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Java – create XML documents using NodeList
I need to create an XML document object using NodeList Someone can do it for me I've shown you the following code and …… -
Java – how to override object array attribute types in RAML 1.0
I have a common Java type, as follows: class Response<D> { List<D> data; } And want to create something …… -
JUnit – performs custom actions when the given mocked void method is called
When a given void method is called, I want mockito to perform a custom operation Say I have the following code: @Autow…… -
Java – HashMap means that even if it does exist, the key does not exist
I have an interesting problem. I'm sure it's HashMap's fault Consider the following debugging code (AMAP is the HashMa…… -
Java: catching specific exceptions
Say I have the following try{ //something }catch(Exception generic){ //catch all }catch(SpecificException se){ //catch…… -
AspectJ – execute call join point
I have two different aspect classes to calculate the number of non - static method calls that execute the test program…… -
Java – Maven: attach multiple artifacts
I have a maven project that uses some custom jars [not found in any repository] To add them with Maven builds, I use a…… -
Java code coverage tool that supports source code exclusion
I currently use clover to measure the code coverage of Java code One feature I rely on is the ability to exclude arbit…… -
Is this a new sort algorithm? [implemented in Java and pseudocode]
I know this may be a stupid question, perhaps the stupidest question today, but I have to ask: did I invent this sort …… -
Java – using cookies in struts 2 and struts
I have the following (shortened) struts 2 actions: public class MyAction extends BaseAction implements CookiesAware { …… -
Java – the location of the currently running class or jar file
I have a Lotus Notes database that is performing some interaction with remote web services I wrote a custom Java class…… -
Java – how to bind this service in Android?
This is the code in my activity Start the intention and connect, right? hello_service = new Intent(this,HelloService.c…… -
Why do we need abstract classes in Java?
Why do we need abstract classes in Java? If you will never be an object, why do you do it? How do you use it? Why is t…… -
Java – operator = = wrap differential behavior on class objects
Any body can explain what happened in my output static void main(String args[]) { Integer aa = Integer.valueOf("12…… -
Java – calling a method is faster when you initialize an object or save it as a variable and call the method
Suppose there is a classA class that gives the value I need through non - static methods If I only need the value of o…… -
How to generate RTF from Java?
I work on a web - based tool that provides customized printing At present, we use java to build an XML structure, prov…… -
Java – for a class that uses Jackson to execute collection, deserialization fails
I have the following JSON: { "item": [ { "foo": 1 },{ "foo": 2 } ] } This is basically an object that contains…… -
Java – use ebean to map a collection of strings and enumerations (play 2.0)
There was a problem mapping strings and enum collections in my entity I followed different advice, but it didn't seem …… -
Java – Android – disable the mylocation button on Google Maps
See the English answer > disable center button in mylocation at Google map API V23 I want to delete the mylocation …… -
Java – how to always display decimal parts when using decimal format?
Float sum = new Float(300); // always somehow calculated Float sum = new Float(300); // always somehow calculated Deci…… -
Java – why does the interface extend object according to the class file format?
Why does the JVM specification declare that the interface must have a super of Java / Lang / object_ Class, even if th…… -
Is it faster (or better) to declare array inlining in Java?
Consider the following two almost equal method calls Notice how byte arrays are declared and allocated on both void Me…… -
If there are multiple spaces in a string in Java, how do you group them into a single space between words?
If a string has multiple spaces between words: The cat sat on the mat. How d…… -
Java – read IOException from InputStream
When reading from InputStream on Android platform, I encountered a strange problem I don't know if this is an Android …… -
Java – image size supported by webcam
I am trying to retrieve the available picture size resolution supported by my webcam; Use opencv library I have tried …… -
JAVA memory usage increases when app is used, but will not decrease when it is not used
I have a Java application that uses a lot of memory, but memory usage does not decline when the program is not used Is…… -
Java – multi module project configuration based on spring MVC annotations
I implemented two Maven based independent web projects using spring MVC, hibernate and Jax rs Item 1: parent program &…… -
Java – large inner classes and private variables
One thing I've experienced several times is that a service class (such as JBoss service) has become too large due to t…… -
How to use the java7 file attribute APIs to get the digital groupid / userid?
I can use the following code to get the name of the file owner; final PosixFileAttributes basicFileAttributes = …… -
Java – Android Maven does not start the simulator
When I right-click My Android project and select run – > Android application The simulator is started and the chang…… -
JPA temporary information was lost during creation
I have an entity with a transient field When I want to create a new object instance, I lose my transient information T…… -
Java – what is mongodb’s jdbc driver class name?
In the case of MySQL, like com mysql. jdbc. Like driver, what is the jdbc driver class of mongodb? In Java code, you c……