Java – sockettimeoutexception when building ant in eclipse
I had problems building some of my ant scripts using eclipse (some built normally, others didn't) Basically, I'm at ec…… -
Java 8 stream reduces arbitrary class types
Well, it's not a homework question, it's a question of "I got the Java 8 program and hope to finally pass the certific…… -
java – Thread. Yield () is still a cross platform minefield?
I can find the answers of old references and so, say thread The behavior of yield() varies from platform to platform T…… -
How do I add new functionality to pre-existing Java components?
To explain what I mean, I'll use the following code example Imagine you have this function private void fadeButton(JBu…… -
Java streams – how to use conditions on keys to translate all values in a collection map
I have a map Let's talk Map<Long,List<MyObj>> I want to create a long array in all myobjs, where the key (…… -
. Net – how to make an asynchronous servicecontroller WaitForStatus?
So servicecontroller Waitforstatus is a blocked call How can I complete the task / asynchronously? Solution ServiceCon…… -
Java – spring MVC and Hibernate cannot obtain the session of transaction synchronization for the current thread
I have a spring application that works with hibernate Hibernate session is not created Throw an error as shown below &…… -
Java – why is map conversion so narrow?
I know the difference between narrow transform and wide transform of RDD My question is which parameters can prove tha…… -
Java 8: are longadder and longaccumulator the first choice for atomiclong?
Longadder as a substitute for atomiclong ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); IntStream.ran…… -
Java – case insensitive string What is an alternative to the contains method?
See English answers > how to check if a string contains another string in a case insensitive manner in Java? 17 If …… -
How to get each number separately by numbers (floating point numbers) and using int Java
Is there a good way to search the first four numbers of a floating-point number and return each number separately with…… -
Java equivalent Delphi language features
See English answer > equivalent of c# anonymous methods in Java? 6 I see from the Java language specification that …… -
Java / spring application cannot start on cloudfoundry: outofmemoryerror compresses class space
After deploying the new version of Java / spring boot software to the Swisscom developer cloud running on the cloud fo…… -
JavaFX: how to create a scrollpane pan only on the middle key?
When panning is allowed, the scrollpane pane of JavaFX displays all mouse events: scrollPane.setPannable(true); How ca…… -
Java – Tomcat permission denied when trying to write to a file
I'd like to send a zip through the Tomcat server But when I try to visit http://localhost:8094/fetna -At project rest …… -
Java – unlimited when trying catch
I encountered a problem when I tried to execute a try catch statement in a loop I ask the user to input letters first …… -
Is it possible to resolve ambiguity through annotations in Java
See English answers > method overloading for null argument 7 void bla(Integer a); void bla(String a); Basically, wh…… -
Java – unit testing: calling @PostConstruct after defining simulation behavior
I have two classes: public MyService { @Autowired private MyDao myDao; private List<Items>…… -
Java – add a property file on the classpath
I am building a spring independent application based on spring boot I want this application to read its properties fro…… -
Java – a bufferedimage is grayed out
I tried to gray the buffered image (instead of converting it to gray, just add gray at the top) Now I do this by using…… -
java. Lang. illegalargumentexception: undefined filter parameter [P1]
I'm trying to execute hibernate filter This is my POJO course: @Entity @Table(name="flight") @FilterDef(name="f1",para…… -
Java – why do I use random run to get the same number?
I'm following a book and in this Code: Random rand = new Random(47); int i,j,k; j = rand.nextInt(100) + 1; …… -
Java – build error: Jack needs build tool 24.0 0 or later
I use the RX Library in my android project, and for some reason, I need to build Gradle as: apply plugin: '…… -
Java – dagger 2: error getting multiple instances of the same object using @ named
How can I get multiple instances of the same return type like a cursor For example:- Module @CursorScope public class …… -
Java – Android NFC device owner configuration: send custom attributes Is it possible?
I am developing an application and have the following problems When using NFC for device owner configuration, I want t…… -
Java – textview confirmation location
I'm trying to make an Android code that provides different work for each button So when the user presses button 1, the…… -
java – CompletableFuture vs Spring Transactions
idea I have a handler that receives a list of items and processes them asynchronously using an external web service Th…… -
Java transform format String
I'm still a novice in Java. I wonder if there is any way to format double without rounding? double n = 0.12876543; Str…… -
Java – how to find minimum and maximum values by integer sequence?
I'm new to coding. I try to use math Min and math The max method finds the minimum and maximum values of an integer se…… -
Java – race conditions occur even after synchronization
I'm trying to run multiple threads I have obviously obtained the competitive conditions and can solve it as follows: f…… -
Parallelism in rxjava – filters
I have some very simple code and read a bunch of strings & application filters I want the filter to run on multipl…… -
JavaFX: creating custom data attributes for nodes
I currently need custom attributes, which I can get at any time Is there any way to create custom data attributes for ……