Android – use intent.action_ Pick to get a specific path
I'm trying to use the Android gallery to select pictures. It's easy to start the gallery
Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
startActivityForResult(photoPickerIntent, 1);
However, I need to limit the images displayed in the library to specific paths on the device (that is, only images from a single folder). Is this possible? How do you do it?
Sorry, no, it's impossible
You also have an error using this intent protocol Pick, this protocol expects you to place the content of the dataset you want the selector to select from: URI
That is, you should consider using action_ Pick. Modern action is action_ GET_ Content, which is better supported; You'll find action_ Pick supports instability and inconsistency. Unfortunately, action_ GET_ Content also does not allow you to specify a directory