Android – the trademark (TM) logo is displayed as a question mark on the device
I'm displaying trademark symbols attached to text( ™) As the title of the dialog box. It works normally in the simula…… -
Android – unable to get r.anim in my project
I started some Android programming, and I'm trying to do some animation in my activities. But all references use inter…… -
Android – show ProgressDialog questions in nested tag activities
I have nested tag activities Tabmain (tabhost), I have childtab (another tabhost) and two other activities I can displ…… -
Android – flip the Y axis in OpenGL es?
I try to draw orthogonal mode with OpenGL es, and the point (0,0) is in the lower left corner of the screen. However, …… -
Android – app crashes to get device ID
I am using the following code to get the device ID public static String getDeviceUuId(Activity context) { Stri…… -
Android – cannot debug on a KitKat device
I have KitKat on three devices (Nexus 7 2013, nexus 7 2013 and Galaxy nexus. Obviously, Galaxy nexus is not the offici…… -
Android, I see the heap grow, but I want it to stop
I see more and more of my heap, and I know it will eventually crash on any device because it will keep growing Frag ca…… -
How to force system shutdown and application shutdown on Android
I want to forcibly close my application as an Android system. For example, select the system steps below "Setting" -&g…… -
First Android Application – how to access the compass
I'm making my first Android application. As a toy of the learning system, I want to make a simple application that use…… -
Android – get fragment instance in activity
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .add(,new MyFragment).commit(); Whe…… -
Entry level flutter building tutorial
Sort it out by yourself and record it 1. Required tools and dependencies: (1) git command line tool (2) fluent SDK (3)…… -
HTTP get request in Android 2.3.3
I need help sending HTTP get requests. My code is as follows: URL connectURL = new URL("url"); HttpURLConnecti…… -
Restart app programmatically after crash – Android
Is there any way I can make my application restart automatically when it crashes? My application is just a simple medi…… -
Android – how to center and left align prompt text in EditText?
This is my layout, which brings the prompts together well, but how to align the prompts to the left, such as the margi…… -
Java – incorrect thread in Android domain
I have two services, one of which is the producer (saving the object to the domain), and the other reads the object fr…… -
Listview count vs number of adapters in Android
Why do listview. Getchildcount () and adapter. Getcount () return different values? I have an onscroll method. If I ca…… -
How to make responsive Android applications for mobile devices and tablets?
I created an Android application When I run my application on my mobile phone, it works well, but when I run in tablet…… -
Android – EditText maximum character limit exceeds callback
My idea is to set the error view to EditText when the maximum character limit is reached. Is there a callback for this…… -
Android – whether sharing preferences are shared among users
I have some questions, please help me, the following is my question? >Is the sharing preference data shared among u…… -
Android – appbarlayout combines my custom view with layout_ Behavior overlap
I have a custom header whose custom behavior interacts with the coordinator layout. This header depends on the appbarl…… -
Java – Android HTTP request with client certificate
I'm trying to use this code to make a request to a server with client certificate authentication: try { /*** CA Ce…… -
Android – the main thread is blocked by object.wait?
My layout has a surfaceview. Sometimes when my application switches from the background to the foreground, I get ANR. …… -
Android WebView goback() problem using loaddatawithbaseurl method
The problem is that goback () does not display my HTML data. The steps that cause this problem are like >Use the me…… -
Maximum date on Android DatePickerDialog
I need to set the maximum year on the DatePickerDialog I'm using, but I can't find any mechanism to do so. The documen…… -
Android – activityoptions.makescenetransitionanimation cannot use multiple views in kotlin
This is my kotlin code for active transition animation val p1 = Pair.create(imageViewhospitals, "hospitals") v…… -
Android – avoid layout change animations in custom views, which are updated in WindowManager
I have a custom relativelayout, and I even set setlayouttransition (null) I use ((WindowManager) context.getsystemserv…… -
Android – refresh tags on cluster manager
When the user navigates the map, the application will get a new location for him to view. However, the map does not us…… -
Android – how do I share images from ImageView?
I have ImageView and I want to share its images Here's my code, btshare.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { …… -
Android Scrollview: Scrollview
When there are so many contents on the user interface provided by activity that the current mobile phone screen cannot…… -
Java – Android – how to avoid duplicate code between activities
This is a general problem, but I will give you a specific example I have many activities in the app. In all activities…… -
Java – returns the primary activity from any activity on the Android application
I'm developing an Android application with an action bar and a dashboard When the user clicks the "application logo" b…… -
BlackBerry – use GPS and Google maps to evaluate the port of the android app
Suppose I have an Android application using Google maps and GPS. Use custom views and timers How long does it take to ……