Android – use Proguard to build “execute task: [: app: assemblyrelease]” from the last 23 hours to signing apk
I'm using Proguard to narrow down and build the signed APK. But it took a long time to build the APK. From the last 23…… -
Java – dagger 2 has no initialization variables
Now I'm trying to implement dagger in my project. I have a problem. Variables initialized in application components ar…… -
How to use the spinner and populate it from an array in Android
I am a novice in Android development. I want to implement spinner. My problem is that I have an array with a key categ…… -
Android – eglconfig on HTLC desire, which can be configured to suspend the device
I am implementing my own eglconfigchooser and passing it to seteglconfigchooser () to select the best available config…… -
GPS monitoring system for Android + webserver (assumption)
Suddenly there was an idea to establish a system. It can be used to monitor the current position of the person holding…… -
Java – loadermanager does not accept ‘this’
OK, I surrendered. I don't understand I'm paying attention to the udacity course of Android basics and need to figure …… -
Android 4.4 Kit Kat list selector color
Since Android 4.4 Kit Kat, the pressed button or selected list item is no longer highlighted in blue, but in a translu…… -
How to send files with JSON on Android?
I want to send JSON files with HTTP client. I don't know how to start. Anyone can suggest what I should do? I will sen…… -
Android ImageView and imagebutton: picture view and picture button
ImageView is a component for displaying pictures, which is widely used in many occasions. ImageView can display any im…… -
Android – how do I drag the view horizontally?
In controls such as listview and gallery, you can drag items vertically or horizontally I have a textview. I successfu…… -
Java – how to add the final integer variable?
Eclipse is providing final, but I can't add the I variable @Override public void onClick(View v) { final TextView …… -
Program type already exists: $stub $proxy
I know it may look like this question, but I can't solve the solution it proposes, and I can't comment on it. The erro…… -
Android – reduces padding between navigation icons and logos on toolbars
Who knows how to reduce the padding between the navigation icon and logo on the toolbar. For some reason, there seems …… -
Can I use the widgets in the Android l preview support library in the current Android version?
Invalid Sign I'm trying to use widgets that don't have Android l preview devices or simulators. I've checked other pro…… -
Java – calling notifydatasetchanged from inside the adapter failed
I have an adapter (extended baseadapter). I tried to call notifydatasetchanged(), but it didn't work. I believe notify…… -
Android email application source code
I wonder if we can get the source code of Android native email application If so, please indicate the link thank you r…… -
Android webviewclient callback calls are too frequent
When I call WebView #loadurl, I hope I can only get one webviewclient #onpagefinished call without webviewclient #shou…… -
Android studio cannot read the package when generating Javadoc
So far, I have seen the problems of eclipse Javadoc in this, this and this, but these problems only apply to eclipse. …… -
Android – gmailsender does not work properly when using Proguard
I am using gmailsender to send email in my app. I follow the link below to send email in Android using JavaMail API wi…… -
How do I clip oval or mask shaped images in Android?
I'm working on a camera application. I have square capture and crop images. But I need oval or face shape. How does it…… -
Java – special characters for HTTP requests
I am a novice on the Android platform and try to create an HTTP request, but my URL contains some special characters, …… -
Android – how to ask for runtime permissions for camera
I'm making a button click application to scan bar code. It can work normally to lollipop version. When I came to marsh…… -
Android – accelerate zoom in ImageView
I am currently working on very large images (7-10mb), which cannot be resized or compressed for many reasons Now, our …… -
Android – unable to find provider information for com.facebook.katana.provider.platformprovider
I want to log in to my application with Facebook, but I received the next message from logcat: Failed to find provider…… -
Java – the background of the drawerlayout is dimmed
I want to know how to darken the drawer background when the drawer is open. I have a transparent drawer menu (listview…… -
How to go to the next activity in Android
I have three views main1.xml, main2.xml, main3.xml. I put three buttons in main.xml. When the user clicks the first bu…… -
Java – classnotfoundexception: the class “”. Unity plug-in was not found
The application crashed on the test device, but not on my device. I tried to install the appmetrica plug-in, but it di…… -
Android – duplicate alerts don’t work
I know this kind of question has been laughed at many times... But please read my question first, and then vote or mar…… -
Use account manager to implement JWT authentication in Android
I am implementing an Android application that must include user login. To do this, I have created my own authenticator…… -
Android – ‘cannot resolve symbol’ and ‘cannot find resource matching the given name’ – do not duplicate
I opened my project in Android studio yesterday, and "unable to resolve symbols" can be seen everywhere as a descripti…… -
Android – show activity even if the phone is in locked mode
How can I wake an Android device up and skip the ScreenLock I want to display a dialog box from the broadcast receiver…… -
Android – converts a string array to an integer array
Since I couldn't find a simple way to convert a string array to an integer array, I looked for an example of the metho……