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Java – is there any reason why some methods in file use Boolean values to indicate its success (not just throwing exceptions)?
The file class in java contains methods that use Boolean values to indicate the success of the operation being perform…… -
Java – copy excel tables using Apache poi
How do I use Java Se and Apache POI to copy an entire excel table into another excel table in the same workbook? Solut…… -
Java – my autoclosable Can the close () implementation detect potential exceptions?
When implementing autocolosable to use the Java 7 try with resources statement, I want to know if there are exceptions…… -
In Java, how to define the endian of the data being written when using dataoutputstream to write a file?
I am using dataoutputstream to write to the file, but I want to change the endian of the data This is how I write byte…… -
Java – Android WebView cookie returns null
I want to set and retrieve a cookie in WebView in Android I've tried many cookie manager scripts to try to make it wor…… -
Java – how do I call the default implementation of “toString”?
If toString is not defined, Java uses some hashes to print the class name If toString is defined, how to implement thi…… -
Java – ‘placeholder’ character to avoid positive comparison?
I'm studying codingbat exercises for Java I encountered the following problems: My code is like this: public int match…… -
Java – in SpriteBatch Nested shaperenders in begin / end begin / end
Whether shaperender can be used to draw shapes between the start and end calls of SpriteBatch I tried, but there was n…… -
Error converting date in Java
String date = jsonobject.getString("needbydate"); String date = jsonobject.getString("needbydate"); DateFormat df = ne…… -
Java – jsplitpane: is there any way to show / hide one of the panes?
I have a jsplitpane with two components a and B, but sometimes I want to be able to hide B to meet any of the followin…… -
Java 8 HashMap high memory usage
I use HashMap to store qtable to implement reinforcement learning algorithm My HashMap should store 15 million entries…… -
Java API streams collects streams in the map, where value is TreeSet
There is a student class with name, last name, age and getter Given a student object stream How to call a collect meth…… -
Java stretch icon fit button
I'm trying to resize my icon so that it covers the entire button and is in the center of the button When I try, it str…… -
Why does my java RSA encryption give me an arithmetic exception?
Yes Net, I generated the following public key file: <RSAKeyValue> <Modulus>xTSiS4+I/x9awUXcF66Ffw7tracs…… -
Java – cannot mask jar with Maven (invokespecial / static)
Complete error message: The jar file I tried to shadow is located in my own remote repository, using sonatype nexus Th…… -
Java – problem downloading file using content disposition
I want my program to have a pop-up window to save as a window option before the file starts downloading, but when I ru…… -
Java – how to draw images to JPanel or JFrame?
I have read the Oracle tutorial on how to draw images to JPanel or JFrame, but I can't seem to do it correctly I need …… -
java-8 – java. time. format. Datetimeparseexception: cannot parse text at index 3
I use Java 8 to parse the date and find the difference between the two dates This is my clip: String date1 ="01-JAN-20…… -
Java – a method to speed up full count sorting
I had a problem at hackerrank Due to timeout, my first attempt passed all test cases except the last one After failing…… -
Java – when to create an Enum instance?
I have a simple question about enumeration in Java. Please refer to the following code When to instantiate propname Co…… -
Bison java example
Does anyone know if there are some tutorials and / or examples of using GNU bison and java online I searched the Inter…… -
java – Collator plus Comparator
I have a bean collection optionitemdto (attribute tag and value), and I am now sorting by tag using such things: Colle…… -
Is it possible to get from javax naming. Initialcontext get “everything”?
See English answers > code to list all the entries in JNDI on remote machine Solution Check Javadoc and I can see L…… -
Java – NetBeans keep transferring Maven repository indexes, even if I have disabled it
Although I have set index update frequency to never: NetBeans often try to transfer Maven repository indexes, which co…… -
Array – how to use data Vector. Generic. Mutable?
How to sort long list data (string, floating point, etc.) read from large files Solution In general, how is this done …… -
Multithreading – is this a race condition?
Definition of competitive condition: racial condition or racial hazard is a defect in the system or process, in which …… -
How does Java – JFrame work? Deep inside, how does it draw things?
Usually, when I create a class, such as customer, I give it some data fields, that is, public int IDnumber; And some m…… -
Java – Excel read error: invalid header signature How?
I am uploading an excel file from my browser I'm using poi. Jar But get wrong The two JSP files I use are as follows: …… -
Does java have a static sequential initialization failure?
A recent problem here is to have the following code (and similar) to implement a singleton without synchronization pub…… -
Java – parent POM Invalid wrapper for XML, must be ‘POM’, but ‘ear’
Someone can suggest a solution, with the following exceptions I'm going to create a multi - module project The parent …… -
Java – how to configure my log4j (using GlassFish) login log directory instead of configuration?
My log4j The properties file has the following line: log4j. appender. logfile. File = MyApplication. log My log file a…… -
Multithreading – why is Google Chrome renderer multiprocessing rather than multithreading?
Every time I load browser tags in chrome on my Mac, the application forks out to another process This seems to work di……