widget. Coordinatorlayout problem
I upgraded Android studio to 2.2 Problems faced after 3 I tried to fix the build path, but it didn't work for me When …… -
Java spark streaming JSON parsing
I have started to learn spark flow from spark engine, and new data analysis and spark I just want to create a small IO…… -
Java – TestNG – @ aftermethod priority
Can the @ aftermethod method method be called in a specific order? public class PriorityTest { @BeforeClass(alwaysRun…… -
Java – how do I reverse the seekbar value?
I have the following code: int min = 1; int max = 255; seekBar.setMax(max - min); seekBar.setOnSeekBarchangelistener…… -
Accessing poloniex HTTP API using java
I tried to connect to poloniex com API , which says: But I always get {"error":"Inva…… -
BufferedReader in Java Does readline() put the entire file in memory?
Yes? Or maybe only a single string is placed on each readLine (), and the maximum memory space is the volume of the lo…… -
JavaFX drop-down button
How to create a "drop-down button" in JavaFX? So far, I'm using it Choice@R_206_2419 @, now I have to Choice@R_206_241…… -
Java – static nested subclasses of closed types can still reference private field members. Why?
I've found something vague. With all due respect Suppose we have the following class structure: public class A { p…… -
Java – place numbers on random points in a 2D array
I have a 2D array with 5 rows and 5 columns I want it to place a '1' character at 8 random points in the 2D array (mak…… -
Java – if value is empty, delete the key
Suppose we have a map < key, collection < value > > mymap and a method to delete values from the collectio…… -
JavaDocs throws illegalargumentexception
I am using IntelliJ idea. When I start generating JavaDocs (through tools - > generate Javadoc), I will throw an il…… -
Java – thymeleaf email template and conversionservice
I have a spring MVC application. I try to render a date localdate as a string. It works for normal views, but it doesn…… -
Change the scene in JavaFX without resizing the window
I'm trying to change the scene on JavaFX without changing the window size But when I set stage setScene(scene2); As th…… -
Java – spring rest simulation context path
I tried to set the context path for spring rest mocks using the following code snippet: private mockmvc mockmvc; @Bef…… -
Java – what class What does the forname () method do for JDBC?
See the English answer > what is the purpose of 'class forName(“MY_JDBC_DRIVER”)’? 4 Class.forName("com.MysqL.jdbc.…… -
Definition of constant field in Bloch’s effective java version 2
quote: I'm not sure what that means; Can anyone give an example? Solution An example Josh is talking about is list, wh…… -
Java: how to remove quotation marks from the JSON key using regular expressions
I need to remove double quotes (objects with sub objects and arrays in the hierarchy) from the complex JSON structure …… -
Java – set Proguard to confuse only my application packages
I tried to use Proguard for obfuscation, but got a third-party library error, so I excluded each package one by one: -…… -
Java – regular expressions extract specific strings
1X79 "The X-Files" (1.01) 9/10/93 1/17/94* 11/ 6/94* 1X79 "The X-Files" (1.01) 9/10/93 1/17/…… -
Adjust the size of the window dynamically in the JavaFX window to adjust the window size.
I have a task. I want to create four circles with four triangles inside, which is similar to a fan. I create a clock. …… -
Java – recursively tests whether the character array is a palindrome
I tried to find a solution, but all the solutions I found were strings What I want to do is check whether the characte…… -
Java – sockettimeoutexception when building ant in eclipse
I had problems building some of my ant scripts using eclipse (some built normally, others didn't) Basically, I'm at ec…… -
Java 8 stream reduces arbitrary class types
Well, it's not a homework question, it's a question of "I got the Java 8 program and hope to finally pass the certific…… -
java – Thread. Yield () is still a cross platform minefield?
I can find the answers of old references and so, say thread The behavior of yield() varies from platform to platform T…… -
How do I add new functionality to pre-existing Java components?
To explain what I mean, I'll use the following code example Imagine you have this function private void fadeButton(JBu…… -
Java streams – how to use conditions on keys to translate all values in a collection map
I have a map Let's talk Map<Long,List<MyObj>> I want to create a long array in all myobjs, where the key (…… -
. Net – how to make an asynchronous servicecontroller WaitForStatus?
So servicecontroller Waitforstatus is a blocked call How can I complete the task / asynchronously? Solution ServiceCon…… -
Java – spring MVC and Hibernate cannot obtain the session of transaction synchronization for the current thread
I have a spring application that works with hibernate Hibernate session is not created Throw an error as shown below &…… -
Java – why is map conversion so narrow?
I know the difference between narrow transform and wide transform of RDD My question is which parameters can prove tha……