Java – can spring restdocs generate real-time documents like swagger?
As a developer, I prefer spring restdocs But as a user of documents, I find swagger real-time documents very attractive This is a ubiquitous example:
Is there any way to record my rest API with spring restdocs, but generate real-time documents like swagger petstore? If so, what do you do?
No, it can't be used out of the box Rest docs is designed to be extensible, so you can add functionality yourself, but this will be a major task
I am the leader of the rest docs project. Support for real-time documents is very meaningful, but it is not particularly important at present In my experience, real-time documents can be used as amusement parks, but the actual recording service is very poor My current focus is on producing accurate and well - structured documents If you are looking for something more instructive than the blank canvas of asciidoctor, using rest docs with slate can provide you with a big quick start