Checkbox setselected does not work when using the Android: drawableright property
My check box is in the XML layout: <Check@R_379_2419@ android:id="@+id/cb1" …… -
JavaScript – phonegap Android geolocation watchposition timeout
I am testing with Cordova 3.0.0 and Samsung Galaxy S3 4.1.2 When I test the phonegap full example to see the location:…… -
Android – how to split strings with ‘newline’?
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); String str while ((str =in.readLine()…… -
Android 2D games, the best choice for graphics?
We are two people without Android development and 2D game experience We hope to make a 2D game with quite simple graph…… -
Android – onpause is called immediately after onresume
Edit * this problem occurs when testing on Android devices. This problem does not occur when testing emultor I am star…… -
Java – job scheduling setrequiresdeviceidle (true) and setperiodic () do not work
I'm developing an application to execute the background task and check whether the device is idle in 10 seconds, but s…… -
java – Android:Generating Elliptic Curve KeypPair
I am trying to realize key generation based on Eliptic curves Diffie Hellman. Now I want to specify my Eliptic curve m…… -
Android – get my personal data contact
I need to get my personal contact information. In Android 4.0 and later, we have a data contact. I have tried to use c…… -
How do I return root activity from Java code? (robot)
I am creating the following activities Invalid Sign When I click the button in D, I need to return to the home screen …… -
Android – how do I start services defined in different packages?
I have two applications, one running in the namespace com.gtosoft.voyager and the other com.gtosoft.dash. From com.gto…… -
Java – similar and of camera. Parameters. Gethorizontalviewangle() and camera. Parameters. Getverticalviewangle()
All this is in the title, but in the now deprecated Android camera API, there are two methods: camera. Parameters. Get…… -
Java – how to protect SQLite dB in Android from theft
I'm making an application for a 28mb sq Lite file. It was originally in the Android resource folder. When it is instal…… -
Null pointer exception on Android – setadapter()
I'm trying to create a custom listview adapter (roughly based on this tutorial, but the example is simple, and I doubt…… -
Android – how do I know which API level I’m building with NDK build?
I'm trying to better understand how to choose API levels when using NDK build I know I can explicitly set the app in a…… -
Java – debug.keystore does not exist
I'm trying to generate MD5 fingerprints, but the problem is that every time I try to enter the whole code, I say debug…… -
Android – connect points on the map with lines
I have three GPS points in the android app. How do I set up a map to connect the first and second with the red and the…… -
Android – communication between tabactivity and embedded activity
I'm trying to find out the best communication practices between the activity and the child activities embedded in this…… -
Android – how to display ImageView at the bottom of cardview
Suffering from XML. I want to display roundedcornerimageview at the bottom of cardview. It's difficult to implement it…… -
Android, ImageView
I'm trying to use a paintable PNG to get my ImageView to fill the display (I don't care about the ratio). However, fil…… -
InApp buys content compatibility on multiple mobile platforms (IOS and Android)
I have developed an application on both platforms. Multiple users can see each other online when using the application…… -
Android – how to handle oncheckedchangelistener of radiogroup in a custom listview adapter
I am developing an application with a list view with a custom layout, as follows: it has four RadioButtons and a textv…… -
Android – how to deal with the persistence of eclipse hanging on the workspace?
This is its length. First short: >I have an X window system crash, resulting in unclean eclipse (that is, it may be…… -
Does Android run OpenGL es 1.1 or 1.0?
I'm developing a native application for Android. I'm trying to use glisenabled and other functions. It seems that thes…… -
Android support library appcompat V7: actionmodesharedrawable resource not found
I reinstalled the V7 appcompat library from the SDK manager in eclipse. However, the library itself told me that there…… -
Android – deletes the location icon of the default user
I use Google Maps V2 for Android to develop applications. I try to add a custom icon to the user's location, but I can…… -
Android – method maketext in toast type is not applicable to parameters
I'm using the viewpage indicator and trying to use toast when we scroll to the next fragment page I got him to follow …… -
Is it bad or rude to automatically execute contentresolver.setmastersync in Android applications?
I widely use synaptor in my application to realize its core functions. I also use the periodic refresh provided by syn…… -
Add OpenCV to native C code through cmake on Android studio
I tried to include opencv in my native C code through cmake. I did some research on the Internet, downloaded the findo…… -
Android – how to solve “error: libx264 not found”?
I need to install ffmpeg and support libx264 to enable H.264 encoding. I successfully installed libx264 using the tool…… -
Android optionsmenu problem, the background is always transparent
My options menu always shows no background (the background is transparent). Who knows how to get rid of this? My faile…… -
Android – style not applied
I made the style with the following code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <style…… -
android – Google Maps v2 Custom Tile Provider
I'm developing a custom tile provider to display traffic data on Google maps. At a high zoom level, it's good for me M……