Android – how to handle oncheckedchangelistener of radiogroup in a custom listview adapter
I am developing an application with a list view with a custom layout, as follows: it has four RadioButtons and a textv…… -
Android – how to deal with the persistence of eclipse hanging on the workspace?
This is its length. First short: >I have an X window system crash, resulting in unclean eclipse (that is, it may be…… -
Does Android run OpenGL es 1.1 or 1.0?
I'm developing a native application for Android. I'm trying to use glisenabled and other functions. It seems that thes…… -
Android support library appcompat V7: actionmodesharedrawable resource not found
I reinstalled the V7 appcompat library from the SDK manager in eclipse. However, the library itself told me that there…… -
Android – deletes the location icon of the default user
I use Google Maps V2 for Android to develop applications. I try to add a custom icon to the user's location, but I can…… -
Android – method maketext in toast type is not applicable to parameters
I'm using the viewpage indicator and trying to use toast when we scroll to the next fragment page I got him to follow …… -
Is it bad or rude to automatically execute contentresolver.setmastersync in Android applications?
I widely use synaptor in my application to realize its core functions. I also use the periodic refresh provided by syn…… -
Add OpenCV to native C code through cmake on Android studio
I tried to include opencv in my native C code through cmake. I did some research on the Internet, downloaded the findo…… -
Android – how to solve “error: libx264 not found”?
I need to install ffmpeg and support libx264 to enable H.264 encoding. I successfully installed libx264 using the tool…… -
Android optionsmenu problem, the background is always transparent
My options menu always shows no background (the background is transparent). Who knows how to get rid of this? My faile…… -
Android – style not applied
I made the style with the following code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <style…… -
android – Google Maps v2 Custom Tile Provider
I'm developing a custom tile provider to display traffic data on Google maps. At a high zoom level, it's good for me M…… -
Android – how do I know the fragment ID of the fragment provided by the tabbed activity template
I have used the tabbed activity template provided by Android studio, but I can't find the IDs of different fragments u…… -
JavaScript – how to use getusermedia with Cordova on Android?
Using getusermedia to preview camera input in video elements works very well in chrome, but once the same code is run …… -
Android – how to avoid duplicate resources in multi flavor applications
If I have three flavors, flavor 1, flavor 2 and flavor 3, each flavor has dev, pat and prod "sub flavors" versions. Th…… -
Java Jackson
I'm using Jackson to bind the JSON response to my class. Everything is fine unless there are more fields in my JSON re…… -
JavaScript – alerts in embedded WebView
JavaScript alert() does not work when you embed WebView and load HTML pages in your application. Please give me an exa…… -
Java – why does Android ignore read_ SMS permissions?
I played and read my inbox under Android API 15, and I encountered the following problems: My application has only one…… -
PHP – use Android to store and retrieve images from the Wamp server
I have an Android application, in which the administrator user can create an ordinary user account, and the administra…… -
Android – EditText onchangelistener function
I have the following code: nameOfInf.setOnFocuschangelistener(new OnFocuschangelistener() { if (strTollAmount.leng…… -
Android ProgressBar: progress bar control
When the application runs in the background, you can use the progress bar to feed back the current progress informatio…… -
Java – sharing constants in multiple classes (Android Minesweeper)
I'm using the extended button to create an instance of a class and directly access integer variables for better perfor…… -
Android – how do I display alerts within an active group?
My application has a tab bar. In order to maintain it, I use an activity group. When I click these tabs, I must displa…… -
Android – i-jetty or jetty
I have a web application hosted on an Android device. I am currently using the simulator provided by Android SDK. My a…… -
React native router flux disable the Android back button to return to the login interface
Using react native router flux, after the user successfully logs in, I want to disable the back button to return to th…… -
How to increase the text size of horizontal chart value in mpadroidchart
mChart.setDrawValueAboveBar(false); resolvent: -
Android – unable to hide title bar titanium alloy
I encountered a problem in titanium appcelerator using alloy MVC. This problem includes the following (see picture) I …… -
Android – remove apps from recent apps
I'm developing an android app. If I close my app, my app will be available in the recent apps list. Now I don't want t…… -
Java – random number
I have a question: how to draw a number from 0 to 4 in Java (Android)? How to use random functions? resolvent: The fol…… -
Android – viewpager has different menus and common toolbars and does not work properly
There are labels in my application. Each label has different fragments and different menus. Here is the layout I'm usi…… -
How do I run gradle 1.9 in Android studio 0.3.6?
buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath '…… -
Track more than 100 synchronized GeoFences using the new Android API
I have about 3500 geographical interest points in an area of 9000 square kilometers. I want my application to run in t……