The spring repository method that returns the Java 8 stream does not close the JDBC connection
I have a spring data repository:
@Repository interface SomeRepository extends CrudRepository<Entity,Long> { Stream<Entity> streamBySmth(String userId); }
I call this method in some Spring bean:
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 10000) private void someMethod(){ someRepository.streamBySmth("smth").forEach(this::callSomeMethod); }
I am using MySQL database When I run an application after some successful method calls, it throws an exception:
o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.sqlExceptionHelper : sql Error: 0,sqlState: 08001 o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.sqlExceptionHelper : Could not create connection to database server. o.s.s.s.TaskUtils$LoggingErrorHandler : Unexpected error occurred in scheduled task. org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: Unable to acquire JDBC Connection; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: Unable to acquire JDBC Connection
It seems that spring did not close the connection properly If I have changed the return value of the method to stream from stream, it will work properly
Update: spring boot version is 1.4 1.RELEASE
As reference documentation, clearly states, streams needs to be used with the try with resources block
In addition, by using the methods around the @ transactional annotation, it is ensured that the (read-only) transaction is kept open when the flow is consumed Otherwise, the default settings are applied and an attempt is made to free the resource when the repository method returns
@Transactional public void someMethod() { try (Stream<User> stream = repository.findAllByCustomQueryAndStream()) { stream.forEach(…); } }