When using integration testing, gradle cannot get metadata correctly from androidmanifest.xml
Quick summary: I'm trying to use gradlew connectedandroidtest on Android studio 1.2.2 for integration testing, but I r…… -
Android – what if the manufacturer deletes the folder under the / dev / log folder? [indicates no logcat]
There is a problem with my Android device. The log folder under / dev cannot be accessed or may not even exist $pwd pw…… -
Java – how do I send messages from my android app to specific contacts via WhatsApp?
I'm developing an Android application. I need to send messages to specific contacts of WhatsApp. I've tried this Code:…… -
Eclipse doesn’t recognize my Android Tablet
The first thing I want to say is that I have been using eclipse with Android (V2.2) phone without any problems Today, …… -
Android – how to save the status of the checkbox
I have an application with checkboxes. How do I save them? My layout is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> …… -
Android – simulate a long press by touching an event
How do we simulate a long press by touching an event? Or how do we in action_ Calculate the time to touch the screen i…… -
Android – style the actionbarsherlock tab
So I tried to set the tab of actionbar. I implemented it using actionbar Sherlock library. This is my code: <style …… -
How do I clear all map overlays or tags of Google maps in Android?
I want to clear all map overlays or markers from Google maps and use the following code if(!mapOverlays.isEmpty()) …… -
Advise error parsing XML unbound prefix Android
I let AdMob work for a while. After the error, I made a mistake and scrapped the whole thing more than once. Now I get…… -
Androidruntimeexception “calling startactivity() from outside the activity context requires flag_activity_new_task flag”
I created multiple layouts in listview, but when I click I to get an androidruntimeexception, "calling startactivity()…… -
Android – causes: java.lang.illegalargumentexception: provider = Network
Try to find the current location of my device.code here package com.example.location; import; …… -
Java – the method gettext() must be called from the UI thread (Android studio)
I'm trying to create a login for the application. But I have a problem This is my code: package com.forgetmenot.loginr…… -
Android log cat displays $namenotfoundexception: app package
I'm a newer Android. When I try to run my application in AVD, I find the following exception in the log cat, which sho…… -
48. Android decompression tools
After Google, I finally found a relatively simple decompression tool class. public static void compressDB(Context cont…… -
Android – synchronizes the scroll position of the Scrollview between all clips in the viewpager
Therefore, I have an activity with a view pager. It will expand about 7 fragments. There is a Scrollview in each fragm…… -
The fourth pit of the flutter – the asset, Android print and IOS devices are disconnected
Use of asset 1. Configure in yaml; 2. Complete path in the code. Print output length 1. The limit in Android is 4000. …… -
Problems with the percentage layout of the first line of code
In APP / build. Gradle, as written in the book, you should add the following to the dependencies closure dependencies …… -
Android – textview setcomposundrawables do not change or display
I have a listview with custom list items <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:andro…… -
Android EditText – settextmethod cursor problem
I tried to set text in EditText... But after setting text, the cursor is still at the beginning of text. Can I move it…… -
Android – how do I save the status of the toglebutton on / off selection?
Hello, I have implemented the application based on the togglebutton selection. But when I close the application and re…… -
Java – what’s faster – storing data in lists or databases? (robot)
I am currently working on a school project (Android application). We should store user fee and income information in t…… -
Add badges to tags in Android
I want to add a badge to my app, just like in iPhone A screenshot of the badge used in iPhone is located in the follow…… -
Android gradle unit tests migration from jars – copied hamcrest files from JUnit and mockito
I eventually migrated the old unit tests run using jar files to gradle, but I had a lot of trouble getting the right c…… -
Android – how do I refresh the last activity after pressing the back button?
I'm building an alarm application. I currently have a listactivity that displays a list of alarms and another activity…… -
How to programmatically display spinner pop-up in Android
I'm facing a problem with the spinner. Suppose a spinner dialog box pops up. If the screed lock occurs when I unlock t…… -
Android – delete objects from ArrayList?
I have a listview. By default, my listview contains check boxes and all selected check boxes. If we uncheck any check …… -
Java – can tablets make phone calls? (telephone)
I have permissions in the list: <uses-feature android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" android:requ…… -
Android – when I change the background color, the rotation arrow disappears
When I change the background color of my spinner, the drop-down arrow disappears. I see some answers to similar questi…… -
Android – invalid userid () when connecting Ti SensorTag to IBM IOT foundation via bluemix
I read all other posts about Ti SensorTag and Internet of things infrastructure services, but still (1) can't connect …… -
Android – how to add a user’s name, profile, picture and address to the firebase database?
I'm trying to create an android app. I want to save each user's personal details (such as name, profile, photo and add…… -
Android – add shadow under tabbar – material design
<item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item> <TextView xmlns:android="http://schemas.androi…… -
Android – alertdialog setbutton deprecated
I used this code in the eclipse Android project alertDialog.setButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { ……