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Java – does creating a new thread have the side effect of refreshing the cache?
I wonder if creating a new thread in Java will trigger a cache refresh Suppose I do this in the following order: >T…… -
What is Java util. Random. O (n) of next (n)
I want to know Java util. Random. Is next (n) linearly proportional to N or a constant? Can someone help me with this …… -
How to find the time complexity of recursive methods in Java?
I can't fully grasp the concept of complexity. I want to know how to calculate it for method f (n) in this Code: impor…… -
java – httpURLConnection vs apache commons http
I just want to know if you have any problems using the Java default httpurlconnection class A bug that lets you switch…… -
Java – use jersey-spring3 to retrieve managed beans from the Jersey test container
This question is derived from the previous question specify custom application context We are using Jersey spring to b…… -
How to calculate a good hash code for a large list of strings?
What is the best way to calculate a hash code based on the value of these strings in a pass? OK, I mean, it needs to: …… -
Java – how to animate a gyro?
It's Hanukkah, and I'm trying to animate the Dreidel: I can make it rotate on its own axis This is my code: import sta…… -
Converting images to 2 colors in Java
I want to use java to convert the image to 2 colors, black and white I am converting to grayscale using the following …… -
Change the color of the panel title in Java Swing
I am running swing application on win7 with 144 DPI flat panel monitor The titles of my frame, options pane, etc. are …… -
Whether it is possible to have a common Java library module depends on the Android SDK in Android studio
In my multi - module Android studio project, I want to create a normal Java module But in this module, I also want to …… -
Java – Apache camel example inserts a row into a table
I want to exchange Insert body into the database table to get one of my routing conditions >Are there any sample / …… -
Java – how to read specific excel columns using Apache poi
I encountered an excel problem when using Apache poi I can read across lines, but sometimes I'm in a situation where I…… -
Use ‘STD:: vector’ containing incomplete types to recursively define and access’ boost:: variant ‘– libstdc vs libc
I tried to use the incomplete wrapper class and STD:: vector as my indirect technique to define and access the "recurs…… -
Java – jeooq does not generate Dao with flag set to true
I have refreshed my project, rebuilt it cleanly, searched for similar problems in stackoverflow with Google, read the …… -
A filled list with an empty vector causes its length to change
In the following code, I expect something of length 96, but I get a list of length 48 Can you explain the result? num_…… -
Pass Java map to C method using swig
I have a method defined in C: std::map<std::string,std::string> validate( std…… -
Java – passing ArrayList to a separate class?
I have a code to read from the SQL database and save each column of information to the ArrayList I need to pass each A…… -
Java – a rest service that accepts and returns objects How to write client?
I have announced two rest web services A simple return of an object Others accept one object and return another @XmlRo…… -
User interface – which is a better tool for BlackBerry application development?
Which GUI development option provides an optimized and faster GUI for BlackBerry applications? Solution There is no do…… -
Java – why the super class method?
class One { class One { public void doThing(One o) {System.out.println("One");} } class Two extends One{ public…… -
Why is java safe compared to other programming languages?
Java vendors and communities say that "Java is more secure than other languages." But I want to know what? If we look …… -
Java – why do I throw a NullPointerException
So it's a winter vacation for college, and I'm trying to be sharp in coding, so I just write the code of programs and …… -
Java – does hibernate / JPA consider transiant modifiers (not annotations)
I want to avoid serialization (in JMS / AMF), but still use JPA / hibernate to hold fields Is the transient modifier m…… -
Java – use the abstract init() function in the constructor of the abstract class
I have something like this: public abstract class Menu { public Menu() { init(); } protected abs…… -
Java – format date in function
I tried to format the date in the function interface, but I don't know if it is possible SimpleDateFormat dt1 = new Si…… -
Save Java BitSet to DB
Using JPA, I want to be able to save BitSet to the database and pull it back to the program Suppose I have: @Entity @T…… -
The spring repository method that returns the Java 8 stream does not close the JDBC connection
I have a spring data repository: @Repository interface SomeRepository extends CrudRepository<Entity,Long> { …… -
Java – use icons with jcheckbox
I have a swing application that I want to use with icons JCheck@R_244_2419 @I constructed the following icons: JCheck@…… -
Java – use graphics2d to draw images with sub-pixel precision
I'm currently trying to draw images on the screen at normal speed, just like in a video game Unfortunately, due to the…… -
java. Lang. internalerror: callersensitive comment expected in frame 1
In a static method (annotated with @ callersensitive), I try to get the name of the calling class: @CallerSensitive pu…… -
Java – should I override the hashcode () of the collection?
Given that I have a number of courses that cover a variety of areas: class MyClass { private String s; private…… -
Java – export jasperreports in HTML format
The following code gets a byte [] result, which is applicable to PDF and xlsx An exception was thrown for HTML JasperP……