Java – for a class that uses Jackson to execute collection, deserialization fails
I have the following JSON:
{ "item": [ { "foo": 1 },{ "foo": 2 } ] }
This is basically an object that contains a collection of items
So I did a deserialization class:
public class ItemList { @JsonProperty("item") List<Item> items; // Getters,setters & co. // ... }
Everything is fine until now
Now, in order to make my life easier elsewhere, I decided it would be good to iterate over the itemlist object and let it implement the collection interface
So basically my class became:
public class ItemList implements Collection<Item>,Iterable<Item> { @JsonProperty("item") List<Item> items; // Getters,setters & co. // Generated all method delegates to items. For instance: public Item get(int position) { return items.get(position); } }
The implementation works normally, very well However, deserialization has now failed
Jackson seemed confused:
I tried to add @ jsondeserialize (as = itemlist. Class), but I didn't
What can I do?
Obviously, it doesn't work because Jackson uses the standard collection deserializer as the Java collection type, and they know nothing about the itemlist property
It can make it work, but not in a very elegant way You need to configure objectmapper to replace the default collection deserializer on the manually created bean deserializer of the corresponding type I have written an example to do this in beandeserializermodifier for all classes that use custom annotations
Note that I have to override objectmapper to access objectmapper's protected method createserializationcontext to create the appropriate deserialization context because the bean modifier cannot access it
This is the code:
public class JacksonCustomList { public static final String JSON = "{\n" + " \"item\": [\n" + " { \"foo\": 1 },\n" + " { \"foo\": 2 }\n" + " ]\n" + "} "; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public static @interface PreferBeanDeserializer { } public static class Item { public int foo; @Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(foo); } } @PreferBeanDeserializer public static class ItemList extends ArrayList<Item> { @JsonProperty("item") public List<Item> items; @Override public String toString() { return items.toString(); } } public static class Modifier extends BeanDeserializerModifier { private final MyObjectMapper mapper; public Modifier(final MyObjectMapper mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; } @Override public JsonDeserializer<?> modifyCollectionDeserializer( final DeserializationConfig config,final CollectionType type,final BeanDescription beanDesc,final JsonDeserializer<?> deserializer) { if (type.getRawClass().getAnnotation(PreferBeanDeserializer.class) != null) { DeserializationContext context = mapper.createContext(config); try { return context.getFactory().createBeanDeserializer(context,type,beanDesc); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } return super.modifyCollectionDeserializer(config,beanDesc,deserializer); } } public static class MyObjectMapper extends ObjectMapper { public DeserializationContext createContext(final DeserializationConfig cfg) { return super.createDeserializationContext(getDeserializationContext().getParser(),cfg); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { final MyObjectMapper mapper = new MyObjectMapper(); SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule(); module.setDeserializerModifier(new Modifier(mapper)); mapper.registerModule(module); System.out.println(mapper.readValue(JSON,ItemList.class)); } }